
  • 网络qualification process
  1. 鉴定可涉及到人员、产品、过程或体系。示例:审核员鉴定过程、材料鉴定过程。

    Qualification can concern persons , products , processes or systems . EXAMPLE Auditor qualification process , material qualification process .

  2. 档案鉴定过程中的价值悖论

    Value Paradox in the Process of Verification of Documents

  3. 介绍仿真水晶工艺品成分的鉴定过程。

    The process of the identification of an artificial crystal constituent was introduced .

  4. 目前,医疗事故技术鉴定过程中忽视了医务人员应有的地位。

    Currently , the technical appraisal process ignored the medical staff due status .

  5. 对鉴定过程中所涉及的检测、缺陷原因分析、责任认定和损失测算提出了看法。

    Some viewpoints on test , disfigurement analysis , responsibility cognizance and loss estimate in appraisal program are proposed .

  6. 计算机数据自身的脆弱性,使计算机取证信息的一致性问题成为计算机证据鉴定过程中的关键所在。

    The frangibility of computer data leads the integrity problem for computer forensics into the issue of computer evidence identification .

  7. 据《自然》杂志报道,研究者宣称他们使用了新的技术使基因鉴定过程大大加速。

    Reporting in the journal Nature , the researchers said they used a new technique that potentially speeds up gene identification .

  8. 钢结构腐蚀是影响钢结构耐久性的一个重要问题,也是建筑物安全鉴定过程中经常遇到的问题。

    Corrosion steel is an important issue of the durability of steel , but also the process of building safety appraisal problems often encountered .

  9. 笔者对最近工作中遇到的几种黄色仿翡翠玉石的鉴定过程进行了阐述,以引起消费者的重视。

    The identification procedures of several yellow imitation of jadeite encountered by the author recently is expatiated so as to draw attention of the customers .

  10. 工程质量事故鉴定过程中经常出现混凝土的强度指标合格,但构件破坏却比较严重的情况。

    In appraisal of construction failure it is very often that concrete strength meets standard , while damages to the structure members are very severe .

  11. 论文对在事故车辆制动系鉴定过程中存在的鉴定标准及其理解、鉴定方法、鉴定报告描述等诸多问题进行探讨。

    This paper focuses on the standard of brake system judgment of accident automobile judging method , judging standard , the description of judging reports and so on .

  12. 技术顾问制度的主要功能在于对鉴定过程的监督以及帮助诉讼各方审查判断鉴定结论,其职责涉及到案件中方方面面的技术问题,但不负责具体的鉴定工作。

    The function of the Assessor Institution is to supervise the procedure of the identification and help to appreciate the value of the identification conclusion . The Assessor Institution is a new thing .

  13. 在仿真试验和飞行试验的一体化试验鉴定过程中,仿真信息的作用越来越突出,仿真的可信度也越来越受到重视。

    During the process of weapon system appraisal integrated simulation test into missiles ' aviation test , simulation information plays a more and more prominent role and simulation credibility is emphasized once and again .

  14. 本文主要从电子战试验与鉴定过程和资源利用这两个重要方面分析美军电子战试验与鉴定的主要特点,得出对我军发展电子战试验与鉴定工作的启示。

    The paper briefly analyses the major features of the US military EW test and evaluation mainly from process and applications of test resources which are two important aspects to the EW tset and evaluation .

  15. 在事故鉴定过程中,运用唯物辩证法观点进行信息处理,有助于进一步认识事故碰撞的形态及时空变化,全面、多角度、多层次提升事故鉴定的质量和水平,为事故责任认定服务。

    Applying dialectical materialism view would help us to know the appearances of impacted accidents and the changes of space-time , improve the quality and level of identification by muti-angle and multistrata , service for concluding the duty of accidents .

