
xiāng yá
  • put in a false tooth;insert an artificial tooth;have a tooth filled
镶牙 [xiāng yá]
  • [put in a false tooth] 装假牙;嵌补脱损的牙齿

镶牙[xiāng yá]
  1. 牙科植入物用于支持和固定镶牙器件已有数十年的历史。

    Dental implants as a support and fixation for prosthodontic applinces have been used for some decades .

  2. 美国的镶牙术太蹩脚了。

    American dentistry was inexcusable .

  3. 应用镶牙自凝塑料制作模具,并在一端留出空间以插入安瓿,装入小磨头弹簧等小件物品制成后用于将安瓿掰断。

    Methods We design a mould with the self curing plastic and leave some space in the end to insert the ampoule bottle , then fix the bistrique and spring to break off the bottles .