- important person;great personage;big shot;big bug;grandee;biggie;big fish;worthy;somebody;nob

[important person;big shot] 有名望的人;有地位的人
In China , if a very important person wants to say something , he would say ," I have three sentences to say . "
In fact there are people who will take advantage or an alcoholic 's generosity by making him or her feel like the most important person in the room just to keep the drinks flowing .
Do you really think we can take on the big boys ?
She seems to be well in with all the right people .
She had to entertain some boring local bigwigs .
I 'm sure all the big names will come to the club .
I wouldn 't want to cause such important people as yourselves any bother .
Her list of pupils read like a roll-call of the great and good .
I don 't want to call him marginal , but he 's not a major character .
He 's a big man and he 's prepared to dish it out if he has to .
Mr Koo is in good company . The prime minister made a similar slip a couple of years back .
The century produces many great men .
Great men have often risen from poverty -- Lincoln and Edison , for example .
Several big guns from the headquarters are coming to see us today .
We met a lot of grand people when we went to the palace .
Since the middle of the 20th century , though , things have turned the opposite way – these days , punishing hours at your desk , rather than days off , are seen as the mark of someone important .
They are also more likely to be funny , possibly to get attention from all the bigger people at the dinner table .
Child : My uncle has 1000 men under him . Man : He is really somebody . What does do ?
You should move to a smaller company so you can be a big fish in a small pond . Kettle of fish
To most people , $ 2000 is a lot to spend on anything , but it 's small potatoes to the country 's mega rich .
They get to make some extra money out of someone 's one-way trip , and the consumer gets a cut-price private jet experience -- about which more later -- and the flexibility2 to just show up 15 minutes before take-off , get right on board and fly .
LL : I said he is a big shot .
A : what does your sister do at that company ? B : She 's a big shot .
A big wheel may be the head of a company , a political leader , a famous movie star .
Chicago Magazine has put him on its list of the 100 Most Powerful Chicagoans , describing him as a bigwig other bigwigs seek out for advice .
" If he 'd of lived , he 'd of been a great man . a man like James j.hill . he 'd of helped build up the country . "
Abraham Lincoln read a great deal as a youth , albeit from a limited library , and his reading helped to propel him from his obscure origins .
GA uses successful , local entrepreneurs to teach many of the classes , but also brings in heavy-hitters such as Sequoia Capital partner roelof botha for " fireside chats " and workshops .
The exit of the well-connected , combined with an increase in the number of shares being offered , left more shares available for individual investors , who paid the full retail price of $ 38 .
But he certainly understood that he was in the presence of a big shot once he found himself in Sidney Weinberg 's walnut-panelled office , its walls hung with original letters , documents , and portraits of Abraham Lincoln .