
  • 网络The New Mutants
  1. 迪士尼的另外两部即将上映的电影——《新变种人》和《黑寡妇》——仍保持各自的上映日期(8月28日和11月6日)不变。

    Two of Disney 's other upcoming films , The New Mutants and Black Widow , remain with their respective release dates of August 28th and November 6th .

  2. 这位21岁的女演员将在8月2日上映的《新变种人》中扮演漫威漫画公司的终极变种人之一,拉恩·辛克莱尔,又名沃尔夫斯本。

    The 21-year-old actress will play one of Marvel Comics ' ultimate outsiders , Rahne Sinclair , aka Wolfsbane , in The New Mutants , due in theaters on Aug. 2 .