
  • marker;crayon;Water Color Pen
  1. 展示你的水彩笔.展示你的语文书。

    Show me your marker . Show me your Chinese book .

  2. 一个水彩笔,一些蜡笔和

    A marker , some crayons and

  3. 她拿出了她的水彩笔和颜料开始画画。

    She got out her markers and paints and began to paint .

  4. 她用水彩笔在跑鞋上画了黄色的圆圈。

    She drew yellow circles on her runners .

  5. 我想要一盒新的水彩笔。

    I want to get new colored markers .

  6. 取出你们的水彩笔。

    Take out your water color pens .

  7. 这些水彩笔都是粉色的。

    The markers are pink .

  8. 你的水彩笔在哪里?

    Where is your marker ?

  9. 傻子才免费画画呢。然而,锻炼和涂色存在一个巨大的差异:很多儿童都喜欢水彩笔,然而很多成年人都不喜欢锻炼。

    Only suckers draw for free . There 's a big difference between exercising and colouring , however : while many children like felt-tips , many adults do not like exercising .

  10. 一周左右之后,当这种特殊的水彩笔被重新引入幼儿园的时候,研究者发现,在不提供奖励的情况下,之前画画时被许诺授予证书的儿童花在这些水彩笔上的时间比其他孩子少一半。

    When the special pens were reintroduced to the nursery classrooms a week or so later , without any reward on offer , the researchers found that the children who had previously been promised certificates for their earlier drawing now spent half as much time with the pens as their peers .

  11. 高桥:我用G笔勾线,纸用的是一般零售店里卖的那种。上色的时候我用水彩和麦克笔。

    TAKAHASHI : I use " G-pens " for inking . I use paper from general retail stores . For coloring , I use water-color and markers .