
shū rù qū
  • Input Area;import area
  1. 现在,添加一个包含用户输入区的Box小部件。

    Now add a Box widget to contain the input area for the user .

  2. 有些输入区需要客户端操作,至少有一个输入区需要Ajax功能。

    Several input sections called for client-side operations , and at least one needed Ajax functionality .

  3. 西电东送输入区环境效应综合评价&以广东省为例

    Integrated Evaluation on Environmental Effects of West-East Power Transmission in Guangdong Province

  4. 在标题栏显示隐藏/显示笔输入区按钮

    Show the Hide / Show Pen Input Area button on the title bar

  5. 在写和编辑文章处,在编辑器下面现在有一个标签输入区。

    In Write and Edit post there is now a tag entry field below the editor .

  6. 模型使用模块则含模型下载区、参数输入区、模型分析、模型结果发布区四部分。

    Model is made up of model download , parameter input , model analyses and result issuance .

  7. 对东部输入区而言,西电是清洁能源,其环境效应显著。

    For the input regions , west power as a clean environmental energy , will bring positive environmental effects .

  8. 在客户端报表定义中,必须在窗体或网页中提供参数输入区。

    In a client report definition , you must provide a parameter input area in the form or web page .

  9. 返回用户在控件的文本输入区中所选定文本的起始点位置,或指出插入点的位置。

    Returns the starting point of a text selection made by the user in a text-entry area of a control , or indicates the position of the insertion point .

  10. 要创建一个新的称之为“当前阅读”的自定义区,在标题为关键词的文本输入区输入文本“当前阅读”(没有引号)。

    To create a new Custom Field called " Currently Reading ", enter the text " Currently Reading "( without the quotes ) in the text entry field titled Key .

  11. 服务器报表可以在顶部包括参数输入区,以便用户可以键入或选择要在查询中使用的参数值。

    A server report can include a parameter input area at the top of the report so that users can type or select parameter values to use in the query .

  12. 要使用快速键盘或符号键盘并手动显示或隐藏笔输入区,您必须将按钮添加到标题栏。

    To use the quick keys pad or the symbols pad and to manually show or hide the pen input area , you must add the buttons to the title bar .

  13. 本文以广东为例,利用计量经济学方法定量分析西电对输入区的环境效应及其潜在的间接环境效应。

    Based on above theoretical analysis , the paper , selecting Guangdong Province as a representative region of the input regions , analyzes the direct and indirect environmental effects by using the method of Econometrics .

  14. 通过移民活动,东北从历史卜的粮食输入区变为粮食输出区,农产品商品率大大提高,交通运输迅速发展,城市蓬勃兴起,到清朝木年,东北己经完成了自身的经济一体化。

    Through migrants ' activities . Northeast became from a grain importing region a grain exporting one , more produces were sold , transportation developed rapidly , and cities sprang up . By the end of the Qing Dynasty , Northeast had been unified economically .

  15. 该系统采用了近几年逐步发展起来的笔式交互界面,并将用户界面划分为手势输入区、轮廓输入区、控制信息输入区、信息提示区等。

    The interface of this system is the pen-style interface which has been researched in the past few years . The user interface is divided into several different areas , such as the gesture area , the contour area , the control information area and so on .

  16. 显然,解析期间整个输入缓冲区都没有被使用,因此status为0。

    Clearly , the entire input buffer hasn 't been consumed while parsing , which is why status is0 .

  17. SPE程序从输入缓冲区中读取数据,然后对数据进行处理,再将结果写入输出缓冲区中。

    The SPE program reads in the input buffer , processes the data , and then writes it to the output buffer .

  18. 最简单的用法是让SPE程序使用两个指针:一个用于输入缓冲区,另外一个用于输出缓冲区。

    The simplest usage is to have the SPE program take two pointers : one for an input buffer and one for an output buffer .

  19. 例如,我曾经不得不把VIO客户机的所有WWN手工输入到区映射中,因为SAN无法自动地探测到它们,这个过程非常麻烦。

    For example , I had one tedious experience where I had to manually enter all of the WWNs from my VIO clients into the zone maps , because the SAN could not automatically detect them .

  20. 基于该集成架构的协议转换器包括无线工业控制网络(WICN)主站模块与TCP服务器端模块,它们拥有各自独立的输入缓冲区和输出缓冲区。

    The protocol converter based on the integration architecture above includes wireless industrial control networks ( WICN ) master module and TCP server module . And the two modules have their own separate input buffer and output buffer .

  21. 这个方式是清空对象的输入缓冲区的数据。

    This method removes all data in the input buffer for $ obj .

  22. 进程输入缓冲区的当前内容为''%1''。

    The current contents of process ' input buffer are ' % 1 ' .

  23. 事件发生前内部输入缓冲区中的字节数。

    Gets or sets the number of bytes in the internal input buffer before a.

  24. 第二个字符代理项对不在要写的输入缓冲区中。

    The second character surrogate pair is not in the input buffer to be written .

  25. 当您需要输入工作区的位置时,您可以选择提供的默认位置,或者输入另一个方便的位置。

    When prompted to enter a workspace location , you can select the default location provided or enter another convenient location .

  26. 启用,并且还控制了寄存器读取端口的数据源。相关引脚为输入缓冲区。

    When a shared analog function is enabled for a pin , both the input and output buffers are disabled . A value .

  27. 当年输入本地区的氮素有40%滞留在系统中,这些氮素可能累积从而引发环境问题。

    In 1998 , about 40 % of nitrogen was detained in the system , which could be accumulated and yield potential environmental problems .

  28. 指定驱动程序内部输入缓冲区的大小,单位为字节。零表示值不可用。

    Specifies the size , in bytes , of the driver 's internal input buffer . A value of zero indicates that the value is unavailable .

  29. 而以计算出来的安全时间为根据,我们可以相应的算出项目缓冲区和输入缓冲区的大小,为整体项目工期计算提供依据。

    With the basis of safety time Calculated , we can calculate the project buffer and feeding buffer size in order to provide a basis for the whole duration of the project .

  30. 越赤道气流通过南边界的动能输送对B区夏季风建立贡献很大,西边界动能输入对C区夏季风建立也起了十分显著的作用。

    The transport of kinetic energy in the cross equatorial flow is important for the establishment of southwest monsoon in Region B. The kinetic energy flowing into the west boundary in Region C is also significant for the establishment of monsoon there .