
  1. 中国的DNA鉴定专家组以及中国国家卫生救援队人员帮助泰国人查找受难者的资料。

    The personnel of the DNA identifying expert panel and national medical rescue team of China are helping Thailand to search the victim 's information .

  2. 一些笔迹鉴定专家认为这部手稿出自莫泊桑之手。

    This manuscript has been attributed by some bibliotists to maupassant .

  3. 计算机辅助青铜器鉴定专家系统的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of Expert System for Computer Aided Bronze Identify

  4. 建立技术鉴定专家库;

    A database of experts for technical judgement should set up .

  5. 基于模糊推理的青铜器鉴定专家系统

    An expert system of bronze identity based on fuzzy reasoning

  6. 一位司法鉴定专家发现她的瘀伤与挣扎的痕迹一致

    A forensic expert found her bruising to be consistent with a struggle .

  7. 基于C/S结构的建筑安全鉴定专家系统的理论分析

    Theory analysis of an expert system for structure identification based on c / s structure

  8. 化学鉴定专家正往这来。

    Medical examiner 's on his way .

  9. 中国竹类害虫鉴定专家系统

    Chinese Bamboo Pests Identification Expert System

  10. 我们只好花1000英镑雇了法庭的一位笔迹鉴定专家,来证明这个签名是伪造的。

    We had to spend 1000 to employ a forensic writing expert to prove that the signature was faked .

  11. 本剧改编自横山秀夫的同名小说,主人公仓石义男是极有个性的刑事鉴定专家。

    The play was adapter from Hideo Yokoyama novel of the same name , meaning male protagonist Kuraishi highly individual criminal identification expert .

  12. 完善医疗事故鉴定专家辅助人及医疗事故鉴定人应出庭质证。

    Second , we should consummate the assist rules for authentication experts of medical accidents , and authentication appraiser of medical accidents should appear to testimony .

  13. 几乎所有的法医学鉴定专家都同意,必须采取一些措施来减少给予在医疗事故案件中获胜一方辩护律师的出庭费用。

    Almost all objective medical experts agree that something should be done to cut back the vast jury verdicts won by clever trial lawyers in medical-malpractice cases .

  14. 讨论了青铜器鉴定专家系统的不确定性推理方法,包括知识的不精确表示,推理规则的不精确表示,组合证据的不精确描述以及推理规则的更新。

    We discuss uncertainty reasoning method in Expert System of Bronze Identify , including knowledge representation uncertainty , rule uncertainty , multi-evidence uncertainty and updating of rule .

  15. 当前,传统的由笔迹鉴定专家人工进行笔迹鉴定的工作方法已难以满足目前工作量很大的笔迹鉴定要求。

    At present , the traditional manual by a handwriting expert for the working methods of handwriting identification has been difficult to meet the current workload of the handwriting identification requirements .

  16. 本文从我国的现状出发,结合英美法系国家专家辅助人制度的主要内容,针对我国建构刑事鉴定专家辅助人制度作了探讨。

    In this paper , the writer approach the subject about establishing expert auxiliary system , in the light of our present situation and combining the corresponding system of Anglo-American law family countries .

  17. 本文简要回顾了农业专家系统的发展历史、现状和趋势,分析了现有昆虫分类鉴定专家系统存在的功能简单、鉴定方式单一、效率不高的问题。

    The development history , current situation and trend of agriculture expert system were briefly introduced . The disadvantages of present insect identification expert systems , such as simple function and identification ways , and low efficiency , were also analyzed .

  18. 本文基于广东省房屋鉴定专家援助队赴汶川县城开展房屋鉴定工作所搜集整理的大量房屋震害图片和数据资料,对地震中所暴露出来的结构问题认真研究。

    The structural problem exposed by earthquake is carefully researched on the basis of large numbers of seismic damage pictures of structure and data files collected by housing forensic expert team of Guangdong province , which carried out structural appraisal work of wenchuan county .

  19. 我们理解,对于这项新鉴定,专家没有清晰的一致意见,公司在声明中说。

    We understand that there is no clear consensus of expertise on the new attribution , the company said in a statement .

  20. 诉讼中的当事人和司法鉴定的专家,虽然他们对经验法则的适用没有直接的决定权,但是他们间接参与经验法则的适用,对法官正确适用经验法则起着重要的保障和限制作用。

    Litigants and forensic experts indirectly involved in the application of the experience rule , and play an important role of protection and restriction when judge apply the experience rule .

  21. 国家科学仪器重点攻关项目热弹性红外图像安全检测系统于2002年11月29日在北京通过技术鉴定,专家一致认为是原创型,具有国际领先水平。

    Thermoelastic Infrared Image Safe Testing System is a key item of the national science instrument , and passed technique identify in Dec. 29 , 2002 . The experts uninfected that is an original creativity technique and international precedence level .

  22. 本文从鉴定人专家责任角度进行分析,提出在现行的制度框架下,鉴定人在鉴定过程中因故意或过失而提供的服务存在缺陷致人损害时,追究其专家责任。

    This article from the identification of the person who analyzes professional liability point of view , put forward in the framework of the existing system , an expert in the identification process due to intentional or negligent services provided by damage caused by defects , pursue their professional responsibility .

  23. 从本质上看,鉴定结论属于专家意见。

    Essentially , Appraisal conclusion is a sort of " expert opinion " .

  24. 鉴定结论与专家证言之比较

    Comparison Between Conclusive Appraisal and Expert Testimony

  25. 目前,我国民事诉讼领域主要是通过鉴定人+专家辅助人的制度来解决专业性问题的。

    Now , in the practice of Chinese civil action , we solute professional issues through " expert + expert assistant " .

  26. 医疗损害鉴定中的专家责任,是指鉴定人在鉴定过程中因故意或过失而提供的服务存在缺陷致人损害的民事责任。

    Medical malpractice professional responsibility in the identification , identification of the person is in the identification process due to intentional or negligent services provided by damage caused by defects of civil liability .

  27. 为更好理解专家证人的涵义,本文将专家证人与一般证人、鉴定人,专家意见与鉴定结论作了比较分析,避免理解上的混淆。其次,介绍了专家证人的产生。

    To comprehend the meaning of the expert witness more easily , the thesis is compared the expert witness , usual witness with the identifier , the comment of expert with identifying result .

  28. 鉴定会上,专家们指出这种方法优于其他方法。

    At the appraising meeting , experts stated this method was superior to others .

  29. 经鉴定委员会测试组专家测量后认为,在全视场(300mm×300mm)内,不管是边、角还是中心像均很圆,暗星像直径达018mm。

    In the whole field of view ( 30 × 30 cm ) from center to edge and corner , the images are round . The diameters of dim stars are 0.18 mm .

  30. 本文论述了一个鉴定古陶瓷的专家系统(简称ESAPP),给出了鉴定古陶瓷的方法&特征提取法,研究了各种可信度的计算公式,提出了一种新的不确定性推理方法及其相应算法。

    This paper presents an expert system for appraising ancient pottery and porcelain ( ESAPP ) . It describes an appraising method of extracting features , studies a computing formula for various certainty factors , and proposes a new uncertain reasoning method and its corresponding algorithm .