
  • 网络Editor's note;Editors note;Editorial
编者按 [biān zhě àn]
  • [editorial note] 编者按语

  1. 编者按的写作及语言特色但是发表的社论太少也会影响社论重要性的发挥。

    The Writing of Editorial Notes and Their Language Features But the poor editorial will have impact on the latter .

  2. 该文章的编者按提到,还不清楚该研究结果是否适用于其他人群,因而尚需进一步的研究。

    It 's not clear if the study 's findings apply to other groups of people , so further studies are needed , notes a journal editorial .

  3. 编者按:虽然BIS组比M组的哮喘控制率更高,但由于孟鲁司特服用方便,有时可能更有优势,特别是对年幼的哮喘患者。

    Editor 's comment : While BIS improves asthma control better than M , the ease of use of the latter sometimes may be advantageous , particularly in young children .

  4. 编者按:本专栏的每一期将交替地提供讲述BPEL4WS背后的概念的系列和讲述如何从技术上实现这些概念的系列。

    Editors note : This column will alternate with each issue between the series on concepts behind BPEL4WS , and that on how to technically implement them .

  5. 编者按:我们的忠实网站访客之一曾指出,关于Rx这个术语的起源有两种解释。

    Editor 's Note : One of our loyal website visitors has pointed out that there are two stories of where the term Rx may have come from .

  6. 赫弗齐芭褠德森深入探究了弗洛伊德理论和童话世界。——编者按

    Hephzibah Anderson delves into the world of Freud and fairy tales .

  7. 编者按:这儿有个录像拼接。

    Ed note : video splice begins here .

  8. 相反,自大的男人更容易赢得美人心,傲慢的西蒙(《英国达人》评委,编者按)就比荧幕上老实的休·格兰特更受欢迎。

    Instead , cocky types are more likely to win their hearts , with Simon Cowell 's arrogant attitude more appealing than Hugh Grant 's bumbling on-screen behaviour .

  9. 输精管造影在射精管梗阻病因诊断中的作用探讨(附45例报告)(附编者按)横向双针套叠显微输精管附睾管吻合术治疗梗阻性无精症

    Study on the opening fine needle vasography for the diagnosis of ejaculatory duct obstruction ( Report of 45 cases ) 2-suture transversal intussusception vasoepididymostomy : an effective procedure

  10. 编者按:王嘉琪,现任赛力佳人力资源管理顾问有限公司人力资源顾问,很高兴能与记者共同分享他的一些求职经验。

    Editor 's Note : Wang Jiaqi , a human resources consultant at Selegate Consulting Company was happy to share some of his experience with the Global Times .

  11. 爱思英语编者按:一些人宁愿花大量的金钱在那些所谓可以让肌肤重新年轻的护肤品上,也不愿意多花一点时间来关注他们的日常饮食。

    Some people are willing to spend a fortune for skin creams that promise to rejuvenate aging skin , but give little thought to the role that diet plays .

  12. 编者按:大庆油田为提高机械设备效率,节约能源和增加经济效益,对90%以上的设备进行了摩润学问题和节能及经济效益潜力的普查。

    In order to increase the efficiency of mechanical equipment , conserve energy and get better economic results , a general examination of the lubricating problems , energy conservation and economic potentials of more than 90 % of Daqing Oilfield 's equipment was performed .

  13. 编者按:随着春节的临近,出租男女朋友的交易再次进入人们的视线。顾客只需每天支付最高1500元(219美元),就可以应付催婚的家长。

    Editor 's note : With Spring Festival just around the corner , the business of renting a boyfriend or girlfriend has emerged again , with customers paying up to 1500 yuan ( $ 219 ) per day not to face their demanding parents alone .

  14. 凯斯特在该书的《编者按》中坦承,虽然他现在又搬回了父母的家跟他们住在一起,但他还是希望借这本书能给一个女孩和毕业后为大企业工作的所有同学留下深刻印象。

    Kester admits in the book 's Note From the Author that he wrote this book to impress a girl and to impress all of his classmates who went on to big business jobs after graduation - even though he just moved home to live with his parents .