
  • 网络concept phase;conception phase;concept stage
  1. 这种增强的通信可以帮助设计健壮的服务,还可以帮助在概念阶段获得设计权利。

    This enhanced communication helps in designing robust services and in getting the design right at the concept phase .

  2. 从项目的生命周期角度看,项目管理主要经历项目概念阶段、项目规划阶段、项目实施阶段和项目收尾阶段四个阶段的管理。

    Based on the lifespan of the project , PM includes the managements for four phases : project concept phase , project planning phase , project execution phase and project closeout phase .

  3. SOA从提出概念阶段发展到初步实践阶段,整体上偏重标准、产品方面的研究。

    From initial concept stage to the practice stage , SOA Development emphasis on standards and products research .

  4. 早在三、四年前,当RAM还在概念阶段的时候,我们就与艺术家讨论过未来合作的想法。

    As early as three or four years ago when RAM was still under preparation , we talked about possible ways of cooperation in the future with Zhang Huan .

  5. 其他新来者还包括皮德蒙特媒体研究公司(PiedmontMediaResearch),它提供人口统计数据,在电影处于概念阶段就开始对其进行研究;此外还有C4公司,由经验丰富的好莱坞研究者文森特·布拉奇兹(VincentBruzzese)领导。

    Other newcomers include Piedmont Media Research , which provides demographic data and looks at films when they are still just concepts , and C4 , a firm led by the experienced Hollywood researcher Vincent Bruzzese .

  6. 根据月球探测卫星任务及环境的特点,在将多学科设计优化(MDO)方法用于卫星总体概念阶段的设计。

    Multidisciplinary design optimization ( MDO ) was used in conceptual system design for lunar exploration satellite according to the task and characteristics of the lunar satellite in this paper .

  7. 在项目的概念阶段收集高级需求。

    You gather high-level requirements at the conception phase of the project .

  8. 但是这些理论和技术尚处在概念阶段,还没有具体的实施方法。

    However , these theories and technologies are still in the conceptual stage .

  9. 在建议的方法中,如果没有他的信任和信心,我们仍将停留在概念阶段。

    Without his trust and confidence in the proposed approach , we would still stay at conceptual phase .

  10. 然而越来越多的授权现象显示,目前授权依然停留在理想化概念阶段。

    However , more and more practical phenomenons show us that delegation just has remained at the idealized conceptual stage .

  11. 工程项目的生命期包括四个阶段:概念阶段、规划阶段、实施阶段、结束阶段。

    The project life cycle consists of four stages : the concept stage 、 the planning stage 、 the implementation stage and the end stage .

  12. 虽然目前美国的倡议只在概念阶段,但其长远的战略意义仍将使北京不太愉快。

    Even though this American initiative remains in its conceptual stage , its long-term strategic implications may be too unpleasant for Chinese officials to contemplate .

  13. 如上所述,开发周期的概念阶段被分离到用户需求分析过程中,这就形成了产品需求。

    As noted above , the conceptual stage of the development lifecycle secedes to the analysis of the customer needs , which evolve into product requirements .

  14. 但目前生态安全格局这一策略仍停留在概念阶段,缺乏切实可行的空间规划措施支持。

    Yet , the ecological security pattern model is still a conceptual strategy in landscape planning due to lack of practical and feasible spatial planning approaches .

  15. 他说,只在十多年里土鳖就将此计划从概念阶段发展到接近装备实战导弹。

    " In little over a decade , China has taken the program from the conceptual phase " to " near fielding a combat-ready missile ," he said .

  16. 东部线在去年冬天已经开始向山东省沿海地区输送水资源,而西部线还大大地停留在概念阶段,过于庞大的设计规模或许会让它最终无法被建造完成。

    The eastern line began delivering waterto coastal Shandong province last winter . The western line remains largely conceptual , so grand in scale that it may ultimately prove impossible to build .

  17. 区域紧逼防守中的以多防少教学训练步骤有准备阶段、基础训练阶段、建立战术概念阶段等;

    The training steps in teaching the play of more - defend-less in the zone press defence , consist of the preparatory period , basic training period , the period of establishing strategy concept and soon .

  18. 但物流地产毕竟还是一个新事物,对它的理论研究跟不上实践的发展,导致目前国内的研究还停留在概念阶段。

    After all , the logistics real estate is a new thing , study on which cannot keep up with the development of practice , the current domestic research even still remain in the concept stage .

  19. 因此这种认识过程所达到的真理,也同样只是有限的。而概念阶段的无限真理只是一自在存在着的目的,远在彼岸非认识所能达到的。

    The truth which such Cognition can reach will therefore be only finite : the infinite truth ( of the notion ) is isolated and made transcendent , an inaccessible goal in a world of its own .

  20. 而目前的人工照明光环境智能控制还仅仅停留在照明的智能控制技术这一概念阶段,对如何运用智能的手段合理有效地控制光环境的研究几乎是空白。

    But now , artificial lighting luminous environment intelligent control is only rest on the concept stage of lighting intelligent control technology , the study how to utilize intelligent means to control luminous environment is nearly blank .

  21. 但是目前在我国企业中,多数还只是停留在胜任力理论招聘的概念阶段,并没有在招聘工作中实际开展胜任力模型的运用,这也是我国企业面临的一项难题。

    However , recruitment based on the competence theory is still in the theoretical stage in China . Most of domestic enterprises can not use the competency model in the practical work which is a big problem for us .

  22. 但是本文的研究仅止于概念阶段,因为该体系构想的实现需要政府政策和基础建设的支持,如果能够通过实践检验其效果,将更加具有指导意义。

    Unfortunately , because the realization of the system needs support of government policies and infrastructure , this study still limits to the concept stage . If we can test it through practice , the study will be more instructive .

  23. 在概念设计阶段用FEM进行车身设计的研究

    Study on Car Body Design Stage

  24. 车身概念设计阶段CAE分析的肋筋等效模型

    Rib equivalence model of CAE analysis in car body concept design phase

  25. 在概念设计阶段,重点探讨需求分析和角色分析,并采用用例视图和顺序图来分析ERP系统;

    In step of conceptual design , requirement analysis and actor analysis are discussed to analyze ERP system using case diagrams and sequence diagrams .

  26. 为了能在概念设计阶段,给用户提供对各种展开天线展开原理直观形象的学习理解手段,本文提出了一种利用C++与VRML混合编程的方法。

    In this paper , a method of using C + + programme with VRML is presented to realize visual concept design .

  27. 在TOD概念设计阶段需要对司机驾驶有关的信息有效分类,合理布局。

    Driver driving-related information in the TOD conceptual design stage need to effectively classify , rational distribution .

  28. PeterKohlmann,从概念设计阶段到开发阶段一直鼓励和支持这个项目

    Peter Kohlmann , who encouraged and supported this project from its conception through its development

  29. 随着我国CIMS工程、并行工程等的应用和推广,PDM已经被广大的制造业企业所接受,并且已从概念普及阶段逐步走向广泛的实施应用阶段。

    Along with the application and popularization of CIMS project and parallelism project , PDM has been accepted by most of manufacture enterprises and entered execution appliance phase .

  30. 算例结果表明,MDO简化模型可有效解决卫星概念设计阶段中的多学科耦合。

    The computation results showed that the simplified MDO could implement the multidisciplinary decoupling in the conceptual design for satellite .