
méi shī huó
  • Enzyme inactivation;enzyme deactivation
  1. 增大表面活性剂浓度,可以适当减小pH对萃取率的影响,但酶失活增加。

    When AOT concentration is increased , the effect of pH on extraction rate drops but inactivation rate rises .

  2. 菠萝蛋白酶力入B-1稳定齐后,酶失活速率常数变刁,半衰期延长,活化能增加,从而使酶的稳定性提高。

    By adding of B-1 , the inactivation rate constant of Bromelain becomes small , the half-life is prolonged and the activation energy increases , indicating that the stability of Bromelain can be improved by B-1 .

  3. 加热温度高,Vp值增加速率快,使过氧化物酶失活的时间大大缩短。

    At the higher heating temperature , V p value increased quickly , which significantly shorted the time of the loss of the peroxides activity .

  4. MDA的增加表明活性氧增多,活性氧通过使酶失活和膜伤害抑制细胞生长,使细胞内糖利用减少,可溶性糖含量增加,进而反馈性地抑制光合作用。

    Enzyme 's inactive and membrane damage caused by active oxygen inhibit cell growth , as a result soluble carbohydrate 's consumption decreased and its content increased , the soluble carbohydrate inhibit the photosynthesis through feedback inhibition .

  5. 介绍了食品加工中压热声处理(MTS)对酶失活的影响,阐述了温度、压力、振幅和介质等因素对MTS失活酶的影响。

    The effects of manothermosonication ( MTS ) on enzymes in food processing and the effects of temperature , pressure , amplitude , and medium on MTS are introduced and discussed .

  6. 结果发现,PEG甲苯体系中复合物的形成比PEG水溶液中复合物的形成慢4倍左右,并且在PEG甲苯体系中,复合物很不稳定,导致了酶失活。

    It was found that the formation of HRP ⅱ is about 4 times faster in PEG water solution than that in PEG toluene solution , and HRP ⅱ is more unstable in PEG toluene solution which leads to enzyme inactivation .

  7. 当温度较高时,酶失活过程处主导地位。

    Loss of enzyme activity was predominant at high temperatures .

  8. 这是由于菲污染处理组植物体内酶失活,代谢过程受阻所致。

    The metabolic process was blocked because of the enzymes inactivated in treatment groups .

  9. 超滤过程的酶失活

    Enzyme inactivation during the ultrafiltration process

  10. 通过对结构中部分突变位点处结构的模拟对比,从理论上初步推测了酶失活的机制。

    By comparsion of analog structure of part of the active site , the mechanism of enzyme inactivation was explained preliminary .

  11. 对于绿茶,新鲜的茶叶在揉捻和干制以前先经加热或汽蒸,使酶失活。

    For green tea , the fresh leaves are heated or steamed to inactivate enzymes before they are rolled and dried .

  12. 老化晶状体中蛋白质翻译后修饰和蛋白质去折叠增加,最终导致蛋白质凝聚和酶失活。

    Increased post-translational modification of proteins and unfolding of proteins eventually result in the aggregation of proteins and the inactivation of enzymes .

  13. 利用对玉米胚芽的水热预处理,使其中天然存在的酶失活并使结构疏松,油路疏通。

    By applying hydrothermal pretreatment of corn germ , it was possible to inactive native enzymes present in the germ and loosen its structure .

  14. 在高浓度盐酸胍下酶失活主要是因为酶二聚体迅速解离成单亚基的过程和单亚基构象逐渐变化的缓慢过程。

    The inactivation of aminoacylase in guanidine solution was caused by rapid dissociation of dimer into monomer which was then slowly changed into a stable conformation .

  15. 目的:观察肌肽对糖皮质激素诱导的白内障形成和Na+-K+ATP酶失活的保护作用。

    · AIM : To investigate whether carnosine can inhibit cataract formation and protect Na + - K + ATPase against inactivation induced by a glucocorticoid .

