
xiānɡ mù dì bǎn
  • parquet floor
  1. 蜗牛在镶木地板上留下一道黏液。

    The snail left a trail of slime along the parquet floor .

  2. 他想在镶木地板上旋几个舞步,滑倒了。

    He slipped as he tried to waltz on the parquet floor .

  3. 蜡助剂在水性镶木地板漆和印墨中的应用

    Wax Additives in Aqueous Parquet Lacquers and Printing Inks

  4. 我们的镶木地板是新铺的。

    We 've laid a new parquet floor .

  5. 针叶树缘板,镶木地板用

    Frieze for parquet flooring , of coniferous wood

  6. 镶木地板光洁如镜。

    The parquet floors shone like mirrors .

  7. 酒店两年前开张,22间客房都配有木梁、镶木地板和精致家具。

    Many of the 22 rooms feature wood beams , parquet floors and antique-style furnishings .

  8. 针叶树缘板,镶木地板用木板是用来做地板的。

    Frieze for parquet flooring , of coniferous wood Boards are used to make floors .

  9. 镶木地板亮得象镜子;精心擦拭的银器陈列在亮灿灿的玻璃柜子里;

    The parquet floors shone like mirrors ; highly polished silver was displayed in gleaming glass cabinets ;

  10. 门厅吧台区的突出特征有:仿哥特式的拱形大理石壁炉、木板墙群、升降梯、镶木地板、枝形壁灯和高靠背沙发。

    In the lobby bar , accents include a Gothic-like arched marble fireplace , wood-panelled walls and elevators , parquet floors , chandelier wall lamps and high-backed sofas .

  11. 重点讨论了通过在水性镶木地板漆和水性印墨中正确地使用蜡助剂,以得到最有效的表面保护,如耐细微划伤性、耐擦洗性和耐磨性的可能性。

    This paper highlights the possibilities to attain the most effective surface protection , e.g. micro scratch resistance , scrub and abra sion resistance , by using the correct wax additive in waterborne parquet lacquers and aqueous printing inks .