
  • 网络Thelma and Louise;Thelma & Louise;Thelma&Louise;Thelma &Louise
  1. 公路片往往有一个不好的结局,这就是你为获得自由而付出的代价,就像《末路狂花》和《车队》一样。

    Road movies are always ending with a bad outcome for freedom , like Thelma and Louise and Convoy .

  2. 我被要求不能透露电影的剧情不过我可以这么说如果你喜欢《末路狂花》的结局那么你也会喜欢《破晓》的

    Really I was told not to say anything about what happens in the movie , but I think it 's safe to say if you love the ending of Thelma and Louise , you 're gonna love Twilight

  3. 《末路狂花》:死亡作为一种表达

    Thelma & Louise : Death as a Way of Expression

  4. 1991年皮特在《末路狂花》中演了一个讨人喜欢的、将西尔玛由少女变为女人的搭车人角色。

    A role in1991 's Thelma and louise , as the delectable hitchhiker who helped Thelma become a woman , finally catapulted Pitt into the spotlight .

  5. 悬疑、激情、背叛、冒险……这些元素都完美结合在这部激动人心的史诗电影中。整体来说,这部电影场面宏大完美,服装华丽炫目,演员演技惊人。《末路狂花》

    Suspense , passion , betrayal , adventure - all these things are combined in this thrilling and epic movie with perfect scenes , sumptuous costumes and stunning performances by the actors .