
  1. 关于刑事错案纠正过程中相关程序问题的思考

    Thoughts on the Relevant Process of Correction for Misjudged Criminal Cases

  2. 刑事错案的三重标准

    On the Triple Standards of Criminal Misjudged Cases

  3. 对于刑事错案这一概念的界定有多种方式。

    There are number of ways to define the concept of the wrongful conviction .

  4. 如何遏制刑事错案的发生是中外共同关注的一个重要课题。

    How to curb the incidence of wrongful convictions is a Chinese-foreign joint concern .

  5. 所以通过有效的预防机制减少刑事错案的发生是有必要的。

    Therefore , effectively prevention mechanism can reduce the occurrence of criminal wrong case .

  6. 刑事错案的存在虽然无法根除,但却并不意味着我们对于它的存在无能为力。

    Although it cannot be eradicated , this does not mean we can do nothing about it .

  7. 刑事错案的酿成对受害者的精神、财产甚至生命安全造成很大的危害。

    Misjudged criminal can cases cause great loss to mental 、 property 、 even life safety of the victim .

  8. 笔者认为,这一次又一次的刑事错案与司法机关工作人员在运行权力过程中滥用权力这一行为有必然的联系。

    Writer think , this continuously misjudged case were inevitably connected to abusing the power of workers during the process .

  9. 刑事错案的存在是人类认识的局限性以及多方面主客观因素共同作用之所在。

    The existence of the wrongful conviction is the consequence of human knowledge limitations and many other subjective and objective factors .

  10. 而目前出现的刑事错案,大多与讯问程序的侦查权失范具有直接关系。

    However , most of the wrongful cases have a direct relationship with the anomie of investigation power in interrogation procedure .

  11. 在此基础上,针对刑事错案中的证据问题,提出相应解决的对策。

    On this basis , this paper proposed to solve the corresponding countermeasures for the erroneous evidence in criminal misjudged case .

  12. 近年来,刑事错案不断见诸报端,严重破坏了法律的权威性。

    In recent years , criminal misjudged cases have been frequently reported , which undermines the authority of the law seriously .

  13. 本文以刑事错案认定研究为题,分四个部分进行论述。

    This paper is titled with the research of the criminal misjudged cases , and discussed the problem in four aspects .

  14. 古今中外,刑事错案总是司法领域难以禁绝、不可避免的现象。

    The criminal misjudged case is always hard to be completely eliminated , inevitable phenomenon at all times and in all countries .

  15. 我国学者对何为刑事错案的问题存在着认识上的严重分歧,这显然不利于发挥理论对司法实践的明确指导作用。

    The Chinese scholars diverge in their definition of misjudged ease and misjudged criminal case , which counteracts turning theory into judicial practice .

  16. 近年来,我国陆续曝光的一些重大刑事错案,引起了较强的社会反响。

    In recent years , a number of significant wrongful convictions have been uncovered in China , and thus caused strong social repercussions .

  17. 本文首先从刑事错案的概念、理论基础、构成等基础理论方面着手分析,从而对其有了全方位的界定。

    This article hooks from the pertaining to crime mistake case concept , theories basic and construction , thereby we gain an all-around grasp .

  18. 这是当前研究我国及域外刑事错案与证据认定现状关系的重要启发。

    That would be the most important inspiration from the study on the relationship of misjudged criminal cases and evidence problems from Chinese and the others .

  19. 刑事错案的发生严重损害了司法公正,危害了人民群众对法律权威的信赖。

    The occurrence of pertaining to crime mistake case injured the judicatory candor seriously , endangering people crowd to the law authority of in reliance on .

  20. 在民间组织推动模式中,本文选取美国的无辜者计划为代表详细阐述了该模式在纠正刑事错案中的作用。

    In folk organizations to promote the mode , this paper selects the United States represented the innocents plan describes its model role in correcting criminal crime .

  21. 不管何种模式,其最后都要诉诸再审程序中去解决问题,完善再审程序对纠正刑事错案至关重要。

    Whatever the pattern , its final will resort to a retrial procedure to solve problems , perfect crime in correcting criminal retrial procedure is very important .

  22. 文章从被害人、社会、司法机关、法律四个方面论述了刑事错案的危害性。

    The article discussed the hazard of the criminal misjudged cases from four aspects : the victims , the society , the judiciary , and the laws .

  23. 刑事错案的频频发生,严重损害了司法的公正性和权威性,降低了司法机关的公信力。

    Frequent occurrence of significant wrongful convictions may seriously damage the impartiality and the authority of the judiciary , and reduce the credibility of the judicial organs as well .

  24. 这一界定是为了使研究范围相对明确与集中,尽可能囊括各种为社会公众所认同的刑事错案类型。

    The above-mentioned demarcation is relatively clear to the research scope and focus , and includes a variety of recognized types of wrongful convictions as much as possible for the public .

  25. 尽管错案是对一国法律尊严和司法权威的损害,但是不可否认的是,刑事错案是刑事司法中客观存在的现象。

    Although the misjudged cases really do harm to the dignity of the national law and the authority of the justice , it is undeniable that the existance of the misjudged cases is an objective reality .

  26. 刑事错案的研究对维护我国司法权威、严厉的打击犯罪、维护社会稳定同时对伸张社会正义、维护无辜者的合法权益具有重要的意义。

    The research of misjudged criminal cases has very important impact in maintaining judicial authority , fighting against crime , keeping stability of the social and the lawful rights and interests of innocents to Stretching social justice .

  27. 审判阶段的刑事错案的出现对当事人合法权益的损害最为直接也最为严重,因而对其进行防范和制约也就更显必要和急迫。

    Criminal misjudged case which arises in the phase of adjudication does harm to the parties ' legal rights and interests directly and seriously , so it is necessary and urgent to be on guard and restrict the misjudged case .

  28. 从刑事错案的定义出发,分析了刑事错案的产生原因,主要有片面追求客观真实、刑讯逼供、审判人员的办案能力和对留有余地的误读等。

    From the definition , this part analyzes the causes of criminal misjudged case , including excessive pursuit of objective fact , extort confessions by torture , the case-solving ability of the judges and misreading of " Leave Some Leeway " .

  29. 笔者在文章第一部分总结西方国家的刑事错案纠正模式,将其总结为三种模式即:诉权救济模式、权力机关监督模式和民间组织推动模式。

    The author summarized in the first part of western country criminal crime correct mode , will its summed up as three patterns i.e. : litigation relief mode , and the legislative supervision mode and folk organizations to promote the mode .

  30. 因此,研究刑事错案就必须实实在在的从实证案例开始,从我国以往发生的每起典型的刑事错案分析原因、总结经验教训,并以此为契机来不断完善我国司法体制建设。

    Therefore , the research of misjudged criminal cases should be regarded from demonstrative case research . Focused on every misjudged criminal case , we should found the cause and summarize the experience in order to the improvement of our malpractice in system design .