
  • 网络double regulation;dual regulation;Dual adjusting;Double Control
  1. 结论:β-EP对红细胞免疫功能具有双重调节作用,且β-EP和红细胞免疫功能二者与病情相关。

    Conclusion : Beta-endorphine has the dual regulation of erythrocyte immunological function , and both of them correlate with the disease condition .

  2. 所在这些都提示垂体前叶存在直接神经调节,于是提出了垂体前叶受神经-体液双重调节的假说。

    All these lines of evidence imply a direct neural regulation of the anterior pituitary and a hypothesis of neural-humoral dual regulation of the anterior pituitary has been postulated .

  3. 胰岛素样生长因子Ⅰ(Insulinlikegrowthfactor,IGF)对细胞增殖和凋亡具有双重调节功能。

    A new cancer-relating factor , the insulin-like growth factor - ⅰ( IGF - ⅰ), has dual functions in the cellular proliferation and apoptosis .

  4. 第二部分内容是生殖细胞特异性基因的表达受转录因子和DNA甲基化的双重调节。

    In the second part of this study , we sought to investigate how the expression germ cell specific genes was regulated by transcription factors and DNA methylation .

  5. 腺垂体GH受下丘脑分泌的生长抑素(SS)和生长激素释放激素(GHRH)的双重调节。

    GH is regulated by two hypothalamic neuropeptides : inhibitory somatostatin ( SS ) and stimulatory GH-releasing hormone ( GHRH ) .

  6. 结论:JWA基因在实现ATRA及TPA诱导白血病细胞分化和凋亡中可能具有双重调节作用;

    It is concluded that JWA may play double important roles in regulating ATRA and TPA-induced differentiation and apoptosis in leukemic cells .

  7. 在RBF网络模型中采用了最新邻聚类算法,实现了网络结构和参数的双重调节,提高了训练的速度和预测的精度。

    Using the latest adjacent clustering method in the RBF network model , achieves the adjustments of both network structure and parameters and improves greatly the training speed and the forecasting accuracy .

  8. 目的观察c-Myc反义寡核苷酸(c-mycASODN)对人肝癌Bel-7402细胞增殖的双重调节作用,探讨c-Myc基因的生物学功能。

    [ Objective ] To observe the bidirectional adjusting effect of c-Myc ASODN to the proliferation of human hepatoma Bel-7402 cell and discuss the biological function of c-Myc proto-oncogene .

  9. 从这些试验也可看出mer基因表达象阿拉伯糖(ara)操纵子那样是受双重调节的。

    From these results we argue that the regulation mer operon expression might be analogous to ara operon , which is regulated both positively and negatively .

  10. 结果提示:PGF2含量与淋巴细胞增殖指数呈负相关,PGE2在扁桃体组织中起着双重调节作用,对后者正常生理功能十分重要。

    The result suggests that there is a negative correlation between the level of PGF_2 and the proliferation of tonsillar lymphocytes . It is possible that PGE_2 play the double regulation in tonsils and is very important for their function .

  11. 结果提示,TFA预处理能够降低60Coγ射线对正常细胞的凋亡诱导,促进60Coγ射线对肿瘤细胞的凋亡诱导,说明TFA对细胞凋亡具有双重调节作用。

    These results indicate that TFA can decrease the apoptosis in normal cells and promote the apoptosis in tumor cells induced by 60Co γ ray . It indicated that TFA had a dual role on the regulation of the apoptosis of the cells .

  12. 巢外活动受到温度和湿度的双重调节。

    The activity was adjusted by both temperature and humidity .

  13. 肝素及小肝素分子对培养平滑肌细胞的双重调节作用

    Dual Effect of Heparin and Low Molecular Weight Heparin on Cultured Smooth Muscle Cells

  14. 抗凝血酶Ⅲ对失血性休克大鼠凝血、炎症反应的双重调节作用

    Dual effects of antithrombin ⅲ on inflammatory factor and blood coagulatory factor in rats with hemorrhagic shock

  15. 垂体前叶腺细胞的分泌活动受神经、体液双重调节。

    The secretion of the AP gland cells can be modulated by both humoral and neural factors .

  16. 提出一种自耦变压器结构、投切电容与调节短路阻抗相结合的双重调节式消弧线圈。

    The designed structure of dual adjust arc extinguishing coil isautotransformer and switched capacitor with adjusted short impedance .

  17. 进气压力及喷雾压力双重调节,超温报警并切断加热电源,具有双重保护。

    With in-air and spray pressure double adjustment , Double protection with over temperature alarming and power off .

