
  • 网络standard;Certified;Accreditation Standard
  1. 建立作物品种DNA指纹库并制定相关的鉴定标准,是一条从根本上规范我国种业市场的有效途径。

    It is a effective way to normalize the seed market radically that establish the DNA fingerprint database of crop varieties and the relevant variety identification standard .

  2. 现行《危险房屋鉴定标准》(JGJ125-99)采用构件、房屋组成部分和房屋整体三层次四等级的模糊综合评判方法,具有思路清晰明了,操作简单易行的优点。

    The existing Standard of Dangerous Building Appraisal ( JGJ125-99 ) has clear mind and easy to realize by adopting the fuzzy comprehensive evaluation comprising three aspects and four grades such as components , building parts and the whole building .

  3. 依赖性派生玉米品种DNA指纹鉴定标准研究

    Studies on the Criterion of Derived Maize Variety Identification Using DNA Fingerprint

  4. 以细胞角蛋白8(K8)免疫组化染色阳性为汗腺发生及成熟的鉴定标准。

    The development and maturation of sweat gland were identified by the positive staining of keratin 8 with immunohistochemistry .

  5. 结论以ADR伤害的特点为基础的量化分级方法基本符合我国现有国情,可以作为ADR补偿救济制度鉴定标准的参考。

    Conclusion The grading method of ADR based on the characteristics of injury accords with the condition of China , and can provide reference for making up the compensation system of ADR injury .

  6. 目前,中国及国际上通行的小麦品种DUS鉴定标准主要是建立农艺性状的基础上,鉴定结果容易受环境因素的影响,而且周期较长。

    At present , China and internationally accepted standards for wheat varieties DUS testing is mainly based on some morphological traits , developmental traits , quality traits and resistance-shaped , and identification of the results susceptible to environmental factors , and the cycle longer .

  7. 我国《建筑抗震鉴定标准》(GB50023-95)自1995年颁布实施已近十年,其设防目标、鉴定方法等方面尚存诸多不尽合理之处,亟待重新修订。

    Standard for seismic appraiser of building ( GB50023-95 ) has been promulgated and put in practice for a decade . Irrationality of fortification object and appraiser method exists in the standard . So the standard should be revised urgently .

  8. 再次,设立审计鉴定标准;

    Again , establish the audit appraisal to settle the standard .

  9. 关于《危险房屋鉴定标准》一个问题的讨论

    Discussion about a problem of standard of dangerous building appraisal

  10. 中国抗震鉴定标准概述

    A General Description of the Standards of Earthquake Resistance Assessment in China

  11. 司法鉴定标准化问题研究

    Research on the Question of Standardization of the Forensic Authentication

  12. 关于形象证据鉴定标准的研究

    A study on the Criteria of Appraisal of Pattern Evidence

  13. 关于我国植物检疫性有害生物分子鉴定标准化的思考

    Prospect on the Molecular Identification Standardization for Plant Quarantine Pests in China

  14. 室外给水排水工程设施抗震鉴定标准

    Standard for seismic assessment of outdoor water supply and sewerage engineering facilities

  15. 离合词的鉴定标准。

    Chapter three 、 The standard of the discontinuous words .

  16. 汽包锅炉主参数调节品质的鉴定标准探析

    On Judgement criteria of Control Quality of Drum Boiler 's Main Parameters

  17. 形容词独立存在的鉴定标准

    The Criteria for the Independent Existence of the Adjectival Category

  18. 文件鉴定标准体系的研究

    Study on the Standard System for Forensic Document Examination

  19. 对当前指纹鉴定标准适用情况的分析

    The Analyse on Problem of Standards in Fingerprints Identification

  20. 目前胚胎干细胞常规的建系和培养技术已很成熟,并有一套国际公认的鉴定标准。

    Current techniques for derivating and culturing embryonic stem cells are very mature .

  21. 文书司法鉴定标准化的艰难道路应当顺势拼闯

    The Road to the standardization of Questioned Document Examination

  22. 教学档案价值鉴定标准刍议

    An Inquiry into the Standard of Appraisal of the Value of Teaching Archives

  23. 工业厂房可靠性鉴定标准

    Standard for reliability evaluation of industrial factory buildings

  24. 水稻亚种间广亲和性鉴定标准的研究

    Studies on the Identifying Standard for Wide Compatibility Varieties ( WCVs ) in Rice

  25. 对现行人体损伤鉴定标准若干条文的再认识

    Further Explanation of Some Controversial Items in the Present Criterions of Body Injury Degree

  26. 工业构筑物抗震鉴定标准

    Standard for earthquake-resistant evaluation of industrial constructional structures

  27. 小麦品种田间鉴定标准性状的系统研究

    A systematic study on standard morphological traits for identification and discrimination of varieties in Wheat

  28. 石油化工设备抗震鉴定标准

    Standard for aseismic evaluation of petrochemical equipment

  29. 第三章主要研究《战国策》的性质形容词,包括性质形容词的鉴定标准,下位分类,语法功能等问题。

    Chapter Three mainly studies qualitative adjective , including judging criteria , classifications and grammatical functions .

  30. 关于水泥中碱含量和集料碱活性鉴定标准的商榷

    Approaches to the Alkali Contents in Cement and the Test Standards of Alkaline Reactivity of Aggregates