
  • 网络Criminal investigation
  1. 乔治·H.W·布什的一名发言人表示警方已经展开刑事侦察。

    A spokesman for George H.W. Bush says a criminal investigation is underway .

  2. 在当前形势下,开展刑事侦察防范是加强刑侦工作的一项重要措施。

    In the current situation , implementing proactive reconnaissance in criminal investigation is one of the important measures to enhance the work of criminal investigation .

  3. 基于GIS的刑事侦察指挥系统总体设计

    Design of a Criminal Detecting Command System Based on GIS

  4. 结合刑事侦察工作的实际,提出了一种基于GIS的刑事侦察指挥系统设计方案,并对系统进行了总体设计与分析。

    Combined to the actuality of criminal detecting work , a criminal detecting command system based on GIS is put forward in the paper , and the design of the system is mainly analyzed .

  5. 新刑法在刑事侦察中的应用

    The application of the new criminal Law in the criminal scouting

  6. 它在安防、刑事侦察、产品质量检验等领域有着重要的应用。

    It has important significance in security-monitoring and quality examination .

  7. 这项研究可在刑事侦察中推广使用,以拓宽刑侦技术检验鉴定的范围。

    The technology can be used more widely in the area of criminal detection .

  8. 激光技术在刑事侦察工作中的应用

    The applications of laser in criminal investigations

  9. 依据残缺不全的受害人颅骨来实现受害人3维相貌复原是刑事侦察的关键的第1步。

    Based on the half-baked skull of the victim , it is most important for criminal reconnaissance to reconstruct the victim 's 3D appearance .

  10. 该系统在监控出入境关口、机场车站、机关大院、住宅小区、以及刑事侦察等场合有着广泛的应用前景。

    The system can be widely used in criminal identification , entrances of a building , an airport , a station , and so on .

  11. 美国司法部将对报告中提到的问题展开刑事侦察,报告中指出美国国税局对保守组织申请免税身份进行有针对性的额外调查。

    The justice department is ordering a criminal investigation into reports at the IRS targeted conservative groups for extra scrutiny , applied for tax exempt status .

  12. 激光质谱对纸上有机物作高灵敏度直接测定为某些特殊分析应用如安全检查、刑事侦察和食品卫生检查等提供了新方法。

    The method of laser MS in measuring organic compounds on fibrous paper provides a new analytical tool for some special analysis such as security check , forensic analysis , food sanitary inspection .

  13. 摘要与我国历来重实体、轻程序的法制传统相对应,在我国现阶段刑事侦察程序中程序性违法事件层出不穷。

    Due to our country 's legal tradition that stresses the entity and belittles the procedure , procedural illegal affairs emerge one after another in the present procedure of criminal reconnaissance in our country .

  14. 以科学发现、医疗诊断和刑事侦察等不同方面的应用实例提供了经验支持证据;在系统T′内作出了该推理逻辑形式的有效性判定。

    The paper provides theoretical supports from philosophical , psychological and logical studies as well as empirical ones from scientific discovery , medical diagnosis and criminal investigation , which gives a validity decision to reductive inference form in system T ′ .

  15. 首先,利用该方法实现了指纹特征提取和信息处理,这在国内尚属首次。因而,为刑事侦察提供了一种新的指纹识别与分析工具。

    To begin with , it is the first time to use this method for fingerprint feature extraction and information handling in our nation , therefore , a new fingerprint identification and analytical tool is applied for criminal investigation by using this method .

  16. 官方还表示,在这场今年8月开始的针对食品药品制造商与餐饮企业的全国专项整治中,共对626起刑事案件立案侦察。

    The authorities also said 626 criminal cases had been opened as a result of the national campaign of inspections of food and drug manufacturers and restaurants that was launched in August .