
  • 网络Generalization principle;comprehension principle;comprehension axiom
  1. 然而,历史上各种排除悖论的方案要么修改概括原则而过多地限制了概括原则的合理内容,要么修改与之配套的逻辑系统而导致失败。

    However , various programmes in history which exclude paradoxes either excessively exclude the reasonable content of comprehension principle when revised , or change the logic system on which it is based , and so lead to failure .

  2. 概括原则与悖论研究的进展

    On the Development of Comprehensive Principle and Paradoxes

  3. 笔者结合众多学者的观点,结合自己对该问题的理解,提出了间接正犯处罚中应该遵循的直接性原则、独立性原则和概括预见原则。

    The author , based on the view of many scholars , in conjunction with their understanding of the problem , Indirect Accomplice punishment should follow the principle of immediacy , the principle of independence and integrity of principle .

  4. 第四章梳理夏志清关于小说讽刺的论述,概括其审美原则,指出他如何融会中西的讽刺、喜剧和悲剧意识。

    The fourth chapter summarized his judgment about satire , gathered up his aesthetic principle and pointed out how he combined the Chinese sense of comedy and tragedy with that of the Western .

  5. 概括总结了设计原则。

    Summarize the design principle generally .

  6. 其中基本设计原则概括为生理舒适原则、心理轻松原则和角色协调原则。

    The basic principles can be summarized as physical comfortableness , mental easiness and harmonized role .

  7. 为了完善体育法体系,还须引入具有概括的体育法律原则。

    In order to improve the system of law , still must introduce has summarized sports legal principle .

  8. 随后指出情势变更与商业风险、不可抗力及显失公平的区别。接下来概括了情势变更原则的适用条件与效力。

    After that , discuss the difference between Rebus sic stantibus and commerce risk , the doctrine of force majeure and display loss fairness .

  9. 此种现象被冲突法学界概括为公法禁忌原则,该原则自诞生起已持续数个世纪。

    This phenomenon is defined as doctrine of " public law taboo " in conflict of laws , which has existed over centuries since its establishment .

  10. 论述了审美理念在课堂中的应用,概括了四种原则:愉悦性原则,和谐性原则,节奏性原则,充实性原则。

    It discussed the application of aesthetic ideas in class and it summarized the four principles : joviality principle , harmony principle , rhythmicity principle and substantial principle .

  11. 调控原则是对调控基础理论的具体化,可概括为适度干预原则、分类规范原则、平衡协调原则和公平竞争原则。

    The control principle is the embodiment of the theory of regulation , can be summed up as the appropriate intervention principle , classification principle , balance principle and the principle of fair competition .

  12. 概括来讲,目的原则和忠诚原则是功能翻译理论的两大支柱。目的原则即翻译行为所要达到的目的决定整个翻译行为的过程及翻译方法。

    Generally speaking , skopos rule and loyalty rule are the two pillars of functionalist translation theory , the former meaning that the purpose to be achieved by the translation act determines the entire translation process and translation methods .