
  • 网络crystal chandelier
  1. Charles家有一座水晶吊灯。

    A : Charles has a crystal chandelier in his house .

  2. 一个与众不同的巨型水晶吊灯立马就映入你的眼帘。

    A huge and unusual crystal chandelier will immediately catch your eye .

  3. 每个房间的天花板上都悬有枝形水晶吊灯。

    Crystal chandeliers dangled from every ceiling

  4. Crystalchandeliersglitteredbrightlyabovethem.他们头顶的水晶吊灯闪闪发亮。橘黄色的旗在蓝天的映衬下显得分外鲜艳。

    Orange flags stand out brightly , set against the blue sky .

  5. 公寓将进行顶级装饰,有石灰石壁炉和水晶吊灯。

    The apartment will have top-of-the-line finishes , limestone fireplaces and crystal chandeliers .

  6. 水晶吊灯,柔和明亮。

    The crystal pendant lamp looks soft and Bright .

  7. 但是你听说过一种水晶吊灯

    But have you ever heard of the crystal chandelier

  8. 如纱般垂落的水晶吊灯发出柔和的光线,和餐桌的烛光交相辉映。

    Will the dim candle light enhance the radiance of the cascading crystal roof lamps ? Maybe .

  9. 正门大厅是5500年大理石及拥有23呎高天花板点燃意大利水晶吊灯。

    The main entrance lobby is clad in marble and has23-foot high ceilings lit by Italian crystal chandeliers .

  10. 一走进新上海大剧院的走廊一个与众不同的巨型水晶吊灯立马就映入你的眼帘。

    You step into the lobby of the new Shanghai Grand Theatre a huge and unusual crystal chandelier will immediately catch your eye .

  11. 米白色的家俱,华丽的水晶吊灯,木纹感十足的米色墙面配以淡雅的自然元素花卉墙纸,为整套空间增添了一抹沉静的华贵气质。

    The creamy furniture , extravagant crystal chandeliers , and creamy walls complemented with wallpapers of light floral pastels are all statements of unspoken elegance .

  12. 一个庞大的水晶吊灯(众多水晶吊灯之一)悬挂在一个飞机库般大小的客厅之上。客厅中一处可俯瞰花园的位置摆放着一架白色的斯坦韦牌卧式钢琴。

    A vast crystal chandelier ( one of many ) hangs over a hangar-sized living room , where a white Steinway baby grand overlooks overlooking the gardens .

  13. 厅内的水晶吊灯与墙上巨幅的山水画交相辉映,使其在不失奢华的同时更增添了一分格调。

    Pendant lamps in the hall echo with the giant landscape paintings on the walls , revealing the refined taste as well as the luxury style of the hotel .

  14. 光纤照明:实心侧光光纤、尾光光纤、单只光纤、通讯光纤(光缆)、数码光纤树、光纤水晶吊灯。

    Optical Fiber series : solid side light of optical fiber , end light of optical fiber , optical fiber cable , Dmx512 optical fiber tree , crystal droplight of optical fiber .

  15. 在酒吧区则出现水晶吊灯,然而在另一区的雅座内则以光彩的光线照亮,它让此区域成为一个私密且温暖的空间。

    A feature of the bar area will be a chandelier over the bar itself while an incandescent glow at the booths will provide a sense of privacy and warmth of colour .

  16. 但即使有了地图,我还是差点走进死胡同,陷入昂贵水晶吊灯、大理石壁炉台、镀金框镜子和棕榈树造型的意大利落地灯的包围之中。

    Even then , I tended to end up in cul-de-sacs of oppressive , overpriced crystal chandeliers , marble mantel pieces , gilt-framed mirrors and Italian floor lamps in the shape of palm trees .

  17. 他们头顶上方有一个水晶枝形吊灯。

    There was a crystal chandelier above their heads .

  18. 还可以利用装饰吊线灯,不同形状的彩灯,以及水晶枝形吊灯让平庸的场地变得富丽堂皇。

    Can also use the decorative pendant lamp , different colored lights , and crystal chandeliers let mediocrity venues become magnificent .

  19. 许多电影院有着古典装饰,水晶枝形吊灯,天鹅绒窗帘、雕像及各种壶,金叶模型等等。

    Many boast classical d é cor , complete with crystal chandeliers , velvet draperies , statues and urns , and gilt-leaf molding .