
gōng xián
  • bowstring;straightaway
弓弦 [gōng xián]
  • (1) [bowstring]∶弓上的弦

  • (2) [straightaway]∶比喻比弯道短而直的路线

  • 顺着小路走,净走弓弦,近便多了

  • 射者,弓弦发矢也。——《管子·形势》

弓弦[gōng xián]
  1. 弓弦绷得很紧。

    The bowstring is stretched taut .

  2. 弓弦一定要绷紧。

    The bowstring must be drawn tight .

  3. 一会儿,那只鸟飞近了,更赢拉满弓,拨动了一下弓弦,鸟就应声落在他们跟前。

    After a while , the bird flew near . Geng Ying pulled his bow to the full , plucked the bowstring , and at the sound the bird fell to the ground before their feet .

  4. 本文对36例慢性硬脑膜下血肿(CSH)和18例正常人经颅骨作B超扇扫检查发现与颅板回声呈弓弦状的线状回声是CSH的扇扫图象特征。

    Transcranial examination of ultrasonic sector scan were performed in 36 patients with chronic subdural hemorrhage ( CSH ) and 18 normal controls . It has been found that the arch-like linear echo compared with the echo of cranial plate is the characteristic sector sonography of CSH .

  5. 筋腱做成弓弦,骨头用作器皿

    Sinews become bow strings , bones are cups and spoons .

  6. 使用弦发出的声音,比如弓弦。

    Sound with a twang , as of a bowstring .

  7. 绷紧的;紧张的;整洁的拉得太紧,弓弦就会断。

    taut If a bow-string is too taut , it will snap .

  8. 同时松开弓弦

    to come off the bowstring at the same time .

  9. 你们的缺点主要是把弓弦拉得太紧了。

    Your shortcomings lay chiefly in drawing the bow-string much too tight .

  10. 他的神经如弓弦一样紧张。

    The archer strung his bow and aimed an arrow at the target .

  11. 嗡的一声。弓弦那震撼人心的声响,在整个屋子里回荡。

    It twanged : a chirruping twang that vibrated through the whole room .

  12. 随后,她放松了弓弦,把箭壶挎在身边。

    Then she unstrung the bow again and slung the quiver at her side .

  13. 弓弦乐器运弓过程的力学分析

    A mechanical analysis of the process of bowing

  14. 弓弦乐器演奏的极好。能够调节弦乐器琴弦的倾斜度的栓。

    Can be turned to regulate the pitch of the strings of a stringed instrument .

  15. 他有拉弦手向后拉弓弦直到满弓点。

    He draws back the target arrow at the anchor point with this drawing hand .

  16. 弓片决定了弓的拉力也是系弓弦的地方。

    The limbs are what the string attaches to and dictate the weight of the bow .

  17. 弓弦乐器演奏的极好。这是一部弦乐四重奏。

    The strings played superlatively well .

  18. 马头琴是我们大家都熟悉的蒙古族弓弦乐器,早在十三世纪初就在蒙古民族中广泛流传。

    Mongol stringed instrument is our familiar Mongolia bow-stringed instrument , it was popular in thirteenth century .

  19. 更羸拉满弓,随着一声弓弦响,真的像更羸所说的那样,大雁应声落地。

    With the twang , the bird fell to the ground just as Geng Lei said before .

  20. 四弦琴是一种经过改革的民族弓弦乐器。

    The utility model provides a ukulele , which is the improvement of the national bowed stringed instruments .

  21. 要做第一件事就是弯弓,装上弓弦。

    The first thing to be done was to bend the bow in order to attch the string .

  22. 据现有的古代文献资料查证,最早明确记载有弓弦乐器的是唐代。

    According to the existing ancient literature , Tang Dynasty is the first to use bowed stringed instrument .

  23. 你得学会压正统的弦,来弥补当今制造的弓弦的不足

    You have to learn how to bow authentic strings to better bow strings how they 're made today .

  24. 提出了扇形弓弦预应力组合结构的概念,介绍了该结构的特点和受力原理;

    This paper put forward the concept of the prestressed sector-bowstring structure , recommended its structural characteristics and load-bearing principle .

  25. 应用生物力学方法探讨颈椎弓弦距与颈椎病转归相关因素的研究

    To Explore the Relative Factor between Cervical Physiological Curvature Index ( CPCI ) and Prognosis of Cervical Spondylosis by Biomechanics

  26. 胡琴类弓弦乐器便是从唐代音乐的发展潮流中,从漫长的乐器演变中发展而来。

    So the one type of stringed instrument , Huqin developed accompanied by Tang music development and the long history evolution .

  27. 尤用于拨奏的现代管弦乐队的最大弓弦乐器,也常用于爵士乐合奏。

    The largest bowed stringed instrument in the modern orchestra , also used frequently in jazz ensembles , especially played pizzicato .

  28. 弓是由具柔韧性的木材和由皮革、马鬃或动物肌腱所做的弓弦组成。

    The bows were made of flexible wood and the bowstrings of leather , horsehair , or the tendons of animals .

  29. 二胡是中华民族重要的弓弦乐器,它的演奏内涵丰富,韵味十足,极富抒情性。

    Er hu is a traditional Chinese stringed instrument , Its performance rich in content , flavor full , highly lyricism .

  30. 他的面部拉长而紧张;他的神经如弓弦一样紧张。

    The skin of his face looked drawn and tight ; her nerves were taut as the strings of a bow .