
  • 网络waterlogging disaster
  1. 为涝渍灾害的研究提供了一种新的方法。

    A new method is provided to study waterlog . 5 .

  2. 淮北平原地处我国南北过渡带,是我国涝渍灾害严重的典型区域之一。

    Huibei Plain is one of several areas affected severely by water logging disaster in China .

  3. 涝渍灾害已成为影响该地区社会经济发展的重要外部因素之一。

    Waterlog has became one of the most important factors which affect the development of economy of this region .

  4. 江淮地区油菜涝渍灾害气候生态特征及其指标的研究

    Reserch on characters of climatic ecology and index for waterlogging of rape in Zone of Yangtse River and Huaihe River

  5. 我国是世界上涝渍灾害频繁发生且严重的国家之一,每年都有不同程度涝渍灾害发生,其中江汉平原就是涝渍灾害比较严重的地区之一,给农业生产造成了巨大的损失。

    China is one of the countries which occurred surface and subsurface water-logging frequently , and has a different level of water-logging every year . The Jianghan Plain is one of the serious water-logging disaster regions which caused huge losses to agricultural production .

  6. 里下河地区要实现可持续发展,其基本条件是要进一步提高进行洪、涝、渍灾害的治理标准。

    The fundamental qualification of realizing continual development in the region is to do with the flood and water-logging of it .

  7. 此外,黑土持水能力强,母质粘重,耕地土壤易涝渍,因此,如何防止涝渍灾害的发生也成为水土保持措施研究首先要思考的问题。

    In addition , black soil ability of holding water was powerful , parent material was sticky , farmland soil saturate easily , so how to prevent water logging disasters has become the first issue of the study on soil and water conservation measures .

  8. 在多雨湿润地区,夏秋作物在生长季节多次遭遇涝渍综合胁迫比较常见,研究这一问题对农业涝渍灾害评价和减灾有重要意义。

    In rainy and humidity region , crop across summer and autumn season usually suffer from multiple waterlogged stress in their development phase , the problem to be studied is significant for appraisal of agricultural disaster caused by surface and subsurface waterlogging .

  9. 江汉平原涝渍地域由于所处的特殊地理位置、地形条件和不当人为干预等原因,洪、涝、渍灾害频繁发生,农业生态环境受损严重。

    Because of the special geographical position , topographical condition and unsuitable interference in the waterlogging land of Jianghan Plain , the flood disaster and waterlogging disaster often occur , and the agricultural ecological environment is seriously damaged .
