
xínɡ shì zì sù àn jiàn
  • self-incriminating criminal case
  1. 刑事自诉案件范围研究

    Research on the Scope of Criminal Private Prosecution Cases

  2. 论刑事自诉案件范围的不足与完善

    On the Deficiency and Perfection of the Range of Case of Criminal Private Prosecution

  3. 刑事自诉案件审判程序若干问题探讨

    Judicial Procedure on Self - incriminating Criminal Cases

  4. 然而,司法实践中知识产权刑事自诉案件极其罕见。

    Nevertheless , private prosecution cases of intellectual properly right are rare in judicial practice .

  5. 关于审理刑事自诉案件的几个问题

    Lssues on Trying Criminal Private Prosecution Cases

  6. 刑事自诉案件范围是进行自诉首先必须面对和解决的至关重要的问题。

    The scope of private prosecution cases is the essential problem which must firstly be faced and solved in private prosecution .

  7. 刑事自诉案件中,被害人亦有作证资格,但对自诉人陈述的运用加以合理的限制。

    In the criminal private prosecution case , the victim also has testifies the qualifications , but stated to the private prosecutor utilization reasonable limit .

  8. 适用普通程序审理的被告人未被羁押的第一审刑事自诉案件,期限为六个月;

    The time limit is six months for hearing by using the ordinary procedure criminal cases of the first instance raised by a private party and of which the defendant is not yet under custody .

  9. 和解一词已经成为我国司法领域的关键词之一,其适用范围不应再仅限于民事、行政、刑事自诉案件。

    Reconciliation is a word that has been one of the keywords in the field of justice in China ; its scope of application should no longer be limited to civil , administrative and criminal private prosecution cases .

  10. 刑事自诉、公诉案件庭前审查程序比较

    Inspection Process of the Criminal Cases of Private Prosecution Prior to the Court Trial

  11. 我国刑事立法中自诉案件存在的不足主要表现为自诉案件范围过于宽泛,自诉与公诉转换条件模糊,因而自诉程序的价值难以发挥。

    In criminal legislation in China , the deficiency of the case of private prosecution lies in its wide scope and the ambiguity of transferring condition between private prosecution and public prosecution , which results in the value lose of private prosecution procedure .

  12. 1996年修正后的刑事诉讼法大幅度扩张了刑事自诉案件的范围,致使我国自诉制度在刑事起诉制度中的地位和作用明显得以提升。

    Criminal Procedure Law in 1996 has expanded the area of private prosecution so greatly that the position and role of private prosecution is promoted ostensibly .

  13. 我国法律上有关刑事和解的内容只见于现行刑事诉讼法关于自诉案件和附带民事诉讼的规定。对于公诉案件我国禁止和解。

    The current laws allow reconciliation only in private actions and incidental civil actions , and reconciliation is forbidden in public prosecution cases .

  14. 刑事起诉模式之我见&从我国三类刑事自诉案件看我国的刑事起诉模式刑事自诉案件研究

    View on the Mode of Criminal Prosecution & Considering the Mode of Criminal Prosecution from Three Kinds of Criminal Cases of Private Prosecution in Our Country

  15. 在现行法范围内,刑事和解的近期方案的设计可以以刑事自诉与交通肇事案件的调解制度为背景。

    In the current law , the design of recent program of victim-offender mediation can take criminal private prosecution and mediation system on traffic disturbance case as background .

  16. 但在刑事案件中无疑属于弱势群体的刑事被害人,尤其是刑事自诉案件中的被害人,其基本权益应该如何进行保护往往受到立法界和研究领域的忽视。

    But in criminal cases , how to protect the basic rights of the criminal victims , who are undoubtedly belonging to the vulnerable groups , especially those in the criminal case of private prosecution , is always neglected by the legislature and the field of study .

  17. 文章从刑事自诉中的法院、自诉人以及被告人三个方面入手,分析研究了三者各自的证明责任以及证明标准,以期对推进刑事自诉案件的研究有所裨益。

    Focusing on analyzing the court , private prosecutor , and defendant , this article studies the responsibilities and standard among these three parts , and expects to benefit the investigation of self-incriminating criminal cases .