
jiàn dìnɡ shì yàn
  • Qualification test;identity test
  1. 原料通常需要做鉴定试验和其它的检测以确定它们是否满足适当的质量标准。

    Raw materials are usually subjected to an identity test and additional testing to determine if they meet appropriate specifications .

  2. 本文介绍了5~46kV交联聚乙烯绝缘电缆鉴定试验(Qualificationtest)的试验程序、性能要求及试验方法。

    This paper presents the test programme , performance requirements and test methods for the qualification test of 5 46 kV XLPE cables .

  3. 新工艺合成促进剂CZ的鉴定试验

    Appraisal Test of Accelerator CZ Synthesized in New Technology

  4. 利用弹射弹单元试验数据和全弹鉴定试验数据,应用多层Bayes可靠性评估方法对某弹射弹的可靠性进行了估计,评估结果为该弹射弹的可靠性达到了0.996。

    The reliability of a cartridge of ejector is estimated by hierarchical Bayes reliability estimation method , based on whole cartridge of ejector test data and its unit test data .

  5. 目的为了缩短疑难配血、新生儿溶血病母婴血型不合抗体检测及Rh血型不完全抗体鉴定试验时间。

    Objective To shorten the time of the serological test for difficult blood matching , antibody determination in maternal fetal blood group incompatibility with neonatal hemolytic disease and identification of incomplete antibody for Rh blood .

  6. 根据野战C ̄3I系统的特点,提出了功能级的划分,论述了试验的原则及失效的分级,为C ̄3I系统可靠性鉴定试验提供了较具体的实施方法。

    According to the characteristic of field C  ̄ 3I system , the author proposes the classifi-cation of function levels , and discusses the test principle and failure classification , as pro-viding a quite concret implementing method for qualification test of C  ̄ 3I system reliability .

  7. 利用宁RS-1为亲本,育成了多个双低油菜新品系以及宁杂花叶等双低抗病杂交油菜新组合,在各级产量鉴定试验中均表现良好。

    Ning RS-1 had been used as a parent to breed some new double low rapeseed lines and hybrids , which performed well in various yield test trials .

  8. 复杂光电系统可靠性鉴定试验方案研究

    Research into Testing Scheme of Reliability Qualification of Complex Optoelectronic Systems

  9. 手工打结地毯的打结类型鉴定试验法

    Testing methods for determination of types of knots in hand-made carpets

  10. 小子样产品可靠性鉴定试验等效方案研究

    Research of equivalent programme about small number sample reliability qualification test

  11. 某型飞机火控计算机等可靠性鉴定试验及分析

    Reliability Evaluation Experiment and Analysis of an Aircraft Fire Control Computer

  12. 发动机鉴定试验用新型自动测控系统

    A New Measuring & Control System for Engine Appraisal Test

  13. 某型岸用雷达可靠性鉴定试验

    The Reliability Evaluation Test of Certain Type of Radar in the Coast

  14. 废水厌氧生物鉴定试验新装置

    A New Experimental Set up for the Anaerobic Bioassays of Waste Water

  15. 最大熵先验下成败型产品成功率的鉴定试验方案

    Reliability Qualification Test in Binomial Case Based on Maximum-entropy Priors

  16. 41份紫花苜蓿抗旱鉴定试验研究

    Study and Appraisal of Drought Resistance Capacity of 41 Different Alfalfa Cultivars

  17. 增大通过鉴定试验概率的方法

    How to Improve the Pass Probability in Reliability Qualification Test

  18. 番茄砧木品种材料抗青枯病接种鉴定试验

    Inoculation and identification of tomato stock varieties or materials resistant to wilt

  19. 东风(12)型机车的运用、鉴定试验及进一步改进

    Application , authentication tests and further improvements of DF_ ( 12 ) locomotives

  20. 秦岭电厂1号机通流部分改造鉴定试验

    Appraisal Test of Retrofitted Flow Part at Unit 1 , Qinling Power Plant

  21. 奶牛乳腺成体干细胞的体外分离培养及鉴定试验

    Isolation and Culture and Identification Test of Cow Mammary Stem Cells in vitro

  22. 中和剂鉴定试验方法评价

    Evaluation of the test method for appraisal of neutralizer

  23. 几种废水特性鉴定试验方法的比较研究

    A Comparative Study on Different Methods for Wastewater Characterization

  24. 本文介绍了一种关于小子样产品的可靠性鉴定试验等效方案。

    This paper describes a equivalent programme about small number sample reliability qualification test .

  25. 电子干扰设备可靠性鉴定试验的探讨

    Reliability Qualification Test for the Electronic Jamming Equipments

  26. 关于元件失效率等级鉴定试验的一种贝叶斯方法

    A Bayesian method for the evaluation of levels of the failure rates of components

  27. 水稻新品种异地生态鉴定试验丰产性、稳产性研究

    The High Yield and Stability Study of Ecological Identification Experiment on New Rice Varieties

  28. 结论,改进的中和剂鉴定试验结果符合设计要求。

    Conclusion : The results of modified neutralizer appraisal test fulfilled the design requirement .

  29. 电子测量仪器的可靠性鉴定试验

    Reliability Qualification Test for Electronic Measuring Instruments

  30. 适合我国东北寒冷地区栽培的桑树品种鉴定试验

    Identification Trials on Mulberry Varieties Suitable for Growing in the Cold Area of Northeast of China