
  • 网络San Andreas
  1. 英雄出乱世,最近的3D灾难大片《末日崩塌》就堪称一部意外之难中关于个人英雄主义的“史诗”。

    Heroes truly do emerge in troubled times . Recent 3-D disaster film " San Andreas " is an epic , so to speak , about individualistic heroism in an unexpected disaster .

  2. 影片导演——来自加拿大的布拉德•佩顿一直想要将家庭矛盾融入惊心动魄的灾难片之中,《末日崩塌》正是这样的结果。

    Canadian-born director Brad Peyton sought to integrate family dynamics into a thriller , and with San Andreas that 's what he 's done .

  3. 11年前关于全球变暖的末日影片《后天》在观众中引发了人与自然和谐相处的讨论,《末日崩塌》却似乎将这样的思辨哲学忘得一干二净,只是局限于表现英雄主人公。

    Eleven years ago , memorable global warming doomsday flick The Day After Tomorrow asked viewers to question their part in the balance between man and nature . San Andreas foregoes the armchair philosophy , instead focusing almost exclusively on the hero himself .