
  • 网络Ma Zhiyuan;Ma Chih-yuan
  1. 痛苦的生命超越&论马致远神仙道化剧的矛盾结构

    The Structure of Contradiction of Ma Zhiyuan 's Drama about Immortal and Taoism

  2. 论马致远剧作的精神内涵

    The Spiritual Connotation of Ma Zhiyuan 's Works

  3. 一部传统文人的人生悲剧&也谈马致远的《汉宫秋》

    A Tragedy of Traditional Scholars & On Ma Zhiyuan s Autumn in Palace ;

  4. 中国古代文人的悲剧意识&从马致远《天净沙·秋思》说起

    Ancient Chinese Scholars ' Consciousness of Tragedy

  5. 马致远杂剧研究

    Study on Zaju of Ma Zhiyuan

  6. 模糊与文学翻译&试析马致远《天净沙·秋思》的不同英译

    Fuzziness and Literary Translation ── The Analysis of Different Version of Tian Jing Sha · Qiu Si

  7. 在表现与再现之间&论马致远杂剧的创作主体性

    Wonderful Ideas in Writing Originated from Nature ; Between Expression and Re-expression & On Subjectivity of Ma Zhiyuan 's Zaju

  8. 历史上名人辈出,是元曲大家马致远的故里,马致远墓已被列为省级重点文物保护单位。

    The history of celebrity men , is a Yuan drama everyone Ma Zhiyuan 's hometown , Ma Zhiyuan 's tomb has been listed as provincial-level key cultural relics protection units .

  9. 第四章探讨了马致远文学作品中儒道隐逸思想的关系,儒道隐逸思想既是有区别,又是相互联系、相互补充的。

    Fourth chapter discussed the relations of the hidden leisurely thought in the Ma Zhiyuan literary work , the hidden leisurely thought has the difference , also was relates mutually , supplements mutually .

  10. 其中,马致远的重要贡献不容小觑,而针对其作品的探索多从文学和文艺学的角度出发,基本未见语言学方面的专题研究。

    Among them , the important contribution of Ma Zhiyuan should not be underestimated , but more for its work to explore literature and literary theory from the point of view , the basic no linguistic case studies .

  11. 元代的马致远则创造性地接受了前代的影响,创作出杂剧《汉宫秋》,奇妙地兼容和深化了昭君题材的丰富意蕴,成为经典原型之作,深刻影响着后世的创作。

    MA Zhi-yuan in Yuan Dynasty creatively accepts the influence from previous dynasties and produces zaju Autumn in the Palace of Han which combines and furthers the implication of the theme and becomes a classical archetype , exerting a profound influence on the work of later generations .

  12. 这种对个体人生主要是文人命运的高度关注和他在悲剧时代对人生的独特思考与马致远个人独特的经历与思想有关。

    The writer believes the great concern about individual life , especially the fate of men of letters , and the unique contemplations about life in the tragic age shown in Ma Zhiyuan 's works have a close relationship with Ma Zhiyuan 's particular personal experience and thought .