• hair worn in a bun or coil
  • 盘在头顶或脑后的发结:~丫。~鬟。发~。

  1. 她把头发打了个髻。

    She had her hair in a knot .

  2. 她把一头稀疏的浅黄色头发向后梳,挽成了个圆髻。

    She had pale thin yellow hair she pulled back into a bun .

  3. 为了看上去显得成熟一些,她把金发别成了一个法式髻。

    In an effort to look older she has pinned her fair hair into a French pleat .

  4. 她把头发盘成一个髻,用发夹别在脑后。

    She twisted her hair into a bun and pinned it at the back of her head .

  5. 她把头发盘成一个髻。

    She wears her hair in a bun .

  6. 如果事情遂了谷歌(Google)的心愿,那么双髻鲨就可以在你的办公室里游动,大象可以站在你的手心里,龙也会和群鸟一起飞翔。

    If Google has its way , hammerhead sharks will swim through your office , elephants will fit in the palm of your hand and dragons will fly among the birds .

  7. 1987年一群观测双髻鲨(Hammerhead)的潜水者发现了与那国岛海底地形,此后立即引起了日本学界激烈的讨论。

    It was discovered in 1987 by a group of divers who were there to observe Hammerhead sharks , and it immediately sparked a huge amount of debate in the Japanese scientific community .

  8. 这云髻山上像这样的泉水多的是。

    On the Yunji Mountain , there are many similar springs .

  9. 她把自己漂亮的头发做成了个圆髻。

    She had her fair hair done up in a bun .

  10. 双髻这个词描述了这种动物的宽宽的平平的脑袋。

    The name hammerhead describes the animal 's wide , flat head .

  11. 今天她把头发挽成了小圆髻。

    She 's got her hair tied up in a bun today .

  12. 她乌黑的头发盘成一个紧紧的髻。

    Her black hair was drawn into a tight bun .

  13. 我喜欢头发盘成一个小圆髻。

    I 'd like my hair done in a bun .

  14. 孖髻山森林公园的建设及其效果评价

    Construction Planning and Effect Evaluation of Maji Mountain Forest Park

  15. 双髻鲨家族是一个好的例子。

    The hammerhead shark family is a good example .

  16. 她把头发打了个松松的髻。

    She had her hair in a loose knot .

  17. 那个女孩把她长长的金发换成一个髻。

    The girl had her long blonde hair tied back in a neat bun .

  18. 她的头发往上盘成个髻。

    Her hair was up in a bun .

  19. 没来过吧?这里就是韶关的云髻山。

    This is the Yunji Mountain in Shaoguan .

  20. 主要景点有风景迷人的省级自然保护区云髻山。

    Main attractions include the charming scenery of clouds bun Mountain Provincial Nature Reserve .

  21. 四海地区髫髻山组后城组火山岩形成于燕山运动早期或中期阶段的造山变形事件趋于结束时的构造环境中。

    The volcanic rocks erupted in late stage of the early or middle Yanshanian deformation episode .

  22. 至晚清以后,丫髻山香会组织的构成更为多元化。

    To the late Qing Dynasty , the Yaji became a more and more diversified organization .

  23. 中分随处可见,不论是梳高髻的人还是留长发的人。有时候稍微偏离一下正中间会更好。

    You will see this trend in both updos and with long hairstyles , sometimes slightly off-center .

  24. 平民女子也梳高髻,髻上无饰物或仅簪简单小花。

    Civilian woman also makes comb buns , without ornaments hairpin on the bun or simply wears flowers .

  25. 他们在那小圆桌旁坐下。她把头发挽成小圆髻。

    They took a seat at the small round table . She wore her hair in a bun .

  26. 上海世博话髻行有助于世界更深化地体味中国,也有助于中国更周全地融入世界。

    The Shanghai Expo , in addition to that , will bring China and the world closer to each other .

  27. 比起尖鼻子的鲨鱼来说,双髻鲨的鼻孔相距比较宽。

    BOB DOUGHTY : Hammerhead sharks have nostrils that are more widely spaced than those of sharks with pointed noses .

  28. 从明代到清中期,丫髻山的碧霞元君信仰经历了一个不断扩大和繁荣的过程。

    From Ming Dynasty to the middle of Qing Dynasty , they had undergone a continuous process of expansion and prosperity .

  29. 女俑则高髻广袖,亭亭立玉,悠然娴雅,十分丰满。

    The female figures have high hair buns and full sleeves ; they stand gracefully erect , looking natural and elegant .

  30. 紫外线不仅能将沙滩上的游客晒成古铜色,还能将水下的双髻鲨染成棕色。

    Ultraviolet rays don 't just bronze sunseekers on the beach . Underwater , they can give hammerhead sharks a suntan .
