
  • 网络land attribute
  1. 实现了土地属性数据的动态更新和各种查询,通过GIS技术实现属性数据与空间数据互访。

    In order to realize the dynamic renewal and various query of the earth nature data , the technology of GIS is used to realize the exchange visits between the attribute data and space data .

  2. 从稻作生产所需要的农业环境条件出发,选择了相对稳定的、可量化的地学、物理学土地属性作为评价因子,提出了土地农业环境质量评价指标体系,在国内外具有独创性。

    Some new ideas of this study are : Based on the agricultural environment condition for the growth of paddy , those steady characters in geography and physics aspects of the land that can be measured were selected as evaluation factors .

  3. 土地属性包括自然属性和经济属性,前者是土地固有的,在短时间内不会轻易发生改变;后者主要体现在人类利用土地的过程中人与土地的关系。

    Land property including natural attributes and economic attribute , The former is inherent to land , can not be easily changes in a short time ; The latter is mainly reflected in human beings use of the land of the person and the relationship between the land .

  4. 山区土地自然属性分类与成果图编制问题研究

    Study on Land Classification of Mountainous Region and Resulting Map Making

  5. 本文首先从土地资源属性及土地资源配置的特性和类型入手,论述了土地资源配置和可持续发展的基本理论;

    This paper starts with land resources property , characteristic and type , illustrating the basic theory of land resources allocation and sustainable development ;

  6. 由于住宅的土地承载属性,住宅的商品生产活动始终与一个国家或地区的土地制度紧密相连。

    Owing to the land carrying property of houses , the commodity production of housing is closely associated with the land policy of a country or a region .

  7. 城市土地商品属性的回归、城市房地产市场的兴起、城市土地资源配置中市场机制的切入,都使城市土地在制度、理论与技术上发生了深刻的变化。

    The city land commodity attribute return , the city real estate market start , in the city land resource disposition market mechanism cutting into , all caused the city land in the system , the theory and the technology has had the profound change .

  8. 数字土地信息中属性数据的质量控制

    Quality Control for Attribute Data in Digital Land Information

  9. 通过对土地资源各属性间关系的分析,提出了一种图斑融合的解决思路。

    Putting forward a way to resolve the combination of map spot through analyzing the different relation of the attributes of the land resource .

  10. 研究结果表明:土地经济社会属性明显限制了经济状况较差农户的土地产出效益;

    The results show that the output benefit of households with poor economic condition is obviously limited by the economic and social attributes of lands ;

  11. 农民作为地权纠纷中表达诉求的祖业观念、生存伦理和公平意识共同影响了土地产权的属性。

    As farmers land rights dispute express demands to maintain idea , survival ethics and fair consciousness jointly influenced the attribute of land property rights .

  12. 因此,完全有必要针对土地自身的属性特点,研究确定土地投资项目风险状况的方法以及降低风险的策略。

    Under the circumstances , it is necessary to study on risk analysis of land investment and to find proper strategies to lower the risk of a certain land project .

  13. 土地的法律属性为公有制所有制,土地所有权不得转让,但土地使用权可以合法转让。

    The land is characterized by a legal quality called " public ownership " . The ownership of the land cannot be transferred , but the use right can be transferred legally .

  14. 城市地价是土地资源商品属性、城市经济发展、土地供需矛盾综合作用的结果,一般通过房价、租金等形式间接表现。

    The urban land price is the combined result of its attributes of resource and product , urban economic development and the contradiction of land supply and demand , indirectly represented by general prices , rents and other forms .

  15. 一般来说,作物生产潜力空间分布具有明显的南北纬度地带渐变规律,现实生产力则是在土地的自然属性融入社会经济因素而导致的土地投入和利用上的差异。

    Generally , crop production potential is a clear spatial distribution of the north-south latitude Strip incremental change laws , the reality is in the land productivity of the natural attributes into the socio-economic factors leading to the input and use of land-based differences .