  18. 大量证据表明叶片发育受到体内遗传机制和体外环境因子的双重调节。

    Numerous of evidence indicates that leaf development is regulated by inner genetic mechanism and outer environmental cues .

  19. 从多侧面了解精神症状与白介素水平变化的关系,力求系统地分析把握细胞因子作为一个双重调节因子在神经递质、免疫及内分泌网络中引起精神症状的可能性。

    We want to know the possibility that cytokines as double - regulated factor cause schizophrenic symptoms by observing the changes of serum interleukin level .

  20. 心脏自主神经对正常心脏生理功能具有重要的调控作用,通过心交感神经和心迷走神经双重调节机制维持正常的心脏功能和血压的稳定。

    Cardiac autonomic nervous system plays a major role in normal cardiac function and stablilization of blood pressure through neuroregulation by cardiac sympathetic nerve and cardiac vagus nerve .

  21. 苯那普利对心力衰竭的疗效及其神经-体液机理垂体前叶腺细胞的分泌活动受神经、体液双重调节。

    Effects of benazepril on congestive heart failure and its neuro humoral mechanism The secretion of the AP gland cells can be modulated by both humoral and neural factors .

  22. 结论不但扩大了核酸杂交的应用范围,还为内淋巴囊和肾小管上皮细胞对水电解质平衡可能都具有透明质酸/透明质酸酶的双重调节作用提供了理论依据。

    Conclusion It is confirmed that a dual regulatory system for hyaluronan / hyaluronidase exists in the epithelial cells of endolymphatic sac and renal tubules at the level of molecular biology .

  23. 法律调节和伦理调节在规范金融活动的作用上相辅相成、各有所长,对金融活动的有效调节应该是法律调节和伦理调节相结合的双重调节。

    Legal regulation and ethical regulation over financial activities complement each other , both with strong points . Effective regulation over financial activities should be dual regulation combined legal regulation with ethical one .

  24. 政府行为在企业并购中同时受公共利益假设和经济人假设双重调节,并购的寻租模式也由此产生,进而导致了并购参与者之间的利益调整。

    Governmental behavior would be modulated simultaneously by both of " Public Interest " hypothesis and " Economic Individual " hypothesis , which causes the occurrence of Rent - Seeking , further the adjustment of profit among merger participants .

  25. 为了控制超声冲击处理质量,采用脉宽调制与匹配网络相结合的双重调节方式来变换激励电压,实现了对输出端的恒振速控制。

    In order to control the quality of treatment , it was applied to control constant current output , then to control the terminal vibrate rate , by combination employing of PWM and network match to change the excitation voltage .

  26. 主阀轴配置一个内轴,适用于双重调节止动记忆和阀门位置设置。下轴承端盖密封采用双重密封,可确保密封效果,主轴采用防腐新技术,能保护主轴免受腐蚀。

    The main valve spindle incorporates an inner spindle for double regulation memory stop and valve position setting . The bottom bearing applies both labyrinth seal and frame seal , which have good performance of sealing . The main shaft is anticorrosive .

  27. 通过离子液体和稀释剂的协同效应与双重调节,可实现生育酚同系物分配系数和选择性系数的良好匹配,达到优于单一离子液体或传统溶剂的分离效率。

    Through the synergetic effect of IL and diluent together with the double adjustment by them , a good match could be achieved between the distribution coefficient of tocopherols and the selectivity of different homologues , as well as decreased consumption of ILs .

  28. SO是位于胆管、胰管和十二指肠结合部位的神经肌肉复合体,受神经体液的双重调节,且与胆囊间存在局部神经反射。

    The sphincter of Oddi ( SO ) is a complex , valve-like , neuromuscular structure located at the junction of the bile and pancreatic ducts with the duodenum and is under the double regulation of nerve and hormone and contacts with bile-cyst through regionally nervous reflex .

  29. 诚实信用原则是诚实信用这一道德准则在法律上的反映,它所涵盖的内容除了真诚善意、守信不欺的核心内涵之外,还应当包括公平合理的价值理念,具有道德和法律双重调节功能;

    The Principle of Cordiality and Credit reflects the moral guideline of cordiality and credit in law , which crowns not only the core contents , viz , goodwill and faithfulness , but also impartiality and reason . That is , it holds double regulation functions of moral and law .

  30. 一种使用双重鲁棒调节器的汽温串级调节系统

    Temperature cascade control system with double robust regulators