
  • 网络begriffsschrift;concept script
  1. 弗雷格的《概念文字:一种模仿算术语言构造的纯思维的形式语言》可谓现代逻辑的开山之作。

    G.Frege 's Begriffsschrift , a Formalized Language of Pure Thought Modelled upon the Language of Arithmetic is well-known as a foundation stone in modern logic .

  2. 第二部分弗雷格的真理论详细阐述了弗雷格的概念文字、意义和意谓理论及弗雷格关于思想的学说,最后总结出弗雷格真理论的特点。

    Part two Frege " s Theory of TruthI elaborate Frege " s Begriffsschrift , theory of sense and meaning and Frege " s theory of thought , and summarize the characteristic of Frege " s theory of truth in part two .

  3. 新概念文字设计

    New Concept in Chinese-Character Design

  4. 1879年《概念文字》的出版,标志着数理逻辑的基础部分&命题演算和谓词演算正式建立。

    In 1879 , the publication of " Concept Writing " marks the foundation of propositional calculus and the predicate calculus & the basic part of mathematical logic .

  5. 他试图探讨逻辑哲学,即把概念文字扩展到自然语言中句子的分析,建立逻辑哲学体系。

    He tried to study logic philosophy , it trying to expand concepts to analyses of sentences in thing natural language . Then he established the system of philosophy of logic .

  6. 他的思想对于现代逻辑的产生和发展产生了极其重要的推动作用,尤其是他所构造的概念文字和建立的逻辑演算系统结束了亚里士多德传统逻辑的统治地位,开创了逻辑的新时代。

    His ideas for the production and the development of modern logic played an extremely important role especially on his construction of the concept ﹣ script and established the deductive system and calculus of logic over the Aristotelian tradition logic dominance , and create a new era of the logic .

  7. 有些概念仅使用文字不足以表达清楚。

    Some concepts are difficult to express with just words .

  8. 事实证明,他是一位非常优秀的作家,善于讲短故事、巧妙地利用概念上的文字双关。

    He proved to be a very fine writer , a master of short stories and conceptual wordplay .

  9. 实验4要求聋生玩纸牌游戏,目的是测查其对数的差异知识的掌握情况,揭示聋生量的领域的中心概念结构与文字题解决的关系。

    In experiment 4 , the deaf students are required to play some card games . Experiment 4 is conducted to measure students ' knowledge about linguistic numerical difference and to reveal the relationship between the conceptual structures in the quantitative domain and word problem-solving of the deaf students .

  10. 从而认为“厥”有二个不同概念:一是文字义,二是病证名。

    One is the literary meaning of the word ; The other is the name of syncope which is a kind of disease .

  11. 它以语言为核心概念,杂糅了文字学、语法学、阅读学、写作学、修辞学、逻辑学、文学等多学科内容。

    Language is the nucleus of Chinese . It includes many contents such as literature , etymology , grammar , reading , writing , rhetoric , logic and so on .

  12. 概念要精细,需要用文字来代表不同的概念,文字也因而产生。

    Refined concepts require words to express the nuances , words are thence created .