
  • 网络Mattei;Mathew;Tzi Ma;mattle;Mattci
  1. 多米尼克?马泰:没有这本书,我就什么都不是。

    Dominic Matei : Without the book , I 'll be nothing .

  2. 快速增长的新兴市场中,类似马泰哈利式的主导玩家,不会经常提供这么大规模的投资机会。

    Matahari-style dominant players in fast-growing emerging markets do not often come along in sufficient investment size .

  3. 运用运动学、计算机仿真等方法和手段,对罗马尼亚跳高选手索林·马泰创造的跳高新模式马泰背越式抱膝滚翻过杆背越式姿势作了分析。

    Martine flop-crossing over the bar with knees hugged in back-style , which was invented by Romanian high jumper Martine , was analysed bassed on kinematics and computer imitation .