
xíng qiāng
  • use the tunes according to one's own understanding;(of an actor) use the tunes according to one's own understanding
行腔 [xíng qiāng]
  • [(of an actor) use the tunes according to one's own understanding] 戏曲演员按个人对剧情、曲谱的体会来运用腔调

  • 行腔咬字

行腔[xíng qiāng]
  1. 总结LD泵浦全固体绿激光器的3种常见腔型:即传统直腔、三镜折叠腔和四镜环行腔。

    Three kinds of cavities , that is traditional straight cavity , three mirror folded cavity and four mirror ring cavity of LD pumped all solid state green laser are reviewed in this paper .

  2. 方法2002年6月~2003年3月7例气管插管全麻下行腔镜下甲状腺手术,皮下充入CO2压力6mmHg,监测动脉血pH、PaCO2变化。

    Methods Seven patients underwent endoscopic thyroid operations under general anesthesia with endotracheal intubation . The pressure of CO 2 insufflation was set at 6 mm Hg . The arterial pH value and PaCO 2 were monitored .

  3. 于支架置入7~14d后采用相应的自制粒子载体将~(125)I粒子置入,行腔内持续近距离放射治疗。

    Implanted the ~ ( 125 ) Iodine seed into the stent by self-made carrier 7 ~ 14 days after operation , so that ~ ( 125 ) Iodine seed exerted brachytherapy .

  4. 用激光二极管(LD)抽运Nd:YAG晶体,采用四镜环行腔,腔内放置TGG晶体和λ/2波片,组成光学单向器,利用LBO晶体内腔倍频技术,实现单频946nm红外光和473nm蓝光输出。

    A 946 nm Nd : YAG laser pumped by a laser diode was obtained using four mirrors ring resonator . the laser was single-frequency operated by using a TGG and a half-wave plate acted as optical diode in the cavity .

  5. 方法DeBakeyⅢ型主动脉夹层10例,9例行腔内隔绝术,1例行内膜瓣开窗术及内支架置入术。

    Methods Ten patients with DeBakey ⅲ aortic dissection was treated with interventional therapy , including endovascular exclusion ( EVE ) ( 9 patients ), fenestration of intimal flap ( FIF ) and endovascular stent placement ( ESP ) ( 1 patient ) .

  6. 急性期行腔内隔绝术是主动脉夹层围手术期死亡的独立危险因素。

    Acute stage operation was independent risk factor of preoperative death .

  7. 宫颈癌大出血患者行腔内治疗的护理

    Nursing Care for Patients with Severe Cervical Carcinoma Hemorrhage Treated by Brachytherapy

  8. 四镜环行腔连续稳频钛宝石激光器

    CW Frequency-stabilized Ring Ti : sapphire Laser with Four Mirrors

  9. 设计了一个包含闭合环行腔和定向耦合器的光子晶体结构。

    Designing a photonic crystal structure with a ring cavity and a directional coupler .

  10. 对环行腔光纤激光器在电流中的传感进行三种结构设计。

    Three different structures of it are designed for application in electricity current sensing .

  11. 为此,教师应重视咬字吐词同发声、行腔结合起来、统一起来的训练;

    The teacher must combine the training of sound production with handling of words .

  12. 经颈动脉行腔内血管外科治疗的探讨

    Feasibility of endovascular therapy via the carotid artery

  13. 具有内增益环行腔的滤波器特性研究

    Research on Filters with Inner Gain Ring Resonator

  14. 目的:评价颈动脉狭窄患者行腔内介入治疗的可行性与有效性。

    Objective ; To assess feasibility and efficacy for intravascular interventional therapy for carotid artery stenosis .

  15. 方法对25例复杂型主动脉夹层行腔内血管外科治疗患者的临床资料进行回顾性研究。

    ( Methods ) The clinical data of 25 patients with complicated aortic dissections were analysed retrospectively .

  16. 方法:采用胸骨前径路行腔镜甲状腺切除术6例。

    Methods : Six cases with cervical cyst were treated endoscopic thyroidectomy in the path before sternum .

