
  1. 我自己完成的MATLAB仿真雷达视频积累程序,提供给大家一起来探讨,大家也来卡那看看这么样。

    I completed the MATLAB simulation radar video accumulation procedures , and providing an up to you to explore , we have to look at the card so it kind .

  2. 欢迎来到Faith轻松电台,我是Faith.幸运的是,我偶然间找到了这个答案,很想和大家一起来分享。

    Welcome to Faith Radio Online-Simply to Relax , I 'm Faith . Fortunately , I came across the answer somewhere , and I feel like sharing it with you .

  3. “假日的时候,邀请大家一起来乔伊酒吧或其他地方喝喝茶。”Rosenbaum建议说。

    " Get people together for holiday drinks at Joe 's Pub or something ," suggests Rosenbaum .

  4. 在大街小巷,跟着HIPHOP的节奏,大家一起来享受自由篮球的乐趣吧。

    In the streets , and follow the rhythm of the HIPHOP together to enjoy the fun of free basketball .

  5. 我想让大家一起来祈祷,请过来。

    I wanna all of us pray , please come over .

  6. 还好啦,我们读了《大家一起来便便》那本书

    It was okay . We read " Everybody Poops . "

  7. 现在大家一起来朗读课文。

    Let 's have a chorus reading of the text .

  8. 大家一起来学英语!

    Every one ! please come here and study english !

  9. 这些是我想要大家一起来思考的问题。

    Those are the questions I want us to consider .

  10. 我现在和大家一起来回顾一下

    which I 'm going to go through with you right now .

  11. 大家一起来写下这些影响。

    Work together and write down some of the effects .

  12. 砰!碰!轰!大家一起来玩节奏!

    Bang ! Bang ! Boom ! Let 's play to the rhythm !

  13. 大家一起来向这两位扔点米吧!

    Everyone , start throwing rice at these two !

  14. 同时,也很感谢领导给我这个难得的机会,让我与大家一起来交流、学习。

    Thanks for giving me this opportunity to communicate and learn with you .

  15. 就不会再想回家,大家一起来,哦,耶

    Don 't want to go home , somebody say , oh , yeah

  16. 请回到座位上。大家一起来。

    Go back to your seat , please.92 .

  17. 我们希望大家一起来了解一下这些统计数字,真的非常惊人。

    We want you to look at these statisticses , they 're pretty surprising .

  18. 欢迎大家一起来崇拜!

    Welcome you to join us in worship !

  19. 大家一起来独立日快乐!

    Everybody now , happy Fourth of July !

  20. 一挥一抖,大家一起来。

    The swish and flick . Everyone .

  21. 大家一起来努力,好好学英语。

    All together to properly learn English .

  22. 大家一起来植树!

    It 's tree planting time !

  23. 土壤生态需要大家一起来照顾

    Soil-zoology Requires the care of Everybody

  24. 所以我同意:大家一起来怨恨高斯这种聪明得让人恼火的人。

    So I agree : Let 's resent the Gausses of the world for being annoyingly smart .

  25. 冰冻的西瓜和其它的水果是最好的消暑解热方法。让我们大家一起来战胜这个盛夏吧!

    Snack on frozen watermelon and other fruit for a tasty way to beat this summer 's heat !

  26. 然后,按顺序,大家一起来猜照片上的人是谁。

    Then , one by one , the audience must guess who the person is on the photo .

  27. 鉴于此,笔者通过相关文献检索,并结合相关数据与大家一起来探讨这一问题。

    Based on it , this paper made discussion on it together with everyone through relevant literature and data .

  28. 我很高兴站在这里和大家一起来分享我的演讲。

    My name is YuYin . I 'm very glad to stand here to share my speech with you .

  29. 但仍需要选择一些日子让大家一起来这么做。

    Still , there are certain days that have been set aside for all of us to do so .

  30. 如果你不是老师,那么,让我们大家一起来祝贺所有一直在默默耕耘的老师,教师节快乐,我们都爱你!

    If No , then let us wish all the teachers a very Happy Teachers'Day , we all LOVE you !