
  1. “当行本色”论与文学发展的正与变的关系问题密切相关。

    The " originally simplicity approach " is closely related with the relationship between orthodoxy and heterodoxy in the course of literary development .

  2. 易安体以明白如话的语言、和谐的音律、柔中寓刚的风格、尽而不尽的韵味,而成为词家当行本色的典范。

    Yi an Style becomes apotheosis of Ci for its easy language , tuneful swing , gentle and firm style and latent and beautiful charm .

  3. 形成这种“当行本色”审美共性的原因有两方面:一是李清照对李煜创作有意识地借鉴与继承;

    There are mainly two reasons for the aesthetic similarities : First , LI Qing-zhao draws on and inherits LI Yu 's creative style consciously ;