
  • 网络administrative principles
  1. 分析了利益平衡论、司法能动论、私法优位论、议会监督论、效益优先论等法治行政原则对于当代行政法的重要意义。

    The Chapter analyzes such theories or administrative principles as the balance of interests , judicial creativity , priority of private law , legislative supervision , efficiency and their important meaning for contemporary administrative law .

  2. 遵循法治行政原则、权利保障原则。

    Keep to rule of law administrative principle , the obliges guarantees principle .

  3. 而且这种合意并不与依法行政原则相矛盾。

    Mean-while , the agreement isn 't in contradiction with the principle of rule of law .

  4. 三是司法审查行政原则。

    Administrative principle for judicial investigation .

  5. 依法行政原则的确立,对于象我国这样缺乏法治传统的国家,具有划时代的意义。

    Establishing the principle of administration by law has epoch-making meaning to our lack law tradition country .

  6. 其三,以皇权&官僚政治中,官员的理性行政原则为视角。

    Third , Taking the imperial authority & bureaucrat political rational administrative principle as the angles of view .

  7. 责任行政原则下的政府责任形式有政治责任和法律责任,惩罚性责任和补救性责任,侵权责任和违约责任等。

    Government responsibility forms under responsibility administration principle contain political and jural responsibilities , punitive and remedial responsibilities , infringement and default responsibilities , etc.

  8. 基于依法行政原则的要求,行政机关不可能依政策行政。

    Administrative authority can not manage social affairs based on the policy , because of the requirements of the principle of administration according to law .

  9. 信赖保护原则与依法行政原则处于相同位阶,应当成为中国行政法的基本原则。

    The trust protection principle should be the same rank with the principle of administration by law , it should be a fundamental principle of Chinese administrative law .

  10. 责任行政原则的实现有赖于公务人员责任意识的增强、责任追究制以及问责制的发展完善。

    The realization of responsibility administration principle depends on the enhancement of functionaries'responsibility consciousness as well as the development and perfection of the responsibility-ascertained system and the responsibility-affirmed system .

  11. 法治原则作为依法行政原则之根据,揭示出依法行政原则之实质乃是保障合法私权之实现。

    The rule of law as the basis of administration according to law unveiled that the nature of the principle of administration according to law is to assure private rights to achieve .

  12. 在当前我国社会的多元价值格局中,政府的行政原则、企业的利润原则与学术界的共同体原则,其各自不同的根本价值是不可交换的。

    At present , the administrative principle of government , the profitable principle of enterprise , and the integrated principle of academic circles are not exchangeable in the structure of our poly valued society .

  13. 依法按政策行政原则作为行政管理活动中不可避免的原则,深刻影响着我国行政机关的行政执法活动,也影响着法治政府的建设。

    Administration by policies under the guidance of the principle of legal has become an inevitable principle in the administrative activities . This principle affects the administration and the construction of government administration based on the rule of law deeply .

  14. 登记机构在当事人未申请的情况下,基于特定的事由可以依职权更正登记,这是依法行政原则的要求。

    When parties have not applied for the correction of registration , the registration agencies can correct the mistake of registration based on the specific terms , which is also the requirement of principle of administration according to the law .

  15. 其以民为本的行政原则、独具特色的行政组织思想,以及可操作性极强的行政法制、行政领导和人事行政管理方略,定会为当代的行政管理者们提供诸多有益的启示。

    Among his theories are the principles of taking people as the basis the unique ideas on administrative organization as well as the operational strategies on administrative legislation leadership and personnel management which are certainly the instructive inspiration for the administrative personnel in the modern society .

  16. 依法行政原则不仅要求抽象行政行为实体内容的合法、合理,而且要求行为的主体和程序的合法,要求政府依法行政、合理行政、权责统一、接受监督。

    The principle requires not only legality and property of the substantive contents but also legal subject and procedure for administrative acts . The governmental act should keep in legality and property of form , unity of power and duty , and they should subject themselves to supervision .

  17. WTO规则与我国行政许可原则的确立

    The regulations of WTO and the establishment of administrative licensing principles in China

  18. 在目前我国加入WTO的背景条件下,政务公开实际上是对WTO规则中行政透明度原则的贯彻。

    It is viewed as being in accord with the principle of clear administration on the background of our country 's WTO entry .

  19. 这些要求集中表现为WTO协议所规定的国民待遇原则、透明度原则、法律统一实施原则、行政公平原则以及对行政行为的监督审查原则等方面。

    Such requirements are spelled out through a series of principles including national treatment , transparency , uniform law enforcement , fair administration , and review of administrative actions .

  20. 论行政公开原则的地位

    On The Position Of The Open Principle In Administrative Law

  21. 税收筹划与行政法治原则

    Tax Plan and Administrative Principle of Legality On the Administration by Law

  22. 行政法原则的实现初探

    Initial Discussion on Fulfillment of Principles of Administrative Law

  23. 行政公开原则应该视为现代行政法的要旨,即行政公开原则是行政法的基本原则之一。

    Openness should be one of the basic principles of the administrative law .

  24. 论行政合理性原则在司法审查中的运用

    The Application of Administrative Rationality Principle to Judicial Review

  25. 论行政法原则的司法适用&以诚实信用和信赖保护原则为例

    On the Application of Administrative Doctrine by Judge

  26. 系统论的整体原理。4.严格履行行政审批原则;

    Strictly performing the principles of the examination and approval system of governmental administration ;

  27. 论行政合理性原则对出入境边防检查行政自由裁量权的控制

    On the Control of Administrative Rational Principle over Administrative Discretion of Exit-and-entry Border Inspection

  28. 行政契约原则上应当采取书面形式,并且应当通过公开竞争的方式缔结。

    Administrative covenant should principally be in written form and be made by open challenging .

  29. 现代社会,公共行政的原则体现为一是法制原则,依法行政是现代公共行政最基本的特征之一,也是现代公共行政的要求。

    In modern society , the principle of the public administration the first is legal system .

  30. 法国行政法治原则及其借鉴价值

    On Principle of Administrative Law of State by Law and Its Value to Use for Reference