  16. 通过对构件安全性等级的划分及其依据、构件可靠性鉴定过程中采用动态安全性等级、结构整体性能研究方法探索、构件连接的安全性等级等等的研究。

    Components through the security level of the division and its basis , the component reliability of the identification process using the dynamic security level , the overall performance of research methods to explore the structure , component connections , etc. of security level .

  17. 因而在整个司法鉴定过程中,难免由于各种原因出现鉴定错误的情况,从而造成一定损害后果,这时司法鉴定人就要承担相应的法律责任,包括民事责任。

    Therefore , during the whole process of judicial identification , errors of identification will always occur owing to a variety of reasons , which causes consequences of damage to some extent . Then , the judicial experts should bear corresponding legal responsibility , including civil liability .

  18. 结合无机化学实验中的硝酸盐热分解产物鉴定过程中存在的氧气验证现象不明显、二氧化氮气体污染严重的问题,探讨并试验了硝酸盐热分解产物的鉴定方法。

    There are problems that the phenomenon of oxygen identification being undistinguished , pollution of nitrogen dioxide being serious in the experiment of thermal decomposition of nitrate salts , therefore a facile identification method of products produced from thermal decomposition of nitrate salts is presented in this paper .

  19. 随着我们对PBR-UP的运用,我们已经获得缺陷鉴定审查过程的效力更深入的经验主义证据。

    As we have applied PBR-UP , we have been able to acquire further empirical evidence about the efficacy of the inspection process in the identification of defects .

  20. 鉴定发证过程中失范现象较为严重;

    Serious de-criterion phenomenon in identifying process and awarding certificate ;

  21. 在鉴定的过程中,特性限度和缺陷被暴露出来。

    In the process of evaluation , performance limitations and deficiencies are uncovered .

  22. 基因分型错误已成为目前分子标记检测(如痕量样品分析、法医学鉴定)过程中愈发受到重视的问题。

    Genotyping error has become one of important issues during the molecular marker detection studies , especially for the trace sample genotyping and forensic analysis .

  23. 合理地把握并应用结构的整体性能,在对结构进行可靠性鉴定的过程中有重要的意义。

    Reasonably grasps and the application structure overall performance , in carries on the reliability assessment to the structure in the process have the vital significance .

  24. 通过对大量突变体的分析可以描述复杂的发育系统的每一个组分,这样就能鉴定发育过程中每一个有贡献的组分的具体作用。

    By analyzing many mutants , each component of such complex developmental systems can be described and the role of each of the contributors to development determined .

  25. 本文通过结构安全性鉴定全过程的介绍,对砌体结构房屋结构安全性鉴定时应注意的问题进行了探讨。

    This paper approached the problems that should be pay attention in appraisal of structure safety of masonry house through introducing the whole process of structure safety appraisal .

  26. 通过具体工程实例,介绍工业厂房可靠性鉴定工作过程及一些经验体会,为可靠性鉴定工作提供一些参考。

    Based on an engineering example , this article introduces the procedure and experience of appraisal on industrial workshop reliability , and can be used for reference to appraisal on reliability .

  27. 该文章通过简述某工程结构安全性鉴定全过程,使人对整个安全性鉴定评级过程有比较清晰的概念,由抽象的概念转化为具体的工程实例。

    This article passes Chien says the some engineering construction safety authenticates the whole process , making person authenticating to whole safety rating process contain clear concept , from Abstract concept conversion is solid example in concrete engineering .

  28. 并用奥氏核效应(NOE)差谱法确定了该化合物的立体结构,为其结构鉴定和生产过程中的质量控制提供了重要依据旋转坐标系同核NOE差谱

    The results will provide basis for quality control of the compound in its production process . A NOE DIFFERENCE EXPERIMENT IN ROTATING FRAME

  29. 总结出工业建筑可靠性鉴定的具体过程。

    Summarized the specific reliability evaluation of industrial building process .

  30. 荔枝霜疫病的研究Ⅰ.病原菌的鉴定及其侵染过程

    On downy blight of Litchi chinensis sonn.i.the pathogen and its infection process