
  • Arranger;Music Arrangement
  1. 诡异的声乐组合“Pentatonix”就反映了这种变化,他们从YouTube网站起步,一跃而为去年最畅销的组合,星期日,这个组合凭其《蠢朋克》(DaftPunk)一曲获得了最佳器乐或无伴奏合唱编曲奖。

    The quirky vocal group Pentatonix has reflected that change , starting with YouTube and culminating in one of last year 's top-selling albums , and on Sunday the group won best instrumental or a cappella arrangement for its track " Daft Punk . "

  2. 我们保持这首歌的感觉和编曲,完全忠实于我们现场演奏。

    We kept the feel and arrangement true to how we play it live .

  3. 管弦乐编曲还要考虑其他因素。

    There were also other factors that entered into the orchestration .

  4. 他是一位和他的乐团“UTTARAKURU”创作过两张新音声唱片的作曲家和编曲家。

    He is a composer and arranger who has created two albums of new sounds with his new group " UTTARA KURU " .

  5. 我在脑海中听到完整的歌和所有编曲细节。

    I hear the whole entire song and arrangements in my head .

  6. 今年我们要重新编曲好的

    We gonna set it off this year . Okay .

  7. 双排键电子琴是一种集编曲、演奏为一体的高级电子键盘乐器。

    Electone is an advanced electronic musical instrument which could arranger and play .

  8. 你不一定要修改它的编曲。

    Necessarily have to change the arrangement .

  9. 比赛中,他们更同时赢得最受观众喜爱奖和最佳编曲奖。

    At the same competition they also received the audience favourite and best arrangement awards .

  10. 它让我想起一些迪士尼老歌,华丽壮阔的交响乐编曲配上柔情似水的优美旋律。

    It reminds me of the old Disney songs with their lush orchestrations and tender melodies .

  11. 他是一位低音贝斯演奏家,编曲家,作曲家,更是《探戈的魔咒》的音乐总监。

    He is double bass player , arranger , composer and the musical director of ConjuroTango .

  12. 真正的编曲,允许所有部分都在和谐中发出声音,以保持平衡来进一步提升。

    True Orchestration allows all parts to sound in harmony to retain balance for further ascension .

  13. 流程模型有时被认为是流程的排版,其作用相当于管弦乐的编曲和舞蹈的编排。

    Flow models are sometimes known as flow composition , orchestration , and choreography to name three common synonyms .

  14. 如今,他更偏好用新的声音,新的编曲方式来产生新的听觉刺激。

    He likes to use the computer to discover new sounds and to stimulate a new sense of hearing .

  15. 在积极与消极之间:司法的权利保护&首起编曲权纠纷案的法理思考刘练军,周述荣

    Between Judicial Activism and Judicial Restraint : Judicial Protection of Right & Exploring the Right of Melody-composition in Jurisprudence

  16. 歌词具有中国文化内涵,使用新派唱法和编曲技巧烘托歌曲氛围。

    Lyrice with Chinese culture , the use of a new breed of singing and song arrangement skills heighten atmosphere .

  17. 作为一个音乐家、作曲家、编曲及制作人,他与众多的艺术家进行了合作。

    As a musician , composer , arranger , and producer , he has worked with a variety of artists .

  18. 根据周末发布的提名,陶喆也将参加最佳制作人和最佳音乐编曲的竞争。

    Tao is also up for best producer and best musical arrangement , according to the nominations , announced over the weekend .

  19. 参赛歌曲的作词者,作曲者及编曲者不得持有任何唱片公司或唱片版权公司的合约在身。

    Composers , lyricists and arrangers of the submitted song must not have any existing contract with any recording or publishing company .

  20. 此奖项颁予在音乐领域里如表演、编曲、制作方面有卓越才艺的音乐工作者。

    Outstanding individual who has excelled in their respective musical fields eg performing musicians , music arrangers , composers , music producers .

  21. 教宗访美时,他们选上卡约尼负责特别音乐节目的编曲。

    When the Pope came to america , it was Johnnie Carl whom they chose to make arrangements for the special music .

  22. 我一般用电脑作曲,他会给我在编曲方面很多建议。

    Usually , I create my song using my computer , and he is a very good adviser to me for music arrangement .

  23. 在诗中,他充分运用了象征主义,将结构艺术和韵律编曲的魅力发挥地淋漓尽致。

    He gathered in this poem a wealth of symbolism , employed a structual art and his powers of metrical orchestration at their mightiest .

  24. 很难想象,一个正在读医科大学的男孩,竟然能够自己作词,自己编曲,自己出专辑。

    It is hard to imagine , a reading medical university boy , should be able to own their own arrangements , lyrics , album .

  25. 本领域该专业的学习可以教给学生相应的专业技能,使其能够胜任音乐作曲、编曲、管弦乐演奏以及乐曲改编等工作。

    A degree in this field provides technical skills a student would need to work as a music composer , arranger , orchestrator , or transcriber .

  26. 好吧那我们要找谁来编曲米姆也许她可以来

    OK , well , good , then who do we get to remix this ? Mim . Maybe you should get Mim to remix it .

  27. 小猪已经有好几个月不一本正经地唱歌了,总喜欢一边扭动身体,一边编曲加填词地投入演唱原创歌曲。

    Yue loves to swing her little cute body and compose her own melody and lyrics allheartedly instead of singing songs seriously for a couple of months .

  28. 真正的编曲,让身体中的所有部分演奏在非物质上所得到的剧本或乐谱的声音。

    True orchestration causes all parts of their form to play the sound that they have received as a script or score of music in the nonphysical .

  29. 波尔顿乐队以及环绕它在新奥尔良建立起来的其他乐队的乐师都能一面演奏,一面编曲。

    For Bolden 's hand and others that grew up around it in New Orleans , each player could compose his music while he was playing it ;

  30. 五首改编曲的音乐分析:对五首改编曲在曲式结构、调式调性、和声、旋律、织体等方面进行分析。

    Analysis of the five pieces of transcribed piano music : To analyze these five pious of transcribed piano music on structure , harmony , rhythm and texture etc.