  16. 土地商品的特殊属性与地产市场

    On the Special Properties of Land and the Real Estate Market

  17. 矿区塌陷土地复垦模式的属性综合评价模型

    Attribute synthetic evaluation model of reclamation mode of mine subsidence land and its application

  18. 土地的经济社会属性、加强耕地保护以及确保粮食安全使农村集体土地国有化具有正当性和必要性。

    Land has special economic and social attribute . We should strengthen farmland protection so that guarantee the grain safety . All of these make it legitimate and necessitate that nationalize the rural collective land .

  19. 第三章,土地招投标。对土地的属性和我国土地出让方式的变革进行了分析,并指出土地招投标发展的必由之路是信息化;

    Thirdly , it presents the characters of the land and analyses land renovation of remising way , then points out that the future development of public bidding is informationalization .

  20. 土地质量是土地的基本自然属性,土地质量评价土地质量评价是一项技术性、系统性、综合性很强的工作,是农业生产、土地分等定级、土地利用规划和管理的重要依据。

    Land quality is the basic nature of land property , land quality assessment of land quality assessment is a technical , systematic that which is the basis of agricultural production , land classification , land use planning and management .

  21. 传统的土地评价忽视了土地的经济社会属性,而这一差异却是造成同类土地相同利用方式产出差异的根本原因。

    Traditional land assessment ignored the economic and social attributes of lands , however the difference of these attributes is the basic reason why the similar lands in the same utilization way achieve different output .

  22. 于此同时,所带来的土地开发强度的提高,土地利用属性的置换,将产生更多的交通问题,尤其是新增或高强度的土地利用所诱增的交通量会严重影响周边道路系统运行。

    At the same time , brought about by the increased intensity of land development , land-use replacement of property will create more traffic problems , especially new or high-intensity land use by the induced traffic would adversely affect the surrounding road system operation .

  23. 首先,根据土地利用现状图的自身特点,设计了土地利用数据库的属性结构,并根据新规范修改原有属性编码。

    Firstly , according to the characteristics of land utilize map , we designed the attribute structure of database , amended the attribute coding based on the new standard .

  24. 在社会主义初级阶段有计划的商品经济条件下,土地的所有权和经营权相分离,决定了土地的商品属性。

    With planned commodity economy in the beginning period of socialism , the separation of land ownership from the right for management decides the property of land as a commodity .

  25. 在城镇土地有偿使用的条件下,城市规划应该尊重城市土地的经济属性。

    In the condition of compensating for econmic urban land utility , the urban planning should suit the attribute of urban land .

  26. 国内外学者对于土地质量指标体系的研究由来以久,或者从土地的自然属性入手,或者从土地的经济属性着眼[1]。

    It 's long since the scholars have studied the land quality indicators system . Some of them studied it based on the land 's natural feature , others on the economic feature .

  27. 土地利用变化是一特殊的自然社会现象,涉及土地资源自然属性和人类利用方式的改变,这一现象在黄土高原南部表现的十分明显。

    Land use change is a special kind of natural and social phenomenon , involving changes in natural attribute of land resources and human use patterns . This phenomenon is very obvious in the southern Loess Plateau .

  28. 施工和养护对混凝土抗裂防渗性能有重要影响;在城镇土地有偿使用的条件下,城市规划应该尊重城市土地的经济属性。

    It is very important for reducing and compensating concrete shrinkage and preventing cracks forming to construction and curing . In the condition of compensating for econmic urban land utility , the urban planning should suit the attribute of urban land .

  29. 由于土地位置的固定性以及质量差异的普遍性,各个区域的自然、社会经济条件不同,决定了土地属性和土地利用方式都存在着区域差异。

    Due to the fixed position , the universality of quality differences , and different natural conditions and social-economic conditions in different areas , regional differences exist in land attributes and land use patterns .

  30. 由于土地的固定性、自然性,不同区域的自然、社会、经济条件存在的区域差异,决定了土地属性和土地利用存在区位差异。

    Because of the immobility and natural of land , the difference of natural , social and economic conditions of different areas , determine the regional difference of land property and land use and location .