
  • 网络trace evidence
  1. 痕迹物证影像的背景干扰的排除方法

    Elimination of Interference from the Background of a Trace Evidence Object Image

  2. 森林火灾的现场勘查具有发案时间的季节性、起火部位的特定性、痕迹物证的外延性等特点。

    Forest fire takes on the characteristics of seasonal outbreak , particular occurring place and spreading trace evidence .

  3. 彩色透明正片,即彩色反转片,以C-41工艺冲洗.可获得反差大、色饱和度高的负像,对于鉴别犯罪现象的痕迹物证极为有效。

    Color Diapositive Film , i. e. color reversal film , can be processed with C-41 yielding a negative image performing higher contrast and higher color saturation very efficient for identifying traces of material evidence at crime site .

  4. 汽车火灾中电气故障痕迹物证的分析研究

    Study of analyzing mark evidence of electrical failure on automobile fire

  5. 论平面痕迹物证扫描采集的优越性

    On advantage of collecting the plane trace material evidence with Scan-maker

  6. 多功能痕迹物证摄影仪的设计

    The Design of Multi-Functional Photographic Equipment of Trace Mark Evidence

  7. 试述电气火灾痕迹物证技术鉴定程序

    Discussion on technical determination program of electrical fire physical evidence

  8. 数码相机在痕迹物证照相中的应用

    On the application of digital cameras in the mark inspection

  9. 火灾痕迹物证多媒体软件的研制

    Development of Multi-media Software of Fire Trace Material Evidence

  10. 对现场外围痕迹物证的研究和分析

    Study arid Analysis of the Trace and Material Evidence of the Scene Periphery

  11. 喷汽式电熨斗火灾痕迹物证鉴定技术的研究

    Study on fire patterns identification technology jet electric iron

  12. 爆炸现场痕迹物证的综合运用

    Comprehensive Application of Trace Evidence in Explosion Spot

  13. 浅谈常见火灾痕迹物证对火场温度的证明作用及其意义

    On the Proving Role and Significance of Evidence of Frequent Fires on the Fire Temperature

  14. 高压铝导线痕迹物证鉴别及引起火灾可能性的探讨

    Estimation for evidence of aluminum conductor with high voltage and study for possibility of ignition

  15. 残缺、模糊痕迹物证在一起命案现场分析与重建中的应用

    The Analysis for Fragmentary and Ambiguous Evidence at the Scene of Murder and its Use in Reconstruction

  16. 试论我国的商检制度数码相机在痕迹物证照相中的应用

    On China 's System of Commodity Inspection On the application of digital cameras in the mark inspection

  17. 同时指出电气火灾原因认定与痕迹物证技术鉴定的相互关系。

    It is shown that there is some relationship between the cause of electrical fire and trace identification .

  18. 刑事图像技术是刑事科学的重要组成部分:是检验、固定痕迹物证的一种方法。

    Forensic image technology is an important part of forensic science and a method of testing and fixing trace material .

  19. 略论导致犯罪现场及其痕迹物证形态变化的因素

    Talk about in terms of causing the factor that the scene of a crime and mark material evidence form change

  20. 方法比较相同条件下使用普通照相方法与光谱成像方法拍摄多种痕迹物证的效果。

    Methods The images obtained from the spectral imaging analysis were compared to the results of currently used techniques and methodology .

  21. 本文介绍了火灾痕迹物证多媒体软件的研制过程及软件的体系结构和技术性能指标。

    The paper introduces the developing procedure of the multi-media software of fire trace material evidence and its structure as well as some technical performance criteria .

  22. 犯罪现场所寓含的犯罪信息十分丰富,除了那些有形的痕迹物证外,还包括很多潜在的隐性犯罪信息。

    The crime information contained on crime spot is very rich , including not only the tangible material evidence of trace but also much potent hidden crime information .

  23. 足迹是犯罪现场中遗留率较高的痕迹物证之一,在刑事案件的侦破中具有重要的参考价值。

    Footprints are very important traces of evidences and easily found in the criminal cases , which have important reference value in the investigation and detection of criminal cases .

  24. 该支架与像机配合,可以快速而完整地拍取各类物体上遗留的种种痕迹物证。

    The support for taking the photograph near is matched with the camera to rapidly and completely take the traces and the evidences which are left on various objects .

  25. 交通肇事逃逸案件中的痕迹物证是指在交通事故发生后遗留在肇事现场的或从现场带走的能证明事故真实情况的反映形象痕迹及相关痕迹的载体和物品。

    Traces evidence in the fleeing accidents means the media or objects which are leaved at the crime scene or can be taken to show the fact of the accidents .

  26. 同时,在微量物证与痕迹物证一般关系的基础上,创新的提出了当二者通时出现时的利用原则。

    Meanwhile , traces of trace evidence and physical evidence on the basis of general relations , the proposed innovation occurs at the same time when the use of two principles .

  27. 文章阐述了全面细致地勘查现场的重要性,而有效地提取痕迹物证并加以综合利用是侦查破案的关键。

    This article studies the importance of careful crime scene investigation and advances that the key to solving criminal cases is to obtain effectively the marked exhibits and make early use of them .

  28. 最后,在结语部分中对本文的主要论点进行了总结,并提出了微量物证与痕迹物证在具体问题中存在的复杂性。

    In the conclusion section , the main argument of this paper are summarized , and made signs of trace evidence and physical evidence on specific issues in the complexity of the relationship .

  29. 斯诺复杂化的过程中找到痕迹物证,以及回收的子弹及子弹,它要困难得多投脚印象大雪比在土壤或沙子。

    Snow complicates the process of finding trace evidence as well as recovering bullets and cartridges , and it is much more difficult to cast foot impressions in snow than it is in soil or sand .

  30. 在第三部分中,本文结合微量物证与痕迹物证的一般关系,着重对微量物证具体常规痕迹物证间的综合利用进行了具体分析。

    In the third section , this paper traces of trace evidence and physical evidence of the general relationship , the specific summary of the trace evidence with the conventional method of utilization between Trace Evidence .