
  • 网络oil transportation station
  1. 本文对输油站锅炉系统的设计,进行了较为详细的分析探讨。

    The paper discussed the design about boiler system of oil transportation station .

  2. 输油站的安全管理与消防

    Safety Management and Fire Protection at the Oil Transportation Station

  3. 分析了输油站循环水腐蚀试验结果以及缓蚀剂浓度、浸泡时间、溶液pH值对腐蚀速度的影响。

    Analyzed are the test results about the corrosion of recycle water , the effects on corrosion rate in different concentrations of corrosion inhibitor , different soaking periods , and different pHs of solution .

  4. DCAP系统在输油站变电所的应用

    Application of DCAP System on Oil Transmitting Electricity Alteration Station

  5. 煤焦轻油在输油站加热中的效能分析

    Efficiency Analysis of Light Coal Tar in Heating of Pumping Stations

  6. 原油输油站的能量分析与节能

    Energy Consumption Analysis and Energy Saving of Oil Pump Station

  7. 管道输油站变压器节能降耗分析

    Analysis on Energy Saving for Transformer in Oil Pump Station

  8. 输油站库安防系统简介

    Introduction to the security system for oil transfer stations

  9. 通过实例系统地介绍了输油站库安防系统的组成。

    Examples are taken to systematically introduce the composition of security system for oil transfer stations .

  10. 这个输油站2008年运营,是99年批准并经好几期建造。

    The terminal first opened in2008 , after being approved in1999 and undergoing several phases of construction .

  11. 分析了管道输油站测温仪表精度低对能耗的影响。

    This article analyzes the influence of precision accuracy of thermometric instruments on the energy efficiency of an oil distribution station of a pipeline .

  12. 大型输油站(库)采取区域性阴极保护防腐蚀技术,具有投资少、见效快和安全可靠等特点,因而在防腐蚀设计中越来越多地被采纳。

    As the cost efiective regional cathodic protection technology for large oil terminals is low in investment and reliable in operation , it is increasingly applied in anti-corrosion engineering .

  13. 通过对输油站在管道焊接施工中经常出现的焊接质量问题的分析,指出了管道焊接施工技术现场管理的重要性。

    By analyzing problems of welding quality often occurred in pipeline welding construction at oil transport station , points out the significance of on-site technical management in pipeline welding construction .

  14. 合理设计输油站的电气系统,正确选择与输油站密切相关的电气设备,是保证自动化管线安全平稳输油的基础因素之一。

    Reasonable design of the electric power supply system for an oil transportation staion and correct selection of electrical equipment closely relating to the station is a basic factor to maintain safe and stable operation of an automated pipeline .

  15. 输油站热媒&水换热器的循环水因含氯离子、高溶解氧及高硬度和流速等的作用,引起循环管网严重的腐蚀和结垢。

    The recycle water for the heat medium-water heat exchanger in oil transmission stations , featured by high contents of chlorion and dissolved oxygen , high hardness , and high flow velocity , gives rise to severe corrosion and scale buildup in the water piping .

  16. 从输油站安全管理的方针、目的、管理对象及内容等方面进行分析和阐述,提出了预防输油站事故发生的技术措施和管理措施,可为输油站安全运营提供参考。

    Safety management for oil transportation station is analyzed and described from aspects of policies , purpose , management objects , contents , and so on , technical and management measures for preventing the happening of accidents are put forward , and it can offer reference for safety transportation .

  17. 尤其是在输油站的安装中,所用管子、管件、阀门等因接口尺寸偏差、母材不同、壁厚不等诸因素,易影响焊接质量,更应重视焊接施工技术管理。

    More attention shall be paid to technical management in welding construction , especially in installation of oil transport station , in which many factors such as joint size deviation of pipes , fittings and valves adopt - ed , different mother material and wall thickness will affect welding quality .

  18. 高分子预脱水剂在油气集输中的应用输油中转站-输油气

    Application of macromolecular pre-dehydrant in oil and gas gathering process

  19. 井下混凝土搅拌输送车油气悬挂系统输油中转站-输油气

    Oil and Gas Suspension System of Underground Concrete Mixing Truck oil transfer station

  20. 货油舱油气驱除装置输油中转站-输油气

    Cargo oil tank gas-free installations oil transfer station

  21. 陆上油田油气集输站场安全现状评价探讨输油中转站-输油气

    Study on safety assessment in operation of oil and gas gathering and transportation station in onshore oil and gas field

  22. 提出了相应措施:①加快加剂输油加热站出站管道防腐层大修进度。

    And relative measures are raised : ( 1 ) speeds up overhaul schedule on outgoing line at depressant heating station ;

  23. 输油气泵站系统是管道系统的重要组成部分,为此进行输油气管道系统泵站风险评估十分必要。

    Pump systems are the key parts in oil / gas pipelining so it is necessary to carry risk assessment on pump systems .

  24. 浅析库&鄯输油管线首站耗电情况

    Power Consumed Analysis on First Station of Ku-Shan Oil Pipeline

  25. 确定输油管道进出站压力的水力坡降线平移方法

    Translating Hydraulic Grade Line Method to Determine the Inlet and Outlet Pressures of Pump