
  1. 诺埃尔·巴雷特(NoelBarrett)是古董玩具经销商,也是电视节目《鉴宝路演》的常客,他表示,如果这个门类有什么真正意义上的先驱,那便应该是在19世纪60年代到二战期间流行的铸铁存钱罐(cast-ironmechanicalbank)了。

    If there are any true forerunners to this genre , said Noel Barrett , an antique-toy dealer and " Antiques Roadshow " regular , they would probably be the cast-iron mechanical banks popular from the 1860s to World War II .

  2. 与马未都一起走红的还有各种形式的鉴宝收藏类节目,收视率居高不下。他们是中国收藏持续升温的最好例证。

    Also constantly ahead in the ratings were other programs on antique appreciation , giving testament to the increasing fad for antique collection .