
  • 网络edit;editing process
  1. 农业科技论文中结论部分的编辑加工

    How to edit the conclusion of agricultural scientific papers

  2. 基础医学研究论文讨论部分的编辑加工

    How to edit the discussion part of basic-medical research manuscripts

  3. 科技期刊对于用E-mail退修稿件的编辑加工方法

    An editorial method on manuscripts of sci-tech periodicals returned with E-mail to authors for revisions

  4. 科技期刊论文英文题名编辑加工中的若干问题

    Some problems in editing English titles of papers in sci-tech journals

  5. 提高农学论文关键词的编辑加工质量

    Improve the quality of editing on key words in agricultural papers

  6. 学术论文标题的语言及其编辑加工

    The Language , Editing and Treating of the Headings of Research Papers

  7. 学术论文英文摘要编辑加工改进的尝试

    Probe into editing of the English abstract of science paper in Chinese

  8. 论高校学报正文的编辑加工

    Discussion of Editing Process on the Text of Journal of Higher Institutions

  9. 医学期刊英文缩略语的使用与编辑加工

    Applying and editing abbreviations of English words in medical journals

  10. 简洁是智慧的灵魂&关于论文撰写与编辑加工

    Brevity is the soul of wit & on paper writing and editing

  11. 实施全面质量控制提高编辑加工水平

    Improving the editing level by controlling the quality from beginning to end

  12. 科技论文层次标题的编辑加工是整个编辑加工过程中一项重要内容。

    Stratified titling of sci tech papers is an important aspect in editing .

  13. 医学信息检索对医学文稿编辑加工的作用

    Effects of medical information retrieval on editing medical journals

  14. 编辑加工对提高学报质量的意义

    Significance of editorial process in improving quality of journal

  15. 编辑加工中形式与内容的统一

    Unification of forms and contents in editing work

  16. 稿件编辑加工与责编素质的思考

    Considerations on Editing Manuscripts and Editor 's Qualities

  17. 论科技期刊稿件的编辑加工

    Argued About the Edit of Science Journal Paper

  18. 基于科技期刊的编辑加工与信息情报加工一体化的构建

    Construction of Integration of Editing and Information Processing Based on Scientific and Technical Periodical

  19. 做好编辑加工,以质量作保证。

    And finally , perfecting the editing work to ensure the quality of the periodical .

  20. 编辑加工中思维活动的研究

    Study of thinking activity in editing process

  21. 编辑加工方法的基础性、延伸性和指导性决定了其理论研究的深度和广度。

    The base , extending and directing of editing method determine its depth and range .

  22. 医学期刊表格的编辑加工

    On editing tables in medical journals

  23. 利用Word2000改善网上编辑加工效果

    Improving on-line editing with Word 2000

  24. 即使对电子图书,我们觉得也需要编辑加工吧。

    Even fore-books , we thought that there still should be a need in editing them .

  25. 关于学报编辑加工工作的思考

    Discussion on processing work of journals

  26. 文稿编辑加工中一些常见的问题

    Some Common Issues in Editing Process

  27. 文章论述了编辑加工的原则、内容及编辑加工中应注意的问题。

    The paper has expounded the editing processing principle , content and problems that merit attention .

  28. 学报论文中表格的编辑加工

    On the Forms of Journals

  29. 对称美法则与编辑加工

    Symmetrical aesthetic principles and editing

  30. 学术论文英文摘要的编辑加工是编辑的重要工作之一。

    The editing of Englishof science paper written in Chinese is also an important work of editor .