
nǚ zǐ xué xiào
  • girl's school
  1. 这所女子学校的学生都努力学习功课,对不对?

    Everyone in the girl 's school works hard at their lessons , doesn 't she ?

  2. 您是否认为在女子学校就读对女子成才有益处?为什么?

    Do you think that it is good for girls to study in a girl 's school ? Why ?

  3. 她执意要去女子学校上学。

    She was set on going to an all-girls school

  4. 2009年,叙利亚大马士革,学生们正在AlSit女子学校上课。

    Students learn at the Al Sit school for girls in Damascus , Syria , in 2009 .

  5. 20世纪80年代,伯顿在威辛顿女子学校度过了快乐的小学时光,她还记得学校的校训:“adlucem”——迎着光明。

    It 's worth remembering the motto at Withington Girls " School , where Burton was a happy pupil in the 1980s : " ad lucem " - toward the light .

  6. 在塔利班(Taliban)领导人禁止女童接受教育之后,尤萨夫扎伊没有关闭他在巴基斯坦斯瓦特山谷(SwatValley)开办的女子学校,《纽约时报》(NewYorkTimes)在2009年拍摄的优秀纪录片记录了他的这种勇敢行为。

    The extraordinary 2009 New York Times documentary follows Mr Yousafzai 's courageous efforts to keep his school in Pakistan 's Swat Valley open after Taliban leaders ordered an end to girls " education .

  7. 12日,诺贝尔和平奖得主马拉拉·优素福·扎伊(MalalaYousafzai)迎来了自己的18岁生日。为庆祝自己正式长大成人,马拉拉送出一份大礼:为黎巴嫩的叙利亚难民开办了一所女子学校。

    Celebrating her first day as an adult Sunday , 18-year-old Nobel Prize-winner Malala Yousafzai did the gift-giving - a girls school for Syrian refugees in Lebanon .

  8. 云南近代女子学校教育研究

    A Study of the Women 's School Education in Modern Yunnan

  9. 中国的女子学校教育始于外国教会办学,福州作为最早对外开放的五个通商口岸之一,教会势力强大,教会女学的发展势头迅猛。

    China 's women schools started from foreign church schools .

  10. 首所女子学校于1873年建成。

    The first state school for girls opened in 1873 .

  11. 在女子学校的小学生们相对而言不怎么在意她们的外表。

    Girls school pupils are less bothered about what they look like .

  12. 在全国不仅最早创办近代女子学校,且率先建立女子专科学校,开展女子职业教育。

    It established women 's specialized school and carried out professional education .

  13. 论清末女子学校教育兴起的原因

    On the Rise of Women 's Schools to the End of Qing Dynasty

  14. 这所公立女子学校建立于本世纪初。

    The public school for girls was established at the beginning of the century .

  15. 几十年来,北京市第一所女子学校在努力地增强学生们的自尊心。

    Beijing 's first all-girls school in decades concentrates on boosting its pupils'self esteem .

  16. 她说在女子学校运动的一个巨大的优势就是他们都缺乏主动性。

    She said the great sporting advantage of girls schools was a lack of self-consciousness .

  17. 她拿到了化学学位,之后在一家私立女子学校教授科学。

    She got a degree in chemistry and taught science at a private girl school .

  18. 在女子学校被禁四天后,有五所女校被摧毁了。

    Four days after the ban on girls ' schools , five more were destroyed .

  19. 教会势力在华兴办女子学校教育是中国历史上很特殊的产物。

    It 's a very particular product that Foreign Missions set up women schools in China .

  20. 我母亲反对男女同校,想让我去女子学校读书。

    My mother wants me to go to an all-girls school because she is against coeducation .

  21. 是位于纽约市布朗克斯工人居住区的一所天主教女子学校。

    An all-girls Catholic school in the working-class section of the Bronx in New York City .

  22. 问题18:在女子学校,老师们更可能做什么?

    Question 18 : What are teachers more likely to do in an all-girls ' school ?

  23. 他们很快来到了明钦小姐的女子学校,走进了那座高大的建筑。

    Soon they arrived at Miss Minchin 's School for Girls and went into the big house .

  24. 这个星期在该地区发生的其它袭击事件中,激进分子烧毁了几所女子学校。

    In separate attacks in the region this week , militants burned down several schools for girls .

  25. 这期间一些女传教士,创办了中国近代最早的女子学校。

    During this period , some female missionaries founded the first school for girls in modern China .

  26. 1951年,威廉姆斯决定成立女校,苏珊琼斯女子学校。

    In1951 , William decided to start a girl 's school , the Susan Jones School for Girls .

  27. 3月时,有一所我们曾造访过、位于卡拉奇的女子学校遭受攻击。

    In March there was an attack on a girls ' school in Karachi that we had visited .

  28. 并且,教育水平也得到改进,进入高等女子学校学习的女孩的数量增加了。

    Educational standards improved , and the number of girls going on to study at higher schools increased .

  29. 有圣玛丽学校,一所天主教女子学校,还有卡尔顿修道院,

    There 're Saint Mary 's , that 's a catholic school for girls , and Carlton Abbey ,

  30. 在这两股力量的推动下,中国的沿海开放城市出现了新式女子学校。

    In the promotion of these two forces , new female schools appeared in China 's coastal cities .