
  • New Year.;Happy New Year;a Good New Year
  1. 诸位,新年好!

    Happy New Year , everyone

  2. 新年好!

    Happy New Year !

  3. 《新年好》由肯尼思·麦凯勒演唱(传统曲目,改编者:奈特)

    ' A Good New Year ' , sung by Kenneth McKellar , ( Trad . , Arr. Knight ) .

  4. 祝您圣诞快乐,新年好!

    Best wishes for a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year .

  5. 伸长脖子等着观看大幅字幕:新年好

    And crane their necks to watch for @ Happy New Year

  6. 第39课圣诞愉快新年好!

    Lesson 39 A Merry Christmas and a happy New Year !

  7. 新年好!今天是新年的第一天!

    Today is the first day in the New Year !

  8. 以听为主,让学生练习“新年好”的表达。

    Encourage pupils to say " Happy New Year " to each other .

  9. 圣诞快乐,新年好!

    A Merry Christmas and a wonderful New Year .

  10. 祝你们全家新年好!

    Hi , Happy New Year to every family !

  11. 记者:您能用中文说新年好吗?

    Could you say " Happy New Year " in Chinese ? Xin Nian Hao .

  12. 祝新年好,圣诞快乐!

    Happy New Year and Merry Christmas !

  13. 圣诞快乐,新年好!圣诞节一年只有一次,但每次来临都带来喜悦。

    Christmas comes but once a year . But when it comes it brings good cheer .

  14. 大家新年好!恭喜发财!祝大家万事如意!

    Songyan , from Henan . Well , how about using Henanese to wish everyone a Happy New Year !

  15. 新年好!对你的思念象袅袅的轻烟不绝如缕,对你的祝福是潺潺的小溪伴随一生一世。

    Happy New Year ! Thoughts of you as the light smoke times , curl wish for you is gurgling streams with life .

  16. 我相信,我是第一个能够在就职当天祝福全体职员新年好的总干事。

    I believe I am the first Director-General who can take office and , on the same day , wish staff a happy new year .

  17. 陈艳卿祝愿大家在虎年当中虎气冲天,万事如意,合家欢乐,心想事成,节节高声。新年好。

    Chen Yanqing wish you were in the Year of the Tiger Tiger air sky and good luck , Carnival music , all wishes come true , steadily loudly .

  18. 这真是新年里好的开始。

    What a great way to start my new year .

  19. 这是新年很好的开始。

    This is a great start to the New Year .

  20. 在中国这里,我们自豪地代表重视家庭和团体观念的数以百万计的华裔美国人和各族裔的美国人,中国新年特别好地体现了这种观念。

    Here in China , we are proud to represent the millions of Chinese Americans and Americans of all heritages who appreciate the values of family and community that the Chinese new year embodies so well .

  21. 你们为什么不制作一个新年卡片?好主意。

    Why don 't you make a New Year card ? Good idea .

  22. 新年里一切都好。

    Everything is going well in the new year .

  23. 阿蒙德:我希望新年能带给我好运气。

    Armond : I hope that this new year will bring me better luck .

  24. 敬祝节日快乐,新年事事称心如意!好长一段时间他事事称心如意。

    With many good wishes for the holidays and the coming year ! For quite some time , everything fell into his lap .

  25. 老人家逢此情景却乐不可支,认为这是新年事事顺利的好兆头。

    They get such a kick out of this scene on the elderly that it is a good omen for the new year very well .

  26. 而豆腐音同“头福”,被视为能够为新年带来福气的好食材。

    Tofu is homophonic with " Toufu ( first fortune of the year ) , " so it is considered as a good food which brings happiness .

  27. 2019新年前夕,大家好!“岁月不居,时节如流。”2019年马上就要到了,我在北京向大家致以新年的美好祝福!

    Comrades , friends , ladies and gentlemen , Greetings to you all ! " Time stops for no one , and the seasons keep changing . " As we usher in 2019 , I 'd like to extend my New Year wishes from Beijing to you all !

  28. 在中国,新年的第一天要送给朋友好的祝福,希望在新年有好运气。

    In China , new year first day will send good wish to friends , hope have good luck in new year .

  29. 贺新年,庆佳节,恭喜发财!新年好,万事顺,事事如意!

    The New Year holidays , igawa , congratulation ! Happy New Year , all along , and all the best !

  30. 在新年的第一天,每人都穿上新衣服,走亲访友并且鞠躬祝福,为的是新年能有好运气。

    On the first day of the new year , everybody wears new clothes and greets relatives and friends with bows and congratulations wishing each other the best during the new year .