
  • 网络attraction;Total Soccer;here i am;top;Better Man
  1. 本文认为,《天下足球》是中国电视体育节目创新的一个标本,也是具有启示意义的一个范本。

    It believes that Total Soccer is a specimen of program invention and a typical example of inspiring significance .

  2. 1998战2000年赛季,齐达内果表示神怯而两次中选年度天下足球师长教师,那也是球员小我私家被授与的一项最有分量的声誉,jeandiesel。

    His banner seasons in1998 and2000 also led to the most prestigious award given to an individual player , the FIFA Player of the Year award , which he won in both those years .

  3. 实况世界之天下足球

    The world of WE

  4. 天下雨,足球赛因此而延期了。

    It rained and therefore the football match was postponed .

  5. 因为天下雨,足球比赛被取消了。

    It rained ; therefore the football match was put off .

  6. 尽管天下着雨,足球比赛还是继续进行。

    The football match continued in spite of the rain .

  7. 天下雨,所以足球比赛延期了。

    It rained , therefore the football match was put off .