
  • 网络DOWN;down regulation;Down-regulation;downregulate
  1. 每层的最大承载可达150-200KG/层,层板可以上下调节高度。

    Maximum load on each floor up to150-200KG / layer laminate can be adjusted up and down height .

  2. 把百变书桌放你常规的桌子上,上面再放置计算机和键盘,你可以上下调节。

    You put them on top of your normal desk , with your computer and keyboard on them , and can move them up and down .

  3. 在偏碱性条件下调节pH对铬的存在形态与价态影响不大。

    In partial alkaline conditions , it had little impact on the form and valence of chrome to change pH. ( 2 ) .

  4. 说明SS对EGF受体有下调节作用。溶血磷脂酸受体在卵巢上皮性肿瘤中的表达及生物学意义

    Expression and Biological Role of LPA Receptors in Patients with Epithelial Ovarian Tumors

  5. 用Northern印迹证实了DDRT-PCR的结果,不同的上、下调节基因表达水平变化在30%~200%之间不等。

    The results of DDRT-PCR were confirmed by Northern Blot and the expression level of different genes varied by 30 % - 200 % .

  6. 不同pH调节剂,在高温下调节pH值的能力不同,其中氨调节高温水溶液pH值的能力较弱,可通过添加氢氧化钠来改善。

    In the practical high temperature water the ability of ammonia to regulate pH is weaker , so the NaOH should be adding to regulate practical pH to avoid acid attack .

  7. 分析表明,水位调节模式下调节系统的稳定条件容易满足,稳定域很大,前池时间常数Tq大的更有利于调节系统稳定。

    The results show that the water-level controlling system has wide stable domain and stable condition is easy satisfied and the domain is larger when the forebay time constant Tq is bigger .

  8. 下丘脑CRH和AVP同时表现为上调趋势,提示CRH在AVP的协同下调节PTSD皮质醇激素水平,并且与PTSD的神经精神症状的临床表现相关。

    Hypothalamic CRH and AVP display at the same trend of increasing , suggesting that CRH in coordination with AVP regulate steroid hormone levels in PTSD , and they are related to the clinical symptoms about the spirit in PTSD . 7 .

  9. 在气蚀和闪蒸场合下调节阀选用的研究

    Study on the selection of control valve in cavitation erosion and flash vaporization

  10. 过程动态特性影响下调节阀的选择

    Control valve Selection under influence of process dynamic characteristics

  11. 把手高度可上下调节,折叠后运输、收藏更方便。

    Handle height can adjust , folding after the transport , collection and more convenient .

  12. 若要检查“刮臂迎角”,必须拆下调节工具。

    To check the " wiper arm attack angle " the adjusting tools must be removed .

  13. 另外,学生也要学会在不同学习环境下调节自我学习情感的能力。

    Secondly , the middle school students must learn how to adjust themselves in different learning context .

  14. 上下调节频率直到你认为金属丝处于其二阶共振模。

    Adjust the frequency up and down until you are satisfied that the wire is in its second resonant mode .

  15. 尤其重要的是氧化防御基因的下调节,过氧化物歧化酶2和3,和谷胱甘肽过氧化物酶3尤其突出。

    Particularly important oxidative defense gene were down-regulation , superoxide dismutase 2 and 3 , and glutathione peroxidase 3 particularly conspicuous .

  16. 葡萄糖是生理条件下调节胰岛β细胞功能的重要营养物质。

    Glucose is the most original and major nutrition to regulate the function of the β - cells in the physiologica condition .

  17. 为了提高额定工况下调节阀的通流能力,建议其相对升程应尽可能地提高。

    In order to increase the flowrate of the control valve operating under nominal working condition , the relative lift should be higher .

  18. 使用结果表明,改进后的控制系统在2种生产模式下调节稳定,能满足生产工艺的要求。

    The results of application showed that the improved controlling system could be regulated stably in two production modes and could satisfy the needs of production process .

  19. 我们也对不同水平下调节自噬的分子机制(从转录激活作用到翻译后蛋白修饰作用)方面的最新进展做了文献复习。

    We also review the recent advances on the molecular mechanisms that regulate the autophagy machinery at various levels , from transcriptional activation to post-translational protein modification .

  20. 我觉得调整的组胺受体,这是盛大的艺术大师的中枢神经系统,上下调节,这有利于。

    I think it adjusts the histamine receptors , which are the grand maestro of the central nervous system , and down regulates it , which is beneficial .

  21. 利用CD3/28双抗体模拟第一、二信号的变化探讨免疫上下调节的可能机制,为我们研究输血带来的免疫影响及如何纠正提供可依靠的线索。

    Using anti-CD3 and anti-CD28 to mimic stimulatory signal I / II , to study their function of activing T cells in order to explore the possible mechanism of immune up and down regulation .

  22. 电价是电力市场下调节电能交易的杠杆,研究谐波对电价的影响对电力市场下电能的合理交易、供电市场的电价调节具有重要的指导作用。

    Electricity price is a lever for power business in electricity market . It is important to regulate reasonable business of power and electricity price of power supply market by researching the harmonic influence on electricity price .

  23. 之后,结合基于最优状态调节器的综合主导极点的配置方法,对水位调节模式下调节系统的极点进行最优配置,得出了调节对象与调节参数之间的最优函数关系。

    Then it probes the optimal pole-placement of hydraulic turbine governing system with the synthetical dominant pole-placement method based on the optimal state-adjuster and deduces the optimal relations of the parameters between the controlling objects and the regulating system .

  24. 文章简要分析了恒转矩负载在恒定输出频率下调节定子电压可以提高电机效率的原理,同时讨论了采用恒定功率因数节能方法时,保持电机节能运行条件。

    As for a constant torque load and constant output frequency , the principle of adjusting stator voltage to improve motor efficiency is analyzed in brief , in addition , when energy saving method of constant power factor is used , motor running conditions are discussed .

  25. 输入噪声下PID调节器指标相容性分析

    The Consistency Analysis of PID Regulator with Input Disturbance

  26. +GZ应激下心血管调节肽的变化

    Study on the changes of cardiovascular regulatory peptides under + G Z stress

  27. 输出方差及圆形极点配置区约束下PI调节器设计

    Design of PI Regulator with Output Variance and Circular Region Pole Assignment Constraints

  28. 基于费用优化的电力市场下AGC调节初探

    A Discussion Based on Optimum Cost About AGC in Electric Market

  29. 催乳素在hCG存在下可调节底物转化为睾酮。

    PRL could modulate the conversion of the precursor into testosterone in the presence of hCG .

  30. 为观察模拟失重条件下体温调节的特点,5名健康男性-6°头低位卧床7d、对照3d、恢复2d。

    The effect of simulated weightlessness on thermoregulation was studied in 5 subjects . The experiment consisted of 3d baseline measurements , 7 d head-down bed rest and 2d recovery .