
  • 网络Blood Routine;blood routine examination;general examination of blood;Complete Blood Count
  1. 结果,聚维酮碘喷雾剂对试验组大鼠生长体重、血液常规检查均无异常。

    Results : Povidone iodine spray did not cause abnormalities of growth , body weight and blood routine examination in rats of test group .

  2. 方法:采用我院医用诊断射线类工作者(放射组)与非放射科室医务工作者(对照组)的血液常规检查进行对比研究。

    Methods : A cohort study about blood routine examination for medical radiation workers and medical workers who never engaged in ray work was carried out .

  3. 细胞计数是医院进行血液常规检查的项目之一,精确地测定人体血液中红细胞数量是临床诊断的重要依据。

    Cell counted is one of the bloods routine examination in hospital , accurate determine the counts of erythrocyte in human blood , is an important basis for clinical diagnosis .

  4. 结论对于一般血液常规检查可选用仪器法筛查,而血液系统疾病或某种原因引起的细胞结构改变应选用镜检法。

    Conclusion Analysis apparatus can be used in normal blood testing , but to test blood system disease or some kind cell structure transformation , traditional microscopy test method should be used .

  5. 方法通过血液常规检查和红细胞渗透脆性分析筛查地贫患儿,用血红蛋白电泳和基因诊断明确诊断并分析基因型。

    Methods β - thalassanemia carriers were screened by using routine examination and the red cell osmotic fragility analysis . Hb electrophoresis and reverse dot blot hybridization were used to diagnose and analyze gene types .

  6. 他从未显示任何临床症状,血液学常规检查除异丙醇试验弱阳性和包涵体(+)外,其他均正常。

    He did not manifest any clinical symptoms or signs . Apart from a weak positive reaction of isopropanol precipitation test and ( + ) inclusion bodies , the other hematologic routines showed a normal picture .

  7. 方法对PNH患者进行糖水试验,酸化血清溶血试验(Ham实验),尿含铁血黄素试验(Rous),血液常规,骨髓形态学检查,铁染色,网织红细胞计数测定和临床表现的分析。

    Methods Ham test , sucrose hemolysis test , urine Rous test , blood routine , bone marrow picture examination , iron stain , reticulocyte count determination and clinical features were assayed in 36 patients with PNH .