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  • hairpin
  • 妇女的一种首饰,由两股簪子合成:金~。玉~。裙~(旧指妇女。亦称“钗裙”)。荆~布裙(形容妇女装束朴素)。


(旧时妇女别在发髻上的一种首饰) hairpin (formerly worn by women for adornment):

  • 金[玉]钗

    gold [jade] hairpin

  1. 簪钗一划浪滔滔,从此恨海苦煎熬。

    Zan hairpin a zoned waves surging , the bitter suffering from hate .

  2. 从形式、音韵、意境和风格四个方面比较分析陆游《钗头凤》的两首英译文。

    From four aspects of form , rhyme , conception and style , this essay makes a comparative analysis on two English versions of Phoenix Hairpin by Lu You .

  3. 而今年的贺岁片大战随着《龙门飞甲》和《金陵十三钗》的上映而硝烟四起,一场票房PK战也随之拉开帷幕!十二月是电影的黄金月。今年岁末有20多部影片激战贺岁档。

    This year , the holiday season has attracted more than 20 rival movies .

  4. 另外一部高调参选的大片、由中国大陆选送的《金陵十三钗》(TheFlowersofWar)未能入围,该片的导演是张艺谋,由克里斯蒂安·贝尔(ChristianBale)担纲主演。

    Another high-profile blockbuster , mainland China 's " The Flowers of War " from director Zhang Yimou and starring Christian Bale didn 't make the short list .

  5. 不过,《赛德克·巴莱》和《金陵十三钗》将在今年3月争夺亚洲电影大奖(AsianFilmAwards),这两部影片都获得了包括最佳影片在内的多项提名。

    But " Seediq Bale " and ' The Flowers of War ' will compete at the Asian Film Awards in March , when both are up for best film and other nominations .

  6. 艾茜玛•山三钗是一位写作有关社交媒体文章的自由新闻工作者,她说这些年来Facebook扮演着建立关系和摧毁关系的双重角色。

    Athima Chansanchai , a freelance journalist who writes about social media , said Facebook over the years has played a role in both creating relationships and destroying them .

  7. 他2011年的影片《金陵十三钗》是中国官方推荐的奥斯卡参选影片,克里斯蒂安·贝尔(ChristianBale)在片中扮演战时上海的一个骗子,后来变成了一个不情愿的英雄,但是美国的电影评论家们不喜欢这部影片。

    His 2011 film , " The Flowers of War , " starring Christian Bale as a con man turned reluctant hero in wartime Shanghai , was an official Oscar entry from China , but it got little love from film critics in the United States .

  8. 她虽然只是个裙钗,却也有着远大志向。

    Although she is a woman , she has lofty aspirations .

  9. 在1999年,伊朗三分之一的内科医师是裙钗。

    In1999 , one in three Iranian physicians was a woman .

  10. 上个月他见过那裙钗频频。

    He met the woman some times last month .

  11. 再现诗歌之美&评《钗头凤》的两种译文

    Reproduction of the Original Beauty of Poems

  12. 浅析金陵十二钗名字中的语音隐喻

    Some Reflection on Phonetic Metaphors Embodied in Names of " the Twelve Beauties of Jinling "

  13. 浅析宝、黛、钗的爱情婚姻悲剧

    On the Tragedy of Jia Bao-yu , Lin Dai-yu and Xue Bao-chai 's Love and Marriage

  14. 妙玉以靠前的排序进入“金陵十二钗”,证明她与宝玉有特殊的情缘纠葛。

    Miaoyu s position in " the Twelve Hairpins of Jinling " indicates her special love entanglement with Baoyu .

  15. 但这些似乎都没有影响中国观众。他们让《金陵十三钗》在本土市场成为一鸣惊人的大片。

    None of that seems to have troubled Chinese audiences , who made the film a blockbuster in its home market .

  16. 这些头钗是他用来把胡子扎到头上的,就像女人扎头发那样。

    They were used to hold his beard up on his head and make it look like a woman 's hair .

  17. 钗黛性格的差异,实质上是封建主义势力和反封建主义社会力量的冲突。

    The differences between them are virtually the conflicts which represent the feudalistic force and the social force of the primary democracy .

  18. 事实上,在《金陵十三钗》已经上映过的为数不多的几个西方城市中,确实反响平平。

    Indeed , The Flowers of War has received only mediocre reviews in the few Western cities where it has been shown .

  19. 清时对钗黛形象的阐释研究&钗黛形象接受史研究系列之一

    The Study of Expatiation of CHAI and DAI Images in Qing Dynasty & Study on the Acceptance History of CHAI and DAI Images

  20. 一心抱区区惧君不识察&钗、黛、玉所作灯谜诗新探

    I love You Keenly Do You Know My Heart & A New Research on the Lantern Riddle Poems Composed by Chai , Dai and Yu

  21. 《金陵十三钗》是一部国际合作的力作,共有24个国家超过600名人员参与其中。他们对于这部电影的付出与贡献值得嘉赏。

    The Flowers of War is an international collaboration with more than 600 individuals spanning 24 countries & their dedication and contribution is greatly appreciated .

  22. 小说以宝黛钗的爱情故事为核心,描写了封建贵族由盛转衰的过程。

    The novel take the valuable black eyebrow coloring ornamental hairpin 's love story as a core , described the feudal aristocracy by Sheng Zhuanshuai the process .

  23. 曲辞对十二钗命运的概括,揭示出人生的种种痛苦,表达了超越痛苦的精神企向。

    They revealed the tragic fate of the twelve ladies and disclosed pains of life , and thus expressed the great desire of human beings to surpass sufferings .

  24. 张艺谋喜欢大制作,《金陵十三钗》耗资约6亿元人民币,是目前国内投入最大的一部电影。

    Zhang likes to play big . With an estimated production budget of 600 million yuan , The Flowers of War is China 's most expensive film yet .

  25. 汉词英译中意、音、形美的再现&陆游词《钗头凤》英译两则的对比分析

    Reproduction of " Three Beauties " in the English translation of Chinese ancient poetry & Analysis of the two English versions of Chai Tou Feng by LU You

  26. 时代呼唤新新红楼三钗&现代淑女,有独立人格且能不断反省,在事业和家庭中领悟多元化的人生价值。

    Such women with modern elegance are needed by our society who have independent personalities with continuous self-examination and can comprehend multiple values in their career and family lives .

  27. 片名中的十三钗指的是一群风尘女子与少女,她们在贝尔所饰演角色的帮助下,想方设法躲避日本占领军的兽行。

    The flowers of the title are a group of women and girls who , aided by Bale 's character , try to survive the brutal treatment of occupying Japanese soldiers .

  28. 以及宝黛钗三人之间的“木石前盟”和“金玉良缘”的爱情婚姻悲剧。

    Before as well as valuable black eyebrow coloring ornamental hairpin three person of between " wood and stone , pledge " and " gold and jade predestined match " love marriage tragedy .

  29. 据《华西都市报》报道,张艺谋筹备了四年的新片《金陵十三钗》的男主角已锁定莱昂纳多·迪卡普里奥。

    Zhang Yimou 's new film " Thirteen Girls in Jinling City ," which has been in production for4 years , features Leonardo DiCaprio as the star , the West China City Daily reported .

  30. 《金陵十三钗》的导演张艺谋说,中国电影市场发展迅速,引进更多外国影片将成为一种需要。他同时还希望引进更多美国演员。

    The Flowers of War director Zhang Yimou says China 's rapidly growing film market will necessitate bringing more foreign films into the country and , he hopes , more actors from the United States .