
  1. 只有当我们经历苦的时候,才会找到离苦的道路。

    It is only when we suffer that we find a way out of suffering .

  2. 这就是「先亡离苦」,不是吗?

    Is it not so ?

  3. 一切罪人。俱得离苦。皆发无上菩提心。

    All the sinners break wholly away the torments together , who have all developed the Supreme Bodhi-Citta .

  4. 对于万物有这样的慈悲心,才能真正令一切众生都离苦得乐。

    By applying the mind of kindness and compassion to everything , we can help all living beings leave suffering and enjoy happiness .

  5. 愿浩瀚无边的宇宙中,苦难地狱里的种种一切有情,都能离苦而得到极乐世界的喜乐!

    As many hells as there are in the worlds , may beings in them delight in the joys of contentment in Pure Land .

  6. 人事大抵皆是一时幻化,而修行攸关所有有情离苦证觉的无尽大业。

    Human affairs are mostly transient and illusive , while Dharma practice is connected to the endless salvation of all sentient beings from suffering to enlightenment .

  7. 也希望「堕胎」这两个字,消失在世间,普天下的生灵离苦得乐!

    Finally , I wish that the word " abortion " will disappear from this world , and all living beings can leave suffering and attain bliss !

  8. 若能修行善行,及以布施、持戒、禅定,便得离苦,获得道果。

    If one can perform acts of merit together with almsgiving , commandments observing and meditation practice , he will be rid of all suffering and in turn obtain Nirvana .

  9. 不同的宗派所强调的重心也皆有不同,但噶玛巴说这两者不论是为己或为他,其实都是本着离苦得乐的目的。

    Different Buddhist vehicles may stress one more than the other , yet Gyalwang Karmapa noted that both consist in the basic wish to remove suffering , either that of oneself or of others .

  10. 丧子之痛加上妾离之苦让Al无法喘息,他开始斟酒来麻痹自己,最后他成了一个名副其实的酒鬼。

    The hurt and pain of the two situations were more than Al could handle , and he turned to alcohol to help him cope . In lime Al became an alcoholic .

  11. 陷于人类知见的人生,是出离无望的苦路。

    Human lives that are trapped within human perceptions have no exit from sufferings and sorrows .