
  • 网络mandibular teeth;lower teeth;mandibular teeth,lower teeth
  1. 上、下颌牙麻醉点的应用解剖

    The applied anatomy about anesthesia position in maxillary and mandibular teeth

  2. 结果通过观测,确定了上、下颌牙麻醉点的解剖学定位。

    Results The anesthesia positions of maxillary and mandibular teeth were determined .

  3. AngleⅡ2类错牙合畸形患者上下颌牙弓宽度差与AngleⅠ类轻度错牙合畸形患者无显著差异(P>0.05);

    The width differences were not significant in subjects with Class ⅱ division 2 malocclusion and in the mild Class ⅰ malocclusion sample ( P > 0.05 );

  4. 本研究借助CT扫描成象及ANSYS软件建立了叶状种植体支持的全下颌牙种植固定义齿三维有限元模型。

    In this study a three dimensional finite element model of complete blade implant-supported fixed prosthesis of the mandible was developed aided by CT scan and ANSYS software .

  5. AngleⅡ2类错牙合畸形患者上颌中、后牙弓宽度和下颌牙弓宽度较AngleⅠ类轻度错牙合畸形患者的牙弓宽度窄,差异有显著性(P<0.05);

    The maxillary premolar , molar width and mandibular width were significantly narrower in subjects with Class ⅱ division 2 malocclusion than in the mild Class ⅰ malocclusion sample ( P < 0.05 ) statistically ;

  6. 西安地区正常(牙合)牙冠宽度测量及上下颌牙量相关性研究牙列缺损成人下颌骨的CT三维重建和测量

    Study on Mesiodistal Tooth Size and the Relationship between upper and Lower Teeth Dimension of Normal Occlusion from Han People in Xi an ; Three-dimensional Reconstruction and Measurement of the Edentulous Adult 's Mandible

  7. 方法选择16例安氏II类1分类和I类上前牙唇倾患者经戴用上颌全腭导板3个月后分别记录治疗前后下颌牙弓宽度的变化,并做统计学处理。

    Methods : 16 patients aged 13 ~ 16 years with Angle Class II or Class I malocclusion underwent the treatment by improved biteplate for 3 months , the width of mandibular arch between 66 and between 33 was measured after treatment .

  8. 利用Amira三维重建软件系统,对数字化人体数据集进行下颌骨外形及下颌牙、下颌管的重建,得到三维线框模型和实体模型,并进行表面光滑处理。

    And reconstructed the data set of the Digital Virtual Human and obtained the 3D wireframe model and physical model with the smooth surface management by the Amira 3D reconstruction software .

  9. Damon自锁托槽技术对下颌牙列拥挤的扩弓作用不仅体现在后牙弓,而且还体现在前牙弓;并伴随有前牙的唇倾趋势。

    The expansion of mandibular arch crowding is not only reflected in the post-arch , but also embodied in the former arch , and accompanied by the tilting of the anterior lip when crowding cases were treated with Damon self-ligating system . 4 .

  10. 上下颌牙用丝线结扎法形成局部刺激因素。

    The local stimulation was caused by tiring silk thread to teeth .

  11. 下颌牙列缺失即刻种植负重的临床研究

    Clinical study of immediate loading of implant-supported mandibular fixed denture

  12. 上颌牙的麻醉效果好于下颌牙。

    The anesthesia effect in maxillary teeth was better than that in mandibular teeth .

  13. 下颌牙窝的应用解剖

    Applied Anatomic Study on Dental Fossa of Mandible

  14. 下颌牙种植体力学行为及新型载荷传递方式的有限元分析

    Mechanical Behavior of Dental Implant in Mandible and New Load-transfer Method by 3D FEA

  15. 下颌牙种植体即刻加载三维有限元模型的建立

    Establishment of a three-dimensional finite element model of mandible with dental implants for immediate loading

  16. 方法对30例成人下颌牙窝外壁厚度、牙窝间隔厚度、牙窝深度、牙窝上口的径线进行了观察和测量。

    Method The depth , diameter , external wall and septum of dental fossa were observed and measured .

  17. 结论准确掌握上、下颌牙麻醉点的解剖学位置,可以减轻病人在诊治过程中的痛苦。

    Conclusion To grasp accurately the anesthesia positions of maxillary and mandibular teeth can decrease the patient pain .

  18. 目的探讨戴用上颌全腭导板对下颌牙列牙弓宽度的影响。

    Objective : To study the effect of the improved maxillary bite plate on the width of mandibular arch .

  19. 方法:在狗下颌牙P2&P4区建立急性牙周缺损模型,放置BACM于缺损区域,行引导牙周组织再生术。

    Methods : To establish surgically created acute periodontal defect mode in the P2 & P4 area of mongrel dogs .

  20. 目的:评价FRIALIT-2球帽固位的种植覆盖义齿修复下颌牙列缺失且牙槽嵴低平的临床效果。

    Objects : To study the clinical effects of ball attachments supported overdenture in patients with mandibular alveolar ridge atrophy .

  21. 牙冠纵向劈裂多见于死髓牙,好发牙位为第一磨牙,且上颌牙多于下颌牙。

    Most of longitudinal split of teeth occurred in first molars and was usually found in the teeth of nonvital pulp .

  22. 上下颌骨的生理差异可能导致了上颌牙量的增加大于下颌牙量的增加。

    Biological variations between mandible and maxilla may lead to the more augment of teeth size in maxilla than in mandible .

  23. 与同期对照组下颌牙弓宽度的改变相比,也具有显著差异(P<0.001)。

    The width of mandibular arch in the treated subjects increased more than that in the controls ( P < 0.001 ) .

  24. 上颌牙患龋率显著高于下颌牙(P<0.01)。

    Dental caries of the upper teeth was significantly more common than that of the lower teeth ( P < 0.01 ) .

  25. 目的观察活动舌弓+再曲簧临床扩弓效果,寻找一种简便、有效,尤其对下颌牙弓更理想的扩弓方法。

    Objective Observe the clinical effect of removable lingual arch plus auxiliary spring for convenient dental ( especially mandibular ) arch expansion .

  26. 完全透明的上下颌牙列模型,可以清晰看见恒牙在口腔中的排列。

    Upper lower jaw model set in hard completely transparent materil ( teeth are not removable ) fully visible dentition and root tips .

  27. 结果制作了与实体相近的下颌牙列三维光弹模型。

    Result We finished the 3D photoelastic model of mandibular dentition that is as similar as the practical teeth , alveolus and periodontal membrane .

  28. 全下颌牙种植固定义齿及支持骨应力的三维有限元分析&种植体植入不同深度应力的比较

    A 3D-FE Stress Analysis of Complete Mandibular Fixed Prosthesis and the Supporting Bone ── Comparative Stress Analysis with Different Depth of Implant in the Bone

  29. 目的:通过对老年人下颌牙列缺损伴部分牙中、重度磨耗的设计及修复治疗,探讨(?)

    Objective : This article describes the design and restoration for old patient diagnosed with mandible dentition defect accompanied with partial medium to severe attrition .

  30. 目的:应用扩大上/下颌牙弓和Ⅱ类牵引方法矫治成人安氏Ⅱ类2分类错牙合,观察并比较矫治前后硬组织X线头影测量以及模型的变化。

    Objective : To study the effects of treatment of Angle ⅱ division 2 malocclusion with upper / lower arch expansion and Class ⅱ elastics in adults .