
  • 网络contemporary cognitive psychology
  1. 内隐记忆研究是当代认知心理学领域的一大热点问题。

    The research of implicit memory is a hot topic in contemporary cognitive psychology .

  2. 这种研究是把当代认知心理学应用到体育学习领域所做的初步尝试。

    This essay gives an initial attempt to apply contemporary cognitive psychology in the field of physical education .

  3. 当代认知心理学理论在教学中的作用

    The Role of Modern Recognition Psychology in the Procedure of Teaching

  4. 工作记忆是当代认知心理学研究的一个重要领域。

    Working memory is one of the important fields in modern cognitive psychology .

  5. 当代认知心理学对内隐学习的研究给我们研究汉语教学提供了很好的参照和启示。

    The research on implicit learning illuminates our studies on Chinese teaching and learning .

  6. 顿悟是当代认知心理学的一个重要研究领域。弄清什么是顿悟和顿悟问题,既是顿悟研究的出发点,又是顿悟研究争论的焦点。

    Insight and issues concerned are considered essential focuses to be studied in modern cognitive psychology .

  7. 于是在当代认知心理学指导下,元认知理论便应运而生。

    The theory of metacognition emerges as the times demand , under the guidance of contemporary psychology .

  8. 当代认知心理学认为,认知因素是决定学习结果和学习效率的最直接因素。

    Contemporary cognitive psychology that cognitive factors is to determine the learning outcomes and learning efficiency in the most direct factor .

  9. 原型理论作为当代认知心理学关于概念表征和结构的一种学说,对词义习得的心理机制具有很强的解释力。

    As a popular theory of the cognitive psychology , Prototype Theory can provide a convincing explanation for mental mechanism of the word meaning acquisition .

  10. 分类是一种重要的认知活动,分类研究取得了丰富的成果并且已成为当代认知心理学关注的核心问题。

    Categorization is an important cognitive activity . The research of categorization has received abundant results and has become one of the kernel problems in cognitive science .

  11. 当代认知心理学主要采用信息加工的观点去研究人的认知过程,包括感觉、知觉、记忆、思维、想象等等。

    The modern cognitive psychology investigates human cognitive process in terms of feeling , sense , memory , thinking , imagination etc , from the viewpoint of information processing .

  12. 以当代认知心理学理论和已有的学习策略教学的实践研究结果论证学习策略教学的可能性和有效性;

    According to contemporary cognitive psychology and the result of practical study of learning strategies teaching , this paper goes on to expound and prove the possibility and validity of learning strategies teaching .

  13. 与认知策略知识对应的元认知迁移理论是当代认知心理学对学习迁移理论的新发展,其基本思想在于强调认知策略在学习和问题解决中的重要作用。

    The transfer theory of metacognition , on the knowledge of cognitive skill , is a new improvement on the transfer theory of learning , emphasizing the important role of cognitive skill in learning and problem-solving .

  14. 运用学习心理学关于教学目标的科学解释以及当代认知心理学对知识、技能的科学观点对体育教学目标的本质、类型和结构体系进行研究。用科学发展观观照新闻价值观

    By using scientific explanation on teaching objective of learning psychology , this article studied the nature , type and structure of the objective of PE . Using Scientific Development View to Take Values of the News into Consideration

  15. 同时关联理论吸收了当代认知科学,心理学以及行为科学的某些研究成果,因此比以往的语言交际理论具有更多的理论支持,其解释更具说服力。

    At the same tune , relevance theory absorbs some research fruits from modem cognitive science , psychology and behavior science , which makes it own more theory supports than any other communication theory . Therefore , interpretations based on relevance theory is much more convincing .