  17. 方法对24例经腋窝或乳晕入路行腔镜辅助下乳腺肿瘤切除术的护理配合要点进行总结。

    Method Summarized the nursing points of24 patients who have accepted the breast tumor excision by endoscope .

  18. 方法:对22例甲状腺良性肿物的患者用超声刀行腔镜甲状腺良性肿物切除术。

    Methods : Endoscopic technique was introduced into dissection of follicular nodule of the thyroid lobe in 22 patients .

  19. 结果围手术期死亡患者2例,其中1例行外科手术,1例行腔内修复术。

    Results There were 2 deaths during the perioperative period , 1 death after surgical operation and 1 after endoluminal exclusion .

  20. 我国民族唱法中的歌唱语言是依据我国鲜明的民族语言特点来吐字行腔的。

    The singing language in China 's national singing follows china 's national language 's distinct characteristics to articulate words and render tunes .

  21. 方法:回顾2004年5月至2006年1月,6例行腔内覆膜支架置放术的周围动脉损伤患者之临床资料。

    Methods : Patients with blunt or penetrating ( including iatrogenic ) peripheral arterial injuries between May 2004 and January 2006 were retrospectively studied .

  22. 建立了完整的基于半导体环行腔激光器四波混频型可调谐波长转换器的宽带理论模型。

    In this paper , a comprehensive broad_band dynamic model of tunable wavelength converter based on four_wave mixing in semiconductor fiber ring laser is presented .

  23. 字正腔圆、以字行腔、声情并茂是民族声乐演唱者必须遵守的法则。

    Fold vocalists may abide by the rules of decent articulation , phonating with words and binding vocality and affection together when they are performing .

  24. 琵琶腔韵技法,即行腔作韵,左手推拉、吟揉,在演奏中起装饰旋律、美化音色的作用。

    Lute cavity rhyme skills , namely the lyrics rhyme . pull-push-chant-knead of the left hand , played in beautify the timbre , decorative theme role .

  25. 韵是琵琶音乐,更是中国民族音乐的灵魂,故而每种乐器的行腔作韵技法就显得非常重要。

    Rhyme is the soul of Lute music , also the Chinese folk music , so the lyrics rhyme skills of every kind of instrument is very important .

  26. 本部分从歌唱的乐器建立和咬字行腔的过程出发,探索力量对抗在歌唱中的运行。

    Starting with the setting of musical instrument and the process of singing , it analyzes the force confrontation in the body systematically to explore the process of the force confrontation in singing .

  27. 方法2002年8月~2005年5月,采用胸部乳晕径路行腔镜甲状腺手术113例。术前诊断甲状腺腺瘤46例,结节性甲状腺肿62例,甲状腺功能亢进5例。

    Methods Endoscopic thyroidectomy via breast areola approach was performed in 113 cases between August 2002 and May 2005.Preoperative diagnosis included 46 cases of adenoma , 62 cases of nodular goiter , and 5 cases of Graves ' disease .

  28. 对两种扭转光纤环行腔结构进行了理论分析,表明这两种结构能有效地保持法拉第效应,可用于电流传感和光纤陀螺。

    We analysed two kinds of optical fiber ring resonator structure made of twisted fiber , and indicated that the two kinds of structure can keep Faraday rotation and can be used in current sensors and optic fiber gyros .

  29. 第二部分论述了古诗词歌曲演唱的相关技术,包括气息、咬字行腔、润腔技巧三部分。着重指出润腔技巧对展示古诗词歌曲的韵味起到了重要作用。

    The second part illustrates how to sing , including the relevant skills , such as the breath , articulation and lubricating tunes , especially the important effect of lubricating tunes on illustrating the lasting appeal of the ancient poems .

  30. 研究使用该热疗辐射器行腔内热疗联合放疗治疗鼻咽癌的近期疗效、热增强比和毒性反应,为该热疗辐射器进一步应用于临床提供试验数据。

    To evaluate the clinical efficacy , thermal enhancement ratio ( TER ) and toxicity of combination of intracavitary thermotherapy and radiotherapy for nasopharyngeal carcinoma , then to provide experimental data for clinical use of the manufactured applicator in the future .