
gài shù
  • approximate number;round number
概数 [gài shù]
  • [approximate number] 大概的数目

  • 你办这件事需多少天?说个概数即可

概数[gài shù]
  1. 概数是指大概的数,就是大概准确的数字。

    Approximate number is the one that is close to the right number . Approximate number is not the exact one .

  2. 日常生活中,人们常常会使用概数词语表达模糊的数量、时间、年龄等。

    In daily life , people often use approximate number words to express blurred numbers , including numbers , time , age and so on .

  3. 应用碘量法检测的结果显示,系统对浓度分别为250、500和1000ppm(概数)的气体检测的相对误差分别为+2.51%、-1.16%、-1.30%。

    Checked by the iodine titration method , the Max relative error of 250 , 500 and 1000 ppm sample is + 2.51 % , - 1.16 % and - 1.30 % respectively .

  4. 放在数字后面表示概数。

    " Zuoyou " after a number means " about " .

  5. 实际收入超过核定概数的溢额;

    Excess of actual income over the approved estimates ;

  6. 集合量词和基数词语、序数词语、概数词语都存在着选择限制关系。

    There are some selection and restriction between measure classifiers and number words .

  7. 他们的估计则在适当概数之内。

    Their estimate was in the right ballpark .

  8. 汉语中用来表示不确定量的概数也鲜明地体现了汉族人的思维方式和特点。

    Approximate numerals in Chinese also clearly reflects the thinking mode of Han nationality .

  9. 概数的性质及语义解释

    Approximate numbers : its property and semantic explanation

  10. 以往的管理中,数据很多是概数,是定性的判断。

    Administration middle , data in the past many are approximate numbers , are a qualitative judgement .

  11. 目前学界对概数的性质、语义解释等还存在较大的分歧。

    The academic world there are still large differences on the nature of the estimates , the semantic interpretation .

  12. 在留学生学习汉语的初级阶段,概数词语也是接触较早、使用较多的一种表达方式。

    The express of approximate number words are earlier contacted and also frequently used in the primary stage of Chinese learning .

  13. 我们做了一个报价。因为是打长途电话,所以只给出了报价的大概数。

    And we made a bid , because they were being done in a long distance , put the outline in the bid .

  14. 概数是用数词来表示数目的不确定,一般是用数词联缀或者由数词和其他一些表示不定指的词语共同组成。

    Approximate number is a kind of numeral expressing the indefiniteness of number , which is usually composed of numeral connection and numeral with indefinite words .

  15. 本文研究的主要内容是现代汉语中常见的概数表达方式,及其在对外汉语教学中的方法和策略。

    The main content of this thesis is the common expressions of approximate number in Mandarin Chinese , and its application in teaching Chinese as a foreign language .

  16. 笔者梳理、归纳了现代汉语中一些常见的概数表达方式,从句法结构的位置和分布、语义表达的类型、以及语用功能的倾向其进行描写和解释。

    The author summarized the most common expressions of approximate number in Mandarin Chinese , described its own features from three aspects : syntactic distribution , semantic expression and pragmatic function .

  17. 概数词好多与好几在分布、语义辖域、和语用倾向等方面既具有其相同的一面,也有相对的一面,还有相交叉的一面。

    The approximate numberals " haoduo " and " haoji " have similarities in distribution , semantic register and pragmatic tendency , but they do differ from and intersect with each other .

  18. 同时,对数词进行分类,对四类重要数词,即基数、序数、概数、虚数进行描写,并分析其内部结构。

    Besides , I classify the numerals , describe the four important types of numerals & cardinal numeral , ordinal numerals , approximate numerals and imaginary numerals , and construe their interior structures .

  19. 第五部分根据前文的研究内容确定初级阶段留学生概数词语学习的重难点,并提出相应的教学策略。

    The fifth part determined the difficulties for foreign students in the primary stage of learning the approximate number words according to the content of the above , and put forward the corresponding teaching strategies .

  20. 本文主要研究名词带上表复数的语缀们后,其前又加上表示复数的指示代词、数量词、形容词,组合成概数+‘名+们’短语的用法。

    This paper is mainly about the usage of the probable-number phrases with plural suffixes " men " which are combined nouns with plural demonstrative pronouns , numerals and adjectives & " probable-number + ' nouns + men ' " .

  21. 第一章对现代汉语概数的性质、语义解释和语用功能进行总体分析,认为概数属于语义表达的范畴,表示一个大概的、模糊的量。

    The first part analyzed the grammar attributions , semantic explanations and pragmatic functions of approximate number in Mandarin Chinese , put forward that " approximate number " belongs to the semantic category , and indicated a general , obscure quantity .

  22. 第四部分主要根据相关大纲中涉及的概数词语的表达的分布,对概数词语在数量、时间、年龄、重量、距离、价格等语用表达上的适用范围进行分析。

    The fourth part mainly studied the scope of application of the approximate number words in the expression of quantity , time , age , distance , weight , price and other semantic analysis according to the expressions in the outline .

  23. 笔者在学习和生活中,发现中韩两国的年轻人对彼此国家的文化和语言很感兴趣,但在概数的使用上存在一些偏误。

    In the daily learning and living , it seems that the young people in China and Korea are interested in culture and language of each other . However , there are some misusages and deviations in using the approximate numbers .

  24. 第三部分对概数词语进行分类,并对其句法结构的分布进行较详细的论述,对易混淆的概数词语进行对比分析,揭示这些词语在句法分布上的共性和区别。

    The third part classified approximate number words , and looked for more detail on the distribution of syntactic structure . We also did a lot of comparative analysis of the words which are easily confused to reveal similarities and differences among these words in syntactic distribution .