  16. MTS处理过程中多数酶的失活速率随温度升高而增大,且失活效率比热处理高;

    MTS inactivation increases with increasing temperature for most kinds of enzymes , and is faster than heat inactivation .

  17. 随NEM浓度的增加酶的失活速度加快。不同效应剂对酶的NEM失活具不同影响。

    The rate of inactivation increased with increasing concentration .

  18. 青豌豆在95℃热烫5min,过氧化物酶完全失活,脂肪氧合酶仍有8%左右的残余活性。

    When green peas were blanched for 5 min. at 95 , the peroxidase was completely inactivated ; and the activity of residual lipoxidase was about 8 % .

  19. 采用两步失活动力学模型拟合了酶的失活过程,得到了失活速率常数和半衰期,结果加入海藻糖和乳糖之后,MIE的半衰期分别增长了31和23倍。

    ' Two-step deactivation ' model was employed to fit the deactivation kinetics of MIE . Also , the deactivation rate constant and the half-life were obtained . In the presence of trehalose and lactose , the MIE half-lives increased 31 - and 23-fold , respectively .

  20. 酶的失活速度表现为拟一级反应动力学特性。

    The inactivation reaction of the enzyme by this reagent followed pseudo-first-order kinetics .

  21. AOT/异辛烷反胶束萃取纯化胰蛋白酶及酶变性失活问题的解决

    Purification of Trypsin by Using AOT / Isooctane Reverse Micellar Extraction and Overcoming Denaturation and Precipitation in the Process

  22. 当镉存在并且达到30摄氏度时,大量的酶功能失活了,这说明存在氧化损伤。

    In the presence of cadmium and at30 degrees centigrade , significant quantities of the enzyme were disabled , indicating oxidative damage .

  23. 通过实验得出了恒容热过程中酶的失活动力学模型,并在此基础上建立了浓缩过程中的失活动力学模型。

    The inactivation kinetics model in the constant volume heat process was then obtained and based on it , the kinetics model during .

  24. Ca2+和底物可减少修饰酶的失活;

    Ca2 + and substrate can prohibit from the activity loss of modified enzyme and improve the fluorescence intensity compared with the control of the modification enzyme .

  25. 稀水溶液中氧化还原酶辐射失活和后失活及保护效应的研究Ⅰ.&稀水溶液中过氧化氢酶辐射失活及保护效应

    Study on radiation-induced deactivation and Post-Deactivation of some oxidoreductases in dilute aqueous solution and protective effect ⅰ . radiation-induced deactivation of catalase in dilute aqueous solution and protective effect

  26. 游离酶易失活,难回收等缺点以及食品级酶的昂贵价格使果汁的生产成本增加。

    For the difficult recovery and unstable characters , free enzyme is hard to treat apple juice , on the other hand the astonished price prevents purified enzyme from industrialization .

  27. 反胶束萃取是一项新的分离技术,不仅具有高选择性,而且不易使酶蛋白失活,在提取纯化生物活性物质方面具有巨大的工业应用潜力。

    Reversed micellar extraction was relatively new separation technique which could provide high selectivity and make less inactivation of enzyme , thus being highly potential for recovery and purification of bioactive products .

  28. 最适反应温度为55℃,温度高于60℃,酶的失活加剧。重金属离子和尿素对壳聚糖酶有较强的抑制作用,Ca~(2+)对酶具有一定的激活作用。

    The optimal reaction temperature is 55 , and the chitosanase is tend to lost its activity when the temperature get higher than 60 . Heavy metal ions and urea have relatively strong inhibition effect , while Ca2 + has activation effect to some extent .

  29. 结果为:(1)H2O2和抗坏血酸-Fe(Ⅲ)使该酶不可逆失活;

    The results showed as ( 1 ) the enzyme was irreversibly inactivated by H2O2 and ascorbate-Fe (ⅲ);

  30. 不同温度保温1h后,测定酶的半失活温度为47.7℃,酶的pH稳定性也进行了研究。

    The temperature of remaining half enzyme activity after incubated 1h was 47.7 ℃ . Xylanase pH stability was also studied .