
  • 网络Output Impedance;input impedance;ohms;output resistance
  1. MOSFET输出阻抗对混频器线性度影响分析

    The Effect of MOSFET Output Impedance on Linearity in the CMOS Gilbert Mixer

  2. 完成启动后,放大器很低的输出阻抗将会降低因流经R1的电流不足以影响稳压管上的电压稳定性。

    After start-up , the low amplifier output impedance reduces reference current variations due to the current through R1 .

  3. 提出了采用电网等效输出阻抗和PWM整流器输入阻抗的阻抗比分析电网参数对电流环稳定性的影响。

    Impedance ratio was used to analyze the influence on the stability of the current-loop by network parameters .

  4. 介绍了一种采用0.5μMCMOS工艺的轨到轨输入共栅共源带输出阻抗增强结构的跨导放大器电路。

    A rail-to-rail input fully differential folded-cascode operational transconductance amplifier ( OTA ) with gain-boost structure is presented based on 0.5 μ m CMOS process technology .

  5. 为实现更好的阻抗匹配,再用ADS优化匹配网络,使其阻抗值更接近功率晶体管的实际输出阻抗值。

    In order to make impedance matching well , use ADS software to optimize the matching network again , make it 's impedance approach power transistor 's actual output impedance .

  6. 为了降低连线阻抗差异对功率均分的影响,本文介绍了两种改进的PQ下垂控制法:输出阻抗调整法和谐波注入法。

    In order to weaken this influence , two improved droop method , harmonic injection method and output impedance regulation method , was introduced .

  7. 高频UPS凭借其输入特性好、功率密度高、成本低等优点逐步得到推广应用,但系统输出阻抗低,并联控制较为困难。

    High-frequency UPS has an excellent input characteristic , high power density and low cost , so it was popular . But because of the low output impedance , the parallel control is more difficult .

  8. 并讨论了滤波器的输出阻抗和APFC电路的输入阻抗之间的关系对APFC电路稳定性的影响。

    The relation between output impedance of the input filter and input impedance of APFC circuit and its affection on APFC 's stability are discussed .

  9. 创造性地提出了视在阻抗法在电子电路的输入阻抗和输出阻抗的分析计算、调谐放大器稳定性的分析及LC振荡器的起振条件和振荡频率分析的应用。

    We can use the apparent impedance method to evaluate the input impedance and output impedance of amplifiers , to discuss the stability of tuned amplifiers , to analyze the oscillating condition and calculate the oscillation frequency of LC oscillators .

  10. 利用相应的高层次模型,详细分析并仿真了电流源匹配误差和电流源输出阻抗对DAC的非线性误差NL、信号噪声失调比SNDR、无杂波动态范围SFDR的影响。

    With corresponding models how the matching errors and output resistance of current source affect the NL , SNDR and SFDR of DAC is analyzed and simulated in detail .

  11. 根据对给定扰动进行预先补偿的原理,在反馈控制的基础上,加了对给定扰动(Vo和逆变器的输出阻抗)的补偿环节,提出了三角载波电流控制新方法。

    Based on the given interference pre compensation , a novel triangular carrier current control is put forward through the addition of the two given disturbance signals pre compensation to a closed loop feedback control system .

  12. 另外,为了研究10级IVA单个感应单元的响应特性,研制了一台输出阻抗约3?,脉宽约230ns的Blumlein型卷绕型带状脉冲形成线。

    In addition , to study the response characteristics of the induction cell , a rolled strip pulse forming line with an impedance of 3 ?

  13. 基于衬底驱动PMOS晶体管设计了低压PMOS衬底驱动CMOS共源共栅电流镜电路(BDCCM),并讨论分析了其输入阻抗、输出阻抗和频率特性。

    Based on the bulk driven PMOS transistor , a low voltage CMOS cascade current mirror ( BDCCM ) is presented , then the input / output impedance and frequency characteristics are discussed .

