
  • 网络Concept Store;Concept Shop;Idea Store
  1. 暹罗和苏荷在Woo相遇。这是一家咖啡馆和概念店,泰式创意在这里绽放——是真的有花朵绽放——从植物和精致的插花开始。

    Siam meets Soho at Woo , a cafe and concept store that blooms with Thai creativity - literally - starting with plants and exquisite floral arrangements .

  2. 与自动柜员机位于同一院子的是ITBeijingMarket时尚店,这是一家多层潮店,风格完全比照伦敦市中心CommedesGarcons的多佛街市场(DoverStreetMarket)概念店。

    In the same courtyard as the cash machine sits the IT Beijing Market , a multi-storey style-fest proudly modelled on Comme des Gar ? ons " Dover Street Market concept store in central London .

  3. 该员工表示,LBrands将会继续在更多的中国城市推出“概念店”,同时依旧会保持谨慎的态度出售其核心产品。

    L Brands will continue to expand the concept stores in more Chinese cities , while remaining cautious about selling its core products , the employee said .

  4. 这座多层的咖啡馆坐落在一条死胡同里,由昔日的马厩改建而成,亮点是旁边的概念店和流转不休的本地艺术家作品展。

    In a former stable down a dead-end lane , the multifaceted cafe features an adjoining concept store and revolving exhibitions from area artists .

  5. 在购物方面,她期待一个有生活味而又有品质感的设计时尚概念店的出现。

    For shopping , she hopes to see a local design concept store something like Paris'Colette or perhaps this new shop in Antwerp called ra .

  6. 但这些门店都作为“概念店”进行推广,只销售香水、洗发水和帆布包等配饰和美容产品。

    But they are all marketed as " Victoria 's Secret concept stores " selling only accessories and beauty products such as perfumes , shampoos and canvas bags .

  7. 流连于银座的概念店或新宿的摩天大楼的游客们,找不到这失去的十年的任何迹象尽管20世纪90年代以来,通货紧缩其实加剧了。

    Visitors to the concept stores of Ginza or the skyscrapers of Shinjuku will see no sign of a lost decade even though deflation has intensified since the 1990s .

  8. 2011年,公司将把在芭比上海概念店获取的优秀经验,带给中国更广阔地区的更多消费者。

    In 2011 , the company will take all of the great experiences previously only available at the Barbie concept store in Shanghai to many more consumers in broader areas across China . '