
  1. 本文作者是苏格兰皇家银行首席中国经济学家,《新丝路》(thenewsilkroad)一书的作者

    The writer is chief China economist for the Royal Bank of Scotland and author of the new Silk Road

  2. 对于“新丝路”CEO李小白来说,唐雯是“东方美”的典型代表。

    For NSR 's CEO Li Xiaobai , Tang represents a typical " oriental beauty " .

  3. 她被指定为环球中国小姐且直接被新丝路推送至决赛。

    She was designated Miss China and sent to the competition directly by NSR .

  4. 新丝路职业模特培训学校是目前国内最具水准,并拥有模特等级培训资质的职业模特培训教学基地。

    With different level model-training licenses , Xinsilu professional model training school was the most standard training base in China .

  5. 2005年,刘雯参加了电视真人秀节目《新丝路模特大赛》,之后便开启了自己的模特生涯。

    She started her modeling career in 2005 after competing in the reality TV show New Silk Road World Model Contest .

  6. 作为北京新丝路模特机构的签约模特,唐雯每天都要花费12个小时的时间来准备即将到来的2010年环球小姐大赛。

    A model with the Beijing-based New Silk Road Modeling Agency ( NSR ), Tang is putting in 12-hour days in preparation for the upcoming 2010 Miss Universe Competition .

  7. 中国企业对许多塔吉克斯坦的大型公司和项目进行了投资,包括中泰新丝路纺织产业有限公司,这家公司是塔吉克斯坦最大的外汇收入出口商,以及杜尚别2号热电站,这个热电站解决了塔吉克斯坦长期存在的冬季能源短缺问题。

    Chinese companies have many large industrial enterprises or projects in Tajikistan , including Zhongtai New Silk Road Textile Industry Co. , Ltd. , the largest exporter in Tajikistan in terms of foreign currency earnings , and the Dushanbe-2 thermal power station , which solved the country 's long-existing problem of power shortages in winter .