  14. 本文的研究内容可以为后续进一步深入研究电源输出阻抗的应用奠定基础,同时可以对测试仪器实现的精度提升,低频段单板级PI仿真及工程实现,以及电源模块的设计有所帮助。

    The study in this thesis provides a foundation for further work in studying the application of power output impedance . Meanwhile , it is helpful for the study of the precision promotion of test instrument , low-frequency stage PI simulation on PCB design and the power module design .

  15. 在大信号S参数无法获得而厂家提供的1710MHz~2110MHz范围内的源阻抗和负载阻抗参数又不能用时,利用一公司的ADS软件,采用负载牵引法得到了输入和输出阻抗。

    In case of large-signal S parameters are difficult to achieved and source impedance and load impedance at 1710MHz ~ 2110MHz provided by the manufacture is useless , a load-pull approach based on Agilent 's ADS software is provided in order to obtain required input and output impedance .

  16. 通过建立ADC及前向通道的等效模型及推导,在保证ADC的转换精度下,推出ADC的采样时间与信号放大电路输出阻抗的匹配关系,得到ADC最合适的采样频率。

    This paper sets up the equivalent model of ADC and frontal channel , and determines the relation of the ADC sampling time and the value of the external driving source resistance to provide a desired ADC conversion accuracy , and an appropriate sampling frequency is inferred .

  17. 论文对电压模式DC/DC变流器(CCM和DCM工作方式)和电流模式DC/DC变流器几个典型环节的输入与输出阻抗进行了分析、建模和测试,并通过实验测试验证了几种改善阻抗特性的方法。

    The impedances of voltage mode DC / DC converters ( in both CCM and DCM operations ) and current mode DC / DC converters are discussed , modeled and experimentally measured . The dissertation also verified the methods proposed previously to improve the impedances of these converters .

  18. 输入、输出阻抗在低频(如50MHz)下接近50Ω,而在高频下略有偏离50Ω,但反射系数均低于0.1;

    Input and output impedance approach 50 Ω in low frequency ( e.g. 50MHz ), while in higher frequency they slightly deviate from 50 Ω, hence the energy reflection lower than 0.1 ;

  19. 级联式DC/DC变换器输出阻抗的优化设计与稳定性

    Output Impedance Optimization and Stability for Cascade DC / DC Converter

  20. 逆变器输出阻抗是影响环流大小的另一因素,输出阻抗的大小与环流成反比,而输出阻抗的特性与环流特性之间又有着比较复杂的关系。

    Output impedance is another factor affecting the magnitude of circulating current .

  21. 基于输出阻抗调节的三相逆变器重复控制

    Repetitive control based on output impedance regulation for three-phase inverters

  22. 低输出阻抗复合铅离子选择电极研制和应用

    Study on Combination Lead Ion-selective Electrode of Low Output Resistance and Its Application

  23. 除了输出阻抗外,还有很多因素才能构成一部好的放大器。

    There is a lot more to good amplifier performance than output impedance .

  24. 引入电流负反馈后电路输出阻抗变化的测试难点及解决方案

    Difficult and solution of the output resistance testing on current negative feedback amplifier

  25. 本文报道一种低输出阻抗复合铅离子选择电极。

    A new combination lead ion-selective electrode of low output resistance is reported .

  26. 一个验证电流负反馈改变输出阻抗的实用线路

    A practical circuit to prove the change of output impedance by current negative feedback

  27. 用信号流图法分析反馈放大器的输入输出阻抗

    Input Output Impedance Analysis of the Feed Back Amplifier by Using Signal Flowing Graph

  28. 减少的有效输出阻抗的放大器的原因作出反应较少的发言。

    The decreased effective output impedance causes the amp to react less to the speakers .

  29. 双极型晶体管宽带放大器传递函数和输入、输出阻抗的研究

    The Research of Transfer Functions , Input and Output Impedances for The Bipolar Transistor Broadband Amplifiers

  30. 调节型共源共栅运算放大器可在不增加更多的级联器件的情况下就可以获得很高的增益及很大的输出阻抗;

    Regulated telescopic Cascode OP-AMP can get high DC-gain and large output impedance